
joined 1 year ago
[–] 10 points 8 months ago (1 children)

This is my biggest issue here. And it also worked fine with how much cheaper the app was before. I didn't mind him working on this as a side project. But between subscriptions and large fees, I just don't understand how we've seen a total lack of development or pause on development here, especially when we're reaching such a juncture where there are broken things about this app.

Imo its kinda fucked to have a subscription model but not be updated even semi close to often.

[–] 15 points 8 months ago (15 children)

No i trusted the developer from a long time on reddit but i expected them to not do the same shit given they were charging more and seemed to be committing to more active development in the beginning.

It's because Lemmy has upgraded in this developer has done nothing to upgrade the app in the meantime. And everything is breaking more and more. I've actually had to completely stop using this app because it's so annoying to use right now

I'll wait when i see an actual product. I've been hearing about the wonders of graphene for the better part of a decade at least now.

God ole hit and run.

A bit. They picked his favorite design but he didn't like the variations as much. Im disappointed they dropped the extra color.

I seriously do not understand why f Droid has the worst client I have ever used in the world. Like why is the official one. So fucking bad. It's impossible to find shit on there. It's impossible to update things. It turns me off to complete using it all together.

As a kid who survived through this maybe not special needs. But a kid who's arrived through this. The best you can do is just show them how much you love and care for them no matter what. That will mean the world to them. Also, just hope your ex-whaterver e isn't a bitch who warps and twists your kid's minds. Cuz I don't say this lightly. My dad with the way the court systems are was not awarded full custody lightly. The court system in America very much prefers the mother. And my mother was a crazy psychotic bitch who made me go to a fucking two week inpatient facility because she fucked up my head so bad. But my dad is the greatest thing I've ever had and he is caring and he has sacrificed more than I think anyone will ever know. And for all of that I said the best you can do is just put love first. Because love is what ultimately prevailed for my father despite my mother's twisted fucked up words

Lol lemme pay for something i can get free.

Wow almost like the plants thrive in a burn environment and our lack of controlled burns or taking care of the environment only makes the big burns worse.

The title does not need to be a quote to give you information about the article. They use the quote out of context specifically to twist it slightly and get more clicks.

[–] 29 points 9 months ago (11 children)

A lot are but it takes it outta context and twists his point slightly.

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