Discussion Community for fellow Marxist-Leninists and other Marxists.
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The goal of this subreddit is the accretion of theory and knowledge and the promotion of quality discussion and criticism.
Check out ProleWiki for a communist wikipedia.
Stilllllll playing TotK but really looking forward to Pikmin 4. I would be playing 1+2 on the switch (super excited to have a bunch of newbies introduced to the series) but i just finished a replay of both not too long ago and I also tend to prefer of games on of hardware when I can. Speaking of, I just got Pokemon Snap in the mail for N64 and I've just started playing that in addition to New Pokemon Snap to give me a chill break from Hyrule every now and again
Sounds good!
Still with Genshin. Bit of a content drought lately, didn't much care for the latest event. That said, it's still one of my all-time favourites.
For PC, I've recently started playing Frostpunk. Really fun. From what I've heard of the Last Autumn, there's a decent bit of class struggle there, but I haven't gotten to it yet. (It's also a bit unclear if it's inter-worker bickering.)
And I've stuck with EU4 - in the middle of a Choson One run, just got declared on by a Russia-Ottoblob alliance.
Deep Rock Galactic is a pretty fucken cool game if you ask me
Happy cake day comrade!
I'm playing Elden Ring, it's my first souls like game and I really like it. I'm about 70% through the game. Sometimes I play Rocket League. I also started Dead Space (2008) recently, that's also fun.
I'm also playing Elden Ring.
Started up No Man's Sky for the first time basically since it first launched and am having fun so far!
I'm currently playing Days Gone and I'm enjoying it a lot more than I thought I would.
My favourite genre is whatever the SoulsBorneSekiroRing games are. I also like Action games like Devil May Cry, Nioh, Ninja Gaiden, and Bayonetta, as well as RPGs like Dragon's Dogma and The Witcher 3.
I also love story-driven games like The Last of Us (especially part 2, fuck the haters), God of War, Uncharted etc.
I enjoyed Days Gone too, I fully completed it.
Started playing Deep Rock Galactic with the missus and we're really enjoying it! I'm also obsessed with the new Dead Cells DLC and Doom mods/wads. I especially like Project Brutality with custom WADs, Bloom, Ashes and Aliens TC. It's mental the time and effort people put into free mods for games and passion projects
I need a good multiplayer game to play.
And I hear Deep Rock Galactic is great.
Would you recommend it?
Definitely! If you have some people to play with (or even just one person), it's a right blast. I haven't really tried the matchmaking, but I don't imagine that to be too fun though. Part of the fun for me and my SO is taking our time to really explore the caves and take our time.
playing Will You Snail?, I'm bad at platformers (already died like 2500 times) but that won't stop me from playing them
I love platformers.
Ever since playing Super Mario 64.
Still playing Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous and Elden Ring.
How's Pathfinder? If I understand correctly it is made by Owlcat?
It is made by Owlcat.
How is it?
I am not the right person to ask about these kinds of games because I don't enjoy strategy-based combat. I put about 20 hours in the game and I liked the narrative but I wish it had much more focus. If you like games like Divinity and Pillars of Eternity you will like this too.