
joined 2 years ago

I actually read that as a Poem in HS. We had to recite a sonnet (I think) for some State-wide competition. And I read America by Claude McKay for my class when they had the qualifers. I may hate PatSoc personally personally but I love that poem. It’s about how evil and cruel America was to Black people but Claude McKay still wanted to hold out for a better future and love America. Keep in mind I was a lib back then and under a Trump presidency I felt that. I loved the USA and was very patriotic despite my hatred of Truml. When I won best in class, I was told to choose a similar but different poem. I chose this Lenin poem, and I had to perform it in front of some stuffy assholes and of course they didn’t want a poem about Lenin. So for a few months I was a bit sad that I did my best in the recital and didn’t even qualify for State, but over time I realized it was less about my recital and a LOT more about the content of the poem. It’s a shame that they do that to people who are clearly interested in poetry in an age where that’s far from commonplace smh

To everyone who has not read Why Socialism by Einstein, this is your sign to read it rn, it’s a spectacular beginner level text to understand why Socialism is Humanity’s inevitable next step in development! It really solidified my path down Leftism, once I realized it wasn’t some crackpot conspiracy/ insane theory, that it was backed up by like the Smartest man in the past century with very easy to understand points and justifications

[–] ButtigiegMineralMap@lemmygrad.ml 3 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

🌹digitally leaving this on Comrade Lenin’s grave “Ленин Жил, Ленин Жив, Ленин будет Жить!”🪦💔

He was at a Zionist Pro Israel rally once and talked so violently about the need for Israel that other Zionists were literally uncomfortable. They talked about it about 100 eps into Chapo. Biden is such a fuckin douchebag ong

[–] ButtigiegMineralMap@lemmygrad.ml 6 points 8 months ago (2 children)

As stupid as Trump is, he’s more THERE mentally, Biden is clearly not well. At this point, making Biden do the dirty work is Elder Abuse. Like the Democrats are doing some dastardly shit by making his old decrepit ass run for president again. He’s so washed that he needs Obama for his presidency ads😂😭

Media talks about it a lot less, so people in the US, people that I talk to daily, think Immigration is slowing. People think the border wall is a thing of the past. Little do they know that Biden is continuing many of Trump’s racist policies. It’s sad because I was glad that libs were against imprisoning children, but as soon as there’s a big letter D next to the president’s name, they forget the horrible policies that get carried out under Biden.

Damn I’ve fallen for another ruse. 😑🤦‍♂️ damn you, misinformation!!!!!

And as selfish as it sounds to say, XXXtentacion’s violent music went so fucking hard. Like that shit makes Chief Keef’s Earned It sound like Easy Listening music for the elderly.

Just doin my job😎

[–] ButtigiegMineralMap@lemmygrad.ml 6 points 8 months ago (1 children)

its like asking a 12 year old how Communism started as an ideology. “Uh it was a long time ago and it was something to do with Russia”😂

[–] ButtigiegMineralMap@lemmygrad.ml 8 points 8 months ago (3 children)

Albert Einstein described insanity as doing the exact same thing with the exact same result and expecting a different outcome. Biden really comes close sometimes, not saying he’s outright “insane” but he definitely isn’t all there.

[–] ButtigiegMineralMap@lemmygrad.ml 2 points 8 months ago (2 children)

Shoutout to XXXtentacion, his ? Album was legendary and Skins nearly made me cry a few times. Absolutely spectacular album that really made you feel the loss of his presence. And before anyone tries to catch me slipping, yes he was an awful person in his personal life, but the music he made resonated with a lot of people. I guess it gets into an Art vs Artist argument which I fully admit I am not principled or consistent on. I love some movies and albums and near nothing can make me dislike those songs. I’ve heard that Ace of Base is slightly Fascist leaning (idk if that’s true) but I love “The Sign”


I was under the impression that Biden would try to give more charismatic responses to tough questions, y’know, considering that he’s running for reelection against Trump. I’m disgusted that he knows it isn’t doing anything to discourage them but will do it anyway. Genocidal Joe is more a title of his that he proudly wears rather than a criticism from the left on his foreign policy. I’m sure he doesn’t care. In fact I’m positive. He was at a church where protesters voiced their support for ceasefire in Gaza and he just shrugged them off and had them removed by police. Tbh, I was surprised that his handlers didn’t have that question about Ansr Allah prepped days ago already and had Joe trained on what to say. I may eat my words later but Joey stands no chance in this election. Not saying it will be the blowout of the century or anything. Hell he may even win popular vote, but I really doubt he can win the presidency at this point. Things can always change, but not many people can stand this level of honest true incompetency.


Is it just me, or does 1985 Bears Coach Mike Ditka look like he could’ve been the leader of a Central/Eastern European Communist Republic in the late 50s-80s? I can’t unsee it now.


Right as I was getting off work after a horrible day, an old lib coworker cussed me out and called me a Bolshevik. I responded with a number of redacted responses because my last day is in 2 days. Part of me wants to go to HR just to fuck with him. Idk tho, I was really pissed in the moment, now just sorta laughing at it. He said his mom punched a Bolshevik🤣


I will put in a poll in the comments, only upvote the comment that applies. Obv you can make other comments but for voting purposes just choose one.


I love my current job, it’s unionized, we get weekly pay, the managers are some of the kindest people I’ve ever had the pleasure to meet, let alone work alongside of, I get plenty of breaks and reading time when I’m not busy, I get Saturdays off and additional Sunday pay. But two things suck, the coworkers and the pay. One of my coworkers is an old Lib that was very Pro Ireland and we talked for a bit but he’s TERRIFIED of Soviets, like he’s literally spooked by me bc I wear a USSR jacket and Ushankas in winter. I also had a coworker that claimed to be Jesus. Yep, they thought they were the Son of God sent down to redeem humanity’s sinners. He also claimed to have been in the military, a few cults and a few mafias and eventually got fired for calling a young black coworker the Hard-R N-slur, so he was a piece of work. You could never trust what he says and would love to cockblock people. Very odd guy, tough to feel sorry for him but I kinda do, he’s obviously not all there. With all that craziness out of the way, I’m interviewing for a new position that makes like 2-3x as much as my current job and a lot more professional than a grocery. Technically the title of this post is a TINY bit misleading because I already did the interview early this morning. I had to look up stuff about the company and slob a whole bunch of corporate knob to make me seem interested in the job without sounding desperate. If it went well I go on to Interview #2 in-person, if THAT goes well, I get the job. Hopefully I never have to see that crazy wannabe Jesus dude again.


I was thinking to myself earlier that many people have dietary restrictions of SOME sort. Whether that be self-imposed or pre-determined. Plenty of people have allergies or take medications that don’t allow them to have certain foods, Grapefruit is (or was idk) not good for people on Blood Pressure medication I hear firsthand. Then there’s the religious exemptions, like avoiding Pork or alcohol or Beef. Then there’s also the ideological exemptions; Vegetarianism, Pescatarianism, Veganism, I could go on. TL;DR: Do you have a dietary restriction and if so, why?


Do you have any pet peeves (small things that piss you tf off) that don’t seem rational really? I definitely do. People that cut lines seem like an obvious one, had that happen earlier today and I reinforced the rule and went ahead of the line-cutter, I felt good about myself😃, but I digress, my #1 Pet Peeve is people talking to me at the urinal. My dick is out, can you not make convo rn?? Maybe it’s just me but in my most vulnerable state, I want some privacy, save your analysis of the weather for when I’m washing my hands at the very least. Sorry, needed to vent a bit bc it happens a lot, what pet peeves do yall have?


I understand that nothing can be done to remedy the disgusting behavior that Chauvin did, but goddamn does it feel nice to see something like this. Chauvin spent a lot of his career tossing people into prison and was made an infamous part of US history in the 21st century when he brutally beat, chokes and murdered George Floyd. The 2 had worked together in the past, if Chauvin’s crime on its own wasn’t already 1st degree murder, that fact puts it over the top. To see someone like that in prison, and to know that he’s getting stabbed and living in fear, like the people he terrorized, well it doesn’t right any wrongs, but it’s something that you love to hear.


Obviously we support AES countries as well as Palestine. Which other countries are worth supporting? (critically, of course)


I’ve heard a mixed bag of takes on him. Maybe I had a bad intro to him, but I don’t really like him. Ik that he’s been on The Deprogram (I haven’t heard the ep yet) and that he’s lefty, well better than being a liberal. The reason I don’t like him is because he was shitting on BayArea415 for supporting Deng Xiaoping. Basically BE was saying “Read Parenti” bc Parenti was not very positive about Deng. He really tried to rip BA415 a new one on that topic. I feel that it’s fine to recognize Deng’s faults but to say he was a capitalist roader or something is a bit much while also recognizing that Parenti may have simplified a bit. I’m open to criticism on that also, to be clear. BE’s Palestine takes are decent, hell he probably has quite a few good takes but I haven’t watched him enough,what do yall think?


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