
joined 2 years ago
[–] 9 points 7 months ago (2 children)
[–] 3 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Wasn't Marshall plan a deal to plunder European industry and not let them rebuild themselves, but rather to indent them to USA?

[–] 6 points 7 months ago

Sounds accurate

[–] 4 points 7 months ago

No Meth Sky

[–] 14 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Why does NATO feel the need to conduct a huge military exercise all of a sudden if Russia is collapsing and thing are going great for NATO

Let me put on my lib hat. Ahem.

Well akschually this is not a big exercise, it's just a fraction of the total NATO power which is so awesome in fact it would make your heart stop! Why, donthca tankies always moan about USA sending a million people in the LIBERATION of Iraq?! 90 thousand is just a teeny tiny bit of that, and it would be enough to scare that Putler straight!

[–] 5 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Batman commits multiple illegal acts every night and gets away with it, often with the assistance of law enforcement.

I think he's got advantage here

[–] 6 points 8 months ago (1 children)

I don't see any mention of a revolution

[–] 1 points 8 months ago

Now look up stabbings in Russia. There were multiple in 2018 alone

[–] 6 points 8 months ago (2 children)
[–] 13 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Well, now they do

[–] 8 points 8 months ago

Working as intended


With US funds, weapons and ammunition supposedly being redirected from Ukraine to Israel, the Neonazis and their orbiters will have their own, updated "Stab in the back" myth.


Greetings, comrades. So to cut the story short, my physical state is absolute junk and it's about time to do something about it. I am overweight and lose breath after going up s flight or two of stairs, my back hurts almost daily and lifting things heavier than a backpack is stating to feel hard. All the doctors say I require exercise to resolve most issues. However, due to long commute and a few other issues, I can't really visit gym on a regular basis (plus it's not cheap). So what can I do from home to stop being a useless blob of blubber? For reference, I have a set of dumbbells, but using them hurts tendons in my arms more than it seems to affect the muscles.

I am seeking advice from the comrades


I think we should celebrate. Lenin appreciation thread


I am not entirely sure what to make of it, given how shit GDP is as a meaningful statistic.


Not sure where else to post this, given the frivolous nature of the topic.

So a few days ago I accidentally got into a political conversation with a liberal colleague. The topic was the much beloved by liberals in post-soviet states matter of "singular protests with an empty paper".

For those not familiar with this brand of silliness, it's a type of performative "protesting" whereupon a person would go alone (or together with a cameraman) somewhere public and stand there with an empty piece of paper - sometimes large, sometimes just an A4.

The idea (supposedly) is to demonstrate the stupidity of the Anti-Protest laws, since in some countries (Russia, Kazakhstan) such a performance usually ends quickly with police arriving and detaining the "protestors".

The main issue in the conversation, however, was my colleague's assertion that such acts are perfectly harmless, don't disturb anyone and thus should not be interrupted. And that police detention is an absurd overreaction due to the undemocratic nature of our government. And that in democratic countries - such as France or South Korea (his examples) one could do that with no problems whatsoever.

And now I would like to hear your thoughts on the matter.


cross-post from:

So the Russian government is dismantling the Ukrainian power grid with one hand, and helping the EU keep the UAF war machine running with the other. Yeah.


Crosspost from:

Head of Ukrainian Energoatom Piotr Kotin has suggested using artillery to destroy power lines going from the power plant.

At the same time, UAF have began shelling the nuclear power plant with MLRS and plain artillery, as well as the nuclear waste storage.


There were also reports of secondary explosions after the crash. Begs the question of just what the plane was carrying.


Good evening, comrades. I was not sure where to post this question, so I picked the community I knew. The question is as it says on the tin: I know that there were plenty of "former" Nazis in the NATO as it was created. But is there a comprehensive list? Names and positions.

Thank you in advance.

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