"I do not know" is the most valuable statement in science, the beginning of wisdom.
I admire this statement and it heavily influences my thinking.
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"I do not know" is the most valuable statement in science, the beginning of wisdom.
I admire this statement and it heavily influences my thinking.
i'm reading a murder mystery series of books from Louise Penny called the Inspector Gamache series. Here's a related quote:
“There are four things that lead to wisdom. You ready for them?' Gamache held up his hand as a fist and raised a finger with each point. "I don't know. I need help. I'm sorry. I was wrong'.”
Everybody remember where we parked
Every time I hear that phrase I think of whale songs.
"He's dead, Jim."
I work in tech and say that a lot. It would hit different in medicine.
When we're gaming together but he gets distracted by his phone, I'll call my husband back to the game with, "Play dom-jot, hew-mon!" but I never stab him if he's cheating.
I never stab him if he's cheating.
So you're not fully committed, ok.
Kudos on not getting stabby! Self-restraint is a good life skill.
It is completely possible to do everything right and still fail, its not weakness, it's life.
Whenever I wake up my computer I saw a little "Hello Computer".
Anytime I see or hear the word "females" when speaking about a woman, I can't help but say - feeee-malesss - in a hissing and lecherous voice.
Also I like this Patak brand of curry, and I think "p'takh" every time I open the jar.
I also do the feeeeeeeeemales one with a hiss. People who casually call women "females" are most probably ferengi.
Ah, I see! They pose as humans because they're embarrased about their lobe size.
And that they're so bad at acquiring profit.
I deal with anxiety. One of the best ways to manage and even help make it better is to embrace the anxious situation head on and dive in, welcome the challenge. No one does that better than Klingons.
One time the company I worked at, they were expanding life insurance benefits for all employees, and I sent out a meme with Worf and the words "TODAY IS A GOOD DAY TO DIE" on an internal fun forum. It was highly upvoted, lol.
I adjust my shirt/sweater like Picard when he gets up.
Aka the Picard maneuver
I tend to do the Spock eyebrow raise quite a bit without thinking about it, to the point that people I know will ask if it's on purpose.
I also will use "fascinating" and I tend to insert logical or illogical into sentences.
Worf's "It is not funny, but I get it" is something I throw in as well.
If I'm in "Star Trek Mode" I'll use various Klingon phrases, along with the Vulcan salute as greeting. My wife and I will at times text in Klingon. There's other stuff as well, but not as common!
I similarly do the Spock eyebrow a lot without realising it.
I also used to do the Data head tilt, again without realising I was copying Data, until someone pointed it out to me. They didn't actually know it was a Star Trek thing but as soon as they pointed it out I realised I was subconsciously copying one of my favourite characters.
I work for an MSP and I often multiply my time estimates by a factor of four.... Does that count?
Exploitation begins at home
When I drive and the missus is in the passenger seat and I have to break harder than usual because an idiot in front of me, I sometimes yell "Brace for impact!"
Sometimes, my wife and I will make a comment to each other that makes perfect sense between the two of us, but to outside observers sounds like absolute gibberish. When one of us realizes this, we'll follow it up with, "Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra." Then folks get really confused.
Not me but my friend always say "Engage!" when he activates his electric recliner.
Whenever I just slightly win, I shout "Qa'pla!". Whenever I get really competitive I say "Today is a good day to die." I also use petaQ.
I know this isn't really a mannerism or phrase, but whenever a shocking turn/twist happens I've been known to hum the Balance of Terror theme.
Edit: Also the hissy "feeeeeeemales" whenever someone casually calls women "females". Thanks
@Nmyownworld Whenever I have solved some weird tech issue, my first instinct is to throw my hands up and shout "Qapla'!"
(It's the pose from the end of Goldeneye, so I am clearly aware of how quickly my fortune can turn.)
I use "colorful metaphors" and "double dumbass on you" far too often.
I quote Darmok quite a bit, usually Picard's "Gilgamesh, a King. At Uruk" line.
Highly illogical.
I'm a doctor, not an [insert appropriate role].
Referring to something as "banjaxed ".
I have been told I do a head cocking gesture exactly the way Data does it.
Unconsciously adopted a Jadzia Dax's thinking walk with hands holding behind back.
It's a little on the nose, considering my display name and avatar, but, "That's a stupid question!"
"He's dead Jim"
Two Spock quotes that have become ingrained:
“I object to you. I object to intellect without discipline. I object to power without constructive purpose.”
“I do not approve. I understand.”
Not something i do, but this thread reminded me of my intense desire to end up in a situation where i can shout COMPUTER TURN OFF THAT NOISE
There are some things I've done in my life, some choices I've made, maybe even some bridges I've burned where when the dust settles and I'm thinking about it I have said out loud:
"I can live with it. I CAN live with it."
I don’t know why this is, but I have always been able to raise my right eyebrow independently… but not my left one. It’s kinda funny, because one of my son’s friends just randomly asked me if I could do that earlier this evening. I did so, and he made like it was this really big deal.
I’m just glad I could amuse him.
The Picard Manuever.
I should buy longer shirts.
Warp speed ahead. I use this when I have a task that I just want to get over with.
In my best Janeway voice: "DEW IT."