
joined 1 year ago
[–] 3 points 7 months ago (3 children)

I find it odd, that in the age of GPS, I still find myself behind folks who will slow down for intersections (usually on a two lane road w/ no dashed lines for passing) as if they're unsure if the road coming up is the road they need to turn onto

Mapsco was a brilliant idea! I did a lot of driving to both old and new neighbourhoods back then. I was always buying the newest editions so I could get the updated streets for new subdivisions (I think they have had supplementals between major editions too)...kinda like a Google maps update...but with paper. I think I left a stack of those books in my truck when I traded it in as I had just been gifted a Garmin GPS

[–] 6 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Don't go chasing waterfalls

You could try orgs such as Human Rights Watch or Amnesty International, with the caveat that they have been accused of favouring one side, or another in particular instances. To echo what you may consider a violation may not carry the same weight from someone else's perspective.

Here's a HRW report from 2021. You could also look at what other non-western countries publish (ex: China), keeping in mind everyone has their own agenda and/or perspective

I had my pitchfork at the ready when I clicked that link 😆

...but I get their point

[–] 33 points 10 months ago (2 children)

This meat suit I woke up in once, I've had it as long as I can remember

Instead of kickboxing you could try splitting your time between running, and strength training. Cardio will help with the sedentary nature of university course work, and strength training (weight lifting) will provide greater muscle control and definition. As long as you don't over do either, you should be able to defend yourself, and your loved ones, while remaining fit and healthy. These are also good habits to develop so that you can continue after your time at your university is complete....just my .02

I got you fam


Basically the link shortcut with an exclamation point prefix

[–] 4 points 1 year ago (4 children)

You could try ZeroTier. I've not used it personally, but it's free if you host your own instance. Your traffic gets routed through that VM, and everything behaves like it's on the same LAN

One other thing I forgot is to verify a LAN device can ping the router IP, but I'm guessing you've already verified that. This is starting to sound like a FW issue

It's been years since I setup my openwrt router, but here is some advice verifying your FW config

tl;dr Your WAN interface may be defined as 'wan' in your FW rules, since 'WAN' != 'wan' - correcting the case may solve the issue

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Off the top of my head, this is low hanging fruit:

  • Verify your LAN devices are pulling dhcp or alternatively put a static IP on one of them
  • Verify the/a correct default gateway is set on the LAN side (should be the internal IP of your router)
  • Verify DNS (ping from a LAN device, if you can, then make sure you've configured DNS servers for the LAN side within the router)
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