
joined 1 year ago
[–] A_Random_Idiot@lemmy.world 2 points 2 weeks ago

To continue this quest, please insert credit card.

To access this quest location, please insert credit card.

To complete this quest, please insert credit card.

[–] A_Random_Idiot@lemmy.world 3 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

There was also one where you stumble upon a thing that crashed from space and its this whole totally-not-superman story, and it starts just fine, but the next step involved a NPC literally telling you to buy the DLC to continue.

in two seperate playthroughs, this was the among the first things I encountered in the game.

Which is why I never bought any DA:O DLC, and never bought any of the subsequent titles. because fuck. that. shit

[–] A_Random_Idiot@lemmy.world 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

the building, and especially the placing of furniture is absolutely shit, too. So its hard to get anything lined up and looking decent without a lot of finicky bullshit and luck.

[–] A_Random_Idiot@lemmy.world 6 points 3 months ago

Why did they give the game 9.5/10 in the first place? Did they only play the first 5-10 hours of it?

[–] A_Random_Idiot@lemmy.world 1 points 3 months ago

and then the first paid DLC will be horse armor-style dlc, so they can keep their "promise" while fucking you over.

[–] A_Random_Idiot@lemmy.world 6 points 3 months ago

man, I spent so long trying to figure out that first power chamber whatever thing thats never explained. I was expecting some brilliant reveal about the origins of the galaxy and life in it or something.

but nope.

useless not-magic.

[–] A_Random_Idiot@lemmy.world 3 points 3 months ago

its a lot of effort to create it, but once its created he just has to feed it prompts and watched the fanboys buy up version after version.

[–] A_Random_Idiot@lemmy.world 12 points 3 months ago (2 children)

Tod doesnt want a game.

He just wants an AI sandbox that he can churn out endlessly, make shittons of money with, with little expense or effort

[–] A_Random_Idiot@lemmy.world 1 points 3 months ago

why in the fuck would you think that?

[–] A_Random_Idiot@lemmy.world 2 points 3 months ago

is it allegedly at this point?

[–] A_Random_Idiot@lemmy.world 2 points 3 months ago (1 children)

most people dont really care about the political ideology of the person who leads the company

until he starts flipping switches in a immature and mentally underdeveloped tantrum. then they'll suddenly start caring.

[–] A_Random_Idiot@lemmy.world 19 points 3 months ago

i think the whole space not-magic bullshit angle was an insulting disappointment. Like they wanted to make skyrim in space and were desperate for a shout equivalent.

Doubly so especially when you count it towards that bullshit ending thats nothing but a new game+


""We were finally at a state in the project where we could play through the whole [game]. And it became very clear that we were missing the large final location that was going to tie the story together and have a satisfying action-filled payoff," Shen said. "I was both implementing the main quest and leading the quest design team, so I had absolutely no time. The entire quest design team was already overbooked.""

The quest design team being overbooked and not having time certainly explains a lot.


As far as I know, the big damage from Nuclear Weapons planetside is the massive blastwave that can pretty much scour the earth, with radiation and thermal damage bringing up the rear.

But in space there is no atmosphere to create a huge concussive and scouring blast wave, which means a nuclear weapon would have to rely on its all-directional thermal and radiation to do damage.. but is that enough to actually be usful as a weapon in space, considering ships in space would be designed to handle radiation and extreme thermals due to the lack of any insulative atmosphere?

I know a lot of this might be supposition based on imaginary future tech and assumptions made about materials science and starship creation, but surely at least some rough guess could be made with regards to a thernonuclear detonation without the focusing effects of an atmosphere?


I set up Steam Link on my raspberry pi to try and do some couch gaming over the holiday.. but its no bueno. I am on a 5600x/6700xt with wayland on linux, and steam is up to date.

I get a black screen with a mouse cursor.

I try launching steam with the -pipewire command as i've read elsewhere, and I can see big picture mode, but its horribly slow.. But the weird thing is, its only steam/games thats slow. The mouse runs in real time without lag, and any sounds run in real time without lag or hiccup. But the video is like 1 frame per minute, so I can push left on the d-pad and have to sit and wait forever for the selection on the TV to move (even though its moved over immediately on the desktop).

Games are the same issue. Game runs fine on the desktop, audio runs fine on the streamed TV, but the video is just like..slide show.

I've tried running it at the lowest possible image quality settings. at low bandwidth, at high bandwidth, at the max the network test suggested, tried turning all the settings like hardware video encoding and stuff off and on. Nothing makes a difference.

Is steam link just completely screwed or am I being an idiot and doing something wrong?


I'm currently running a rx580 (with a 5600x and 16gb of ram), and its finally starting to show its age and not be able to run at the settings i would prefer, at the frames I would like.

This is a card I'll probably, barring its sudden demise, be sticking with for the next 5-6 years, So keep that in mind too. I know vram demand in games is on the rise too, even for 1080p, which is why I have not considered any 8gb cards like the 6600 or the 7600.

I've narrowed my choices down to the 6700xt, 6750xt and rx6800 (non-xt). Which will be used almost entirely for 1080p gaming (maybe 1440p if my current monitor dies and I'm forced to replace it)

6700xt is attractive simply because its the cheapest. 6800 is attractive cause its more powerful, which I would hope means I'd get a bit more extra time out of it.

6750xt is kinda stuck in the middle.. -100ish bucks cheaper than the 6800, but also 70-90ish bucks more expensive than the 6700xt, and from all the reviews I've seen, it seems like it only averages around a 5-8fps boost over the 6700xt which doesn't exactly seem worth the investment?

This is where I need the advice of those who are more experienced/knowledgeable than I am.

Would the 6800 have enough horsepower to be viable long enough after the 6700xt/6750xt hit their limits to be worth the price jump, or Should I save 100 bucks and get the 6750? Or should I just go straight with the 6700xt and save almost 200 bucks?

My gut is telling me 6700xt, but I'd like some outside, hands on experienced opinions, if you'd be so kind to give them, before I can quash the debate in my head.


I am trying to get Outer Worlds: Spacers Choice edition working, but it has horrible texture flickering, regardless of the proton version of in game graphic settings.

And I dont mean like, color strobing or anything, World Textures and NPCs both flicker rapidly in and out of existence, to the point you can see through them to whats behind them. I have never had an issue with flickering lights or anything before, but its so intense its even causing me nausea to look at it.

I have tried many combinations of in game graphic settings from low to ultra, with no effect whatsoever.

I have also tried several different versions of proton ( Experimental, 7.0-6, 8.0-2 and various versions of GE Proton from 7-20 to 8-6 ) None of which has altered the behavior in any way.

I'm on Ubuntu 22.04, Using Wayland, and my MESA drivers are up to date. I have a RX580 and a 5600x CPU, with 16g of ram. Edit: I am also on kernal 6.3, not an older one.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thank you.


Changed video cards from a rx480 to a 6700xt and it worked fine. game must have had some issue with Polaris.

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