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[–] 3 points 1 year ago

Republicans have traditionally been the party of "regulation doesn't work, elect me and I can prove it to you".

Maybe Musk is just taking the logical counter-part to this "regulation doesn't work, put me in charge of a heavily regulated company and I can prove it to you".

[–] 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

On what basis would it?

Surely the government is allowed to teach what courses are run in government run schools by government employees in general. I mean, someone has to, and who else would it be?

Or if you're referring to the religion aspect of the first amendment... this seems religiously neutral?

The constitution doesn't ban bad governance, just some particularly easy to enumerate forms of it.

[–] 9 points 1 year ago

Olive oil?

You wouldn't live long, but compared to the other options you're listing...

[–] 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

This is just completely untrue. Musk founded SpaceX from nothing, there was no prior entity he acquired or invested in.

There are lots of legitimate reasons to dislike Musk, there's really no need to make up lies about him to justify having an extremely low opinion of him.

[–] 6 points 1 year ago

Did you know that Pepsi briefly owned 17 submarines, a cruiser, a frigate, and a destroyer?

Edit: On less of a technicality, the East India Company had something like 250k troops back in 1824.


I'm neither an expert nor an american, but the idea that RFK Jr running as a third party candidate will hurt the democrats seems strange to me.

His policies, which can be summed up as "deny reality", align very closely with the modern republican party, not the democrats. It's hard to imagine that he would pull more votes away from Biden than Trump. Are there some people who would vote based on name recognition? Maybe... but surely it can't be that many? Meanwhile "Trump but not a rapist" must appeal to a number of the evangelical republicans...


[–] 13 points 1 year ago

The word "potentially" is doing a lot of work there.

In many cases of piracy, the result of not pirating the work would not have been more income for the rights holder, it would have been the person just not acquiring a copy of the work at all.

[–] 11 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Yeah, I don't know what Colorado's laws are on this in general, but even if it's technically legal it seems like a huge risk that someone is going to plausibly allege that given the specific facts denying them time off was race/religion/family status/... discrimination. It might be legal (don't know), but it's a stupid policy for a number of reasons.

[–] 8 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

The entire paper is already sub-field (AI) in industry (software engineering) specific. No stats are perfect, but I think these ones are pretty damn good for something where peoples role are pretty poorly determined in the first place. Of course you're welcome to try and find better ones.

The "pure tech" companies I've worked at have been roughly equivalent or better than these stats, but at that point I'm sampling from software engineers in general (not having worked at an AI specific company), and my sample is unlikely to be unbiased anyways.

[–] 19 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Isn't the fact that he's repulsive sort of the whole complaint?

[–] 23 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (13 children)

Eh, the gender imbalance is bad, but not 0/12 bad... here are some stats will "work closely with Tesla".

Is this just a way for Elon to scam all the other Tesla (stock) owners out of the huge amount of money Tesla has invested into AI hardware? Tesla has invested a huge amount of money into it, designing their own very different custom silicon for their data center's even, something that only the likes of Google has done. It's hard to believe that "working closely with another company" and sharing the benefit of that investment is in Tesla's best interests.

Sort of like how it's hard to believe that Telsa engineers "volunteered" to work at Twitter for weeks/months and that wasn't just Elon miss-appropriating Tesla resources...

Or a glass house costing millions of dollars in materials is a good faith use of funds...



Pet peeve of the day: Games with "puzzles" that can only be solved by trying a bunch of different plausible answers.

If you know the right answer (but not that it is the right answer), and the reasoning behind the right answer, but you still can't tell that it's the right answer without engaging the games mechanic to check if it's the right answer, it's not a puzzle. It's just a game a brute forcing answers.



Are there any RTSes with no scrolling. Just display the entire map really small all at once?

It seems like it could be an interesting format on large screens these days.


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