This sucks. And just ignoring it sucks.
It is probably what someone else have said - that it's just hard to get along with people if they give and expect a lot of communication channels via body language, tone, facial expression, speech tempo, and choice of words, and you aren't.
There are many tricks to conversation like smile, keep tone light, avoid saying "you" (for some reason this is often aggressive don't ask me how), but the best way to learn which of these things are most efficient for you to learn is via assistance from people around you.
The hard but sometimes very effective way: If someone is being a jerk to you, go to them and say some version of "I am sorry. I believe I have been rude to you, but I didn't intend to and I don't understand what. If you can explain it to me, I will try to avoid it in the future." Or, failing that, ask their friends in the same manner "I have offended X, and I am sorry about that, but I don't know what or how to apologize, can you help".
And for the love of bob, don't get defensive when they do tell you. Accept and think about it. Often you will realize it was on you. Even if they are wrong, there was still a communication problem that you at least know the location of and may steer clear of.
Sometimes you will find that people lack the introspective skills to help, but when it does work it's golden.