
joined 5 years ago

invading poland side by side with the nazis

This would actually be a more accurate description of the Slovak Republic’s contribution to the Fascist invasion of Poland, though it is very rare to see anticommunists mention that even in passing. I wonder why. (Presumably they’d say that it is unimportant or uninteresting, of which—as I showed in my thread—it is neither.)

Why did I misread the title as ‘Lebensraum and the crumbling of American power’?

[–] 7 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Yes, but I stopped updating the megathread because of the character limit. Seriously, I added so much content to the thread that our software couldn’t take it anymore. I’ve been thinking about using Github as an alternative, though I am inexperienced with that platform and I am unsure if others would want me to continue my compilation there.

[–] 9 points 4 days ago (4 children)

Something tells me that if I invited anticommunists to check out a source with the self‐heroizing title of ‘RFvsMisinfo’, featuring a blood‐splattered photograph from the Munich conference and various sentences presupposing that any counterevidence is ‘Western propaganda’, they would feel more than a wee discouraged, too… just saying.

Sloppy propaganda aside, it is genuinely interesting to compare and contrast the Fascists’ dealings with other dictatorships of the bourgeoisie to their dealings with the people’s republics. It isn’t useful just for dunking on anticommies. For example:

the [Fascists] knew from experience that Soviet demands were “much harder to meet than Finnish demands.”

And since somebody mentioned deportations of Jews:

between 1941 and 1944 the Finnish military [deported] at least 2,829 POWs to [the Third Reich] on 49 occasions; among the military [deportations] were over 500 individuals who were defined as “Jewish” or “political” (Communist), or both.

Admittedly, I feel like a sicko for saying that these subjects ‘interest’ me… but hey, somebody has to get their hands dirty when studying these tragedies. It’s only fitting that the one doing the job most often would also be the one who can tolerate it the best.

An organization that bombastically calls itself ‘EUvsDisinfo’, splatters a diplomatic photograph with fake blood, and preemptively dismisses counterevidence as ‘pro‐Kremlin disinformation’ does not sound like something that has an interest in exploring this matter in good faith, but I can play along (for now). Simply put, your source leaves too much counterevidence unaddressed. This, for example:

The discussion in London took place on 24 April. Halifax also backed unilateral declarations. ‘A tri-partite pact on the lines proposed, would make war inevitable. On the other hand, he thought that it was only fair to assume that if we rejected Russia’s proposals, Russia would sulk.’ And then Halifax made this comment, almost as an afterthought: ‘There was… always the bare possibility that a refusal of Russia’s offer might even throw her into Germany’s arms.’⁸⁰ Was anyone listening? If you asked the British and French everyman’s opinion, war was already inevitable.


The failures of the previous five years to obtain agreements on collective security led Molotov to want to pin the French and British to the wall to make sure they would not leave the Soviet Union in the lurch against the Wehrmacht. This was not Soviet paranoia, it was Soviet experience. Would not any prudent diplomat in the same position, after years of being spurned, mistrust interlocutors like Chamberlain and Bonnet? Maiskii’s reports appear to have encouraged the Soviet government to invest in continued negotiations. The obduracy in Moscow derived from doubts about British and French intentions which Maiskii and Surits could not overcome, and that for good reason.

(Source and more here.)

I know that I did not address everything in your link, but frankly I really doubt that you have the time, patience, or interest in reading a thoroughly sourced and exhaustive commentary on it. For simplicity’s sake I chose to focus on the denial that the liberal capitalists wanted a reinvasion of Soviet Eurasia.

Among the atrocities committed by the Portuguese, it is possible to list the massacres in Xinavane, Mueda, Mucumbura, Wiriyamu, Chawole, Inhaminga, among others. University of Coimbra’s Documentation Center “25 de Abril” has a rich collection about what happened in Wiriyamu, with a hundred articles and newspaper clippings from the most diverse countries that participated in spreading information about the acts of the Portuguese in the region. On Saturday, December 16, 1972, Portuguese soldiers killed approximately 400 Mozambicans in Wiriyamu. Today, in the old village of Wiriyamu, there is a monument with the bones of the victims.

Furthermore, there is evidence published by Le Monde Diplomatique (1972) that two South African pilots were hired as mercenaries by Portugal, and carried out secret chemical warfare missions against nationalist fighters in northern Mozambique. The operation was aimed at destroying the crops that would feed FRELIMO guerrillas, using the substance 2,4‐D, Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid, which was among those used by the U.S. in Vietnam and World War II.


As a complement to the concentrationary policy of interning the African populations in large villages, the military hierarchy would use, from 1971 onward, the desperate option of “cleanup” operations, already largely implemented in Northeast Mozambique and on the eastern shore of Lake Malawi. These were meant to eradicate villages, exterminating all their inhabitants and emptying the territory to block the path of the guerrillas.

By the end of 1972 the “cleanup” operations along the Zambezi, from Mucanha and Mucumbura to Inhaminga, started to prefigure a wider genocidal strategy. […] Soon […] the 6th Commando Group arrived in helicopters, surrounded Wiriyamu and entered it. The people were lined up, men in one group, women in another. For the most part they were then shot, but others were herded into houses which were set on fire, while some of the children were kicked to death and other individuals were murdered in various atrocious ways. […] At the same time, the rural areas were bombed, eventually with napalm, before the launching of “cleanup” operations to exterminate the remaining populations, supposedly in contact with the guerrillas.

(Source herein.)

And the Estado Novo’s colonies were all in Afrasia (not merely Africa as such).

It really bums me out seeing somebody deny that the Iberian parafascists engaged in white supremacist violence. I am guessing that that is a product of the Portuguese education system rather than a conscious distortion, but still it really depresses me. It’s like nobody cares that the Iberian parafascists massacred Afrasians.

[–] 5 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Why are you always posting propaganda from all of these obviously Russian‐backed sources?

Cut an anticommunist and an anticommunist bleeds?

Agreed. I know that the original poster isn’t siding with the Herzlians, but this is still in questionable taste.


Climate change is a long-term shift in the average weather patterns that have come to define Earth’s local, regional and global climates. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change states that the “scientific evidence for warming of the climate system is unequivocal.” According to NOAA, the Earth’s temperature has risen by an average of 2 degrees Fahrenheit since record-keeping began in 1850.

Furthermore, the rate of warming since 1982 has tripled, and the majority of this warming has occurred since then. This warming is caused by human activity, referring to the extreme amount of greenhouse gasses emitted under the industrial capitalist mode of production. The United States is the largest per capita contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, and studies indicate that climate denialism, as a cultural and political phenomenon, is most pervasive in the United States.

These weather events are made more frequent and severe because of the rapid heating of the oceans, atmosphere and land. What were once in a lifetime weather events are becoming annual or semi-annual events.

The United States’ aging infrastructure has exacerbated the effects of this extreme weather. Recent tornado storms in Ohio, which were caused by the mixture of humid air from hurricane alley and cool temperatures from a low-pressure ridge in the Midwest, have caused severe power outages in Cleveland.

As of Aug. 18, nearly 300,000 people had been without power since Aug, 12. Meanwhile, Texas has been dealing with a power outage affecting 2.7 million people since Hurricane Beryl made landfall on July 8. That category 1 hurricane has devastated large parts of Texas because of the state’s particularly faulty power grid infrastructure.

In order for capitalism to develop and sustain its need to maintain and increase profits, it must exploit the environment at a steadily increasing pace. Capitalism requires infinite growth in a world with finite resources. It plunders workers and ecological systems throughout the world.

Class systems perpetuated by capitalism also make poor and oppressed peoples more at risk of climate-related health issues. Poor people are often the first to suffer and the last to be evacuated during disasters; they receive the least effective medical care. Often, they lose their land or assets permanently without proper compensation. All capitalist politicians do is make empty promises and spread climate denialism.

To end this existential threat workers must unite and implement the integration of science into economic planning under socialism.

See also: Consciousness raising: personal and social — The struggle for change

[–] 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Oh man, it’s been so long and I tried so many that I can’t possibly offer a certain answer… but a good candidate is JumpStart Preschool, which I (barely) remember playing on a Windows computer. Otherwise, it could have been The Busy World of Richard Scarry Busytown, Richard Scarry’s How Things Work in Busytown, Gus Goes to Cyberopolis, Fisher-Price Ready for School: Kindergarten, Fisher-Price Learning in Toyland, Fisher Price Great Adventures: Pirate Ship, or Nick Jr Play Math!

There are many more that I could name, like Oddballz, Pajama Sam in No Need to Hide When it’s Dark Outside, Ozzie’s World, Sesame Street: Numbers, Mr. Potato Head Activity Pack, Play-Doh Creations, and Candy Land Adventure, but I am less sure of those. Finally, there are those titles that I simply can’t find again. There was a point‐and‐click program that mainly took place in a spaceship, and another one where a character said ‘I brush my teeth before I go to bed every night!’, but I’ll be damned if I can find videos of those.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

I’m surprised that they made handhelds! I was always under the impression that Soviet video games were more like experimental curiosities than a visible industry. The situation was similar in the Anglosphere back in the 1950s and ’60s: there was not much of a market for them, so they were hard to find (unless you were a computer scientist).

[–] 3 points 2 months ago

Tut‐tut, I see that Clinton’s electoral failure in spite of winning the popular vote hasn’t moved somebody’s faith in the pseudodemocracy. Let’s briefly review the circumstances, shall we?

Starting with the national elections of 2000:

  • Democrats have received more popular votes in 4 out of the past 5 presidential elections, yet only gained office 2 times. Despite winning the popular vote only once in the past 5 elections, a Republican has taken office 3 times.
  • Democrats have received 24 million more votes for Senate than Republicans, yet have held a majority in the Senate in only 3 out of the last 9 sessions, while Republicans have had a majority in 4 out of the past 9 sessions.
  • Democrats have received over 500,000 more votes for seats in the House of Representatives, yet have held a majority in that body for only 3 out of the past 9 sessions, while Republicans have held a majority in 6 of those sessions.

(Source and more evidence here.)

Trust me, an overglorified public opinion poll isn’t going to stop neofascism should the ruling class deem its institutionalization necessary. The Fascists ascended to power in the Kingdom of Italy and the Weimar Republic in spite of their want of votes.


On a national level, a concrete example of socialist cooperation is the establishment of the Tiangong space station, established by [the People’s Republic of] China in 2021.

About that amazing accomplishment, Joshua Hanks describes in a WW article entitled “Workers power on display as Chinese astronauts arrive at Tiangong space station”: “Crews of three will rotate on missions lasting six months, and the station will be open to other countries. Seventeen countries have officially confirmed their participation, and astronauts from several countries are now learning Chinese. Astronauts from the European Space Agency have already trained on a mock Shenzhou spacecraft and could participate in future missions to Tiangong.”

Hanks continues: “Russia may pursue its own space station but is cooperating with China on other projects, including constructing a groundbreaking lunar base, which could host its first cosmonauts and taikonauts by 2030.” (

This rapid spurt of growth can be seen as well in other countries that are socialist or working toward socialism after a revolution changed those holding state power. These include [the Republics of] Cuba, Nicaragua, [the Bolivarian Republic of] Venezuela and [the Socialist Republic of] Vietnam, among others, despite continued interference by their [neo]imperialist oppressors to beat them out at all costs.

It may be that this increased rate of growth and development based in a socialist orientation may even win out in the competitive race in space. Given the Chinese approach to developing helium-3 for inexpensive clean energy on Earth, Mayes stresses: “It is clear that a ‘Chinese dominant space frontier’ is, in fact, a future everyone should want. If our planet is to survive the climate disaster, it is imperative for the [neo]imperialists to lose the race to the moon.’

Explaining [the People’s Republic of] China’s intentions, Mayes writes: “Far from seeking to profit, China’s approach to international energy production is geared to protecting the planet. As [Carlos Martinez] explains when discussing China’s ‘green energy’ solution in his abundantly researched book [“The East is Still Red: Chinese Socialism in the 21st Century”], socialist China’s international humanitarian policies are aimed at saving the globe from climate catastrophe.”

In other words, mature international competition and cooperation must triumph over an immature [neo]imperialist orientation aimed at maximizing profits over providing for human needs.


The latest of these politically motivated charges happened a few days ago in Vancouver, BC, where Charlotte Kates, the international coordinator of Samidoun, was briefly detained and charged with alleged “hate speech” offenses. She was released on the outrageous condition that she does not attend any “protests, rallies or assemblies” until the court date of Oct. 8 (five months away). All this apparently for supporting the right of the Palestinian resistance to fight back against Zionist military oppression and saying “Long live October 7” during a rally speech on April 26.

The Zionist lobby has been on a witch hunt against Kates, Samidoun and her husband, Khaled Barakat; for several years now they have been pushing the federal government to include Samidoun on Canada’s “terrorist” list. CIJA [The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs] even included this demand as part of their last election platform. However, Kates questioning why Palestinian resistance groups are already on that same list is somehow unacceptable.


Throughout history, workers have bravely opposed oppressive regimes. We have refused to handle goods from apartheid South Africa, and factory workers have rejected the production of arms for dictatorships like Chile’s Pinochet. As the Palestinian death toll continues to climb, this May Day and as we mark 76 years since the [neo]colonization of Palestine and the uprooting of over 750,000 Palestinians from their lands during the Nakba (Catastrophe) of 1948, we ask you to stand with us — and let us strive together to construct economies rooted in justice not destruction.

Stand with us as we demand an end to [the] genocide and siege in Gaza. Stand with us as we demand our rights as workers for a decent living, free from settler colonialism and military occupation.

Take Action!

Here are some actions you can take this May Day (May 1, 2024) and Nakba Day (May 15, 2024): Refuse to handle goods coming from or destined to Israel. Organize a work stoppage or slowdown. Hold educational meetings within your trade union branch to discuss the Palestinian struggle.

Workers Solidarity Day with Palestine. Philadelphia, April 13, 2024. WW Photo: Joe Piette

Distribute informational flyers, pamphlets or newsletters in your workplace to educate colleagues and provide resources for action. Circulate a workplace petition among coworkers calling for specific actions or policy changes, such as divesting pension funds from companies complicit in the occupation or implementing boycott measures against complicit companies.

Now is the time for courageous worker-led solidarity! Long live international solidarity with Palestinian workers in their struggle for return and liberation!

(Emphasis original.)


The Biden administration, complicit in the brutal war on our Palestinian people, does not want to acknowledge that it faces a U.S. public that has discovered the truth about the Nazi entity and has sided with human values, deciding to stand on the right side of history. Today’s students are tomorrow’s leaders, and their suppression today means a costly electoral bill that the Biden administration will pay sooner or later.


And on April 17, far-right […] national security minister Ben Gvir called for the execution of Palestinian prisoners “to ease overcrowding.”


There are so many people in the camp, all of us in tents that do not protect from heat or cold.

Winds sometimes uproot tents. There are stray dogs everywhere. Every day we line up for drinking water. Sometimes the water runs out and we return to our tents empty-handed.

My family’s tent is in the middle of the camp. Next door is a medical point that supports those who have been displaced here.

I’ve seen doctors stitch up children’s wounds with care. Often there is no local anesthesia, so the doctors compensate with extra warmth and smiles. An elderly woman came to the tent for treatment for a chronic condition. They treated her with kindness. They did not have much medicine for her.

Since medical supplies are scarce, the doctors use what they have on hand.

We are being annihilated. We are running out of options. The north and south are separated, and communication is cut off. I used to hope that I would see friends and family in the north again, but now I just don’t know.

After this war ends, where will we go? [Neocolonialism] has destroyed our homes, and our favorite places no longer exist.


We in the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, along with all our people, the honorable of our nation and the world, confirm our steadfast support for the struggle of the student youth movements, Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and the Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM) at universities such as Columbia, Rutgers, Yale and Stanford, among others. We call for enhancing the unity of students and their struggle to divest U.S. universities from the Zionist entity and cut all forms of relations with it.

As we highly appreciate the positions, movements and struggles of our students in U.S. universities and call for the escalation of their struggle against aggressive policies and the rejection of compliance with the policies biased in favor of the occupation, we also call for the strengthening of ranks and enhancing the unity of students.

We highly value the supportive and solidarity positions for the struggle of our people in various U.S. universities and around the world and all the strugglers for freedom, justice and human dignity.


After the conclusion of the 7th Congress, the Danish Communist Party will continue its pressure on politicians and stockholders to end their support for the state [occupying Palestine]. We will increase our struggle for a ceasefire now, for a release of detainees and hostages now and for humanitarian aid to reach the needy now. We realize these will only be the firsts steps on a long road, a road that in the end will lead to a free Palestine, free from apartheid.

The DKP is not alone in the struggle for a free Palestine. The Palestinian people are not alone. The party is part of the movement which has taken the streets of Danish towns and cities. Danish arms factories have been blockaded. The boycott of [Zionism], from a stop for [Zionist] groceries to rejecting the masking of genocide with songs, is stronger than ever before.

We see a unity in that struggle which gives us hope. The Danish Communist Party will build upon that unity and from our Congress will reach out to all around us with the demand: for a “free Palestine, from the River to the Sea.”


The Front considered the adoption of this resolution by the House of Representatives to reflect the hypocrisy of the U.S. administration. While it declares its hostility and rejection of the slogan “From the River to the Sea” and accuses those who promote it of being “anti-Semitic,” it allows the Zionists to circulate the slogan “From the Nile to the Euphrates”, which means the establishment of “Greater israel” on the ruins of the Arab states and not just Palestine.

The Front added: “However, what is noteworthy is the vote of 44 American representatives in favor of this slogan, which is something we have not previously seen from within one of the most important official American institutions that sponsor the zionist entity. This indicates a partial shift in the stance on the Palestinian issue.”

The Front emphasized the need not to ignore the popular movement in the U.S. streets that opposes the Zionist genocide in the Gaza Strip, which is beginning to grow restless from the official U.S. support for the Zionist entity. This confirms the existence of brave voices inside the U.S. that oppose these stances or the continuation of the flow of U.S. weapons, and explicitly calls for a change in these positions, with some voices adopting the strategic solution to the Palestinian issue, and refusing to recognize the legitimacy of the entity.

The Front demands the withdrawal of U.S. forces from the region and the cessation of support for the Zionist entity, considering the presence of these forces to protect the entity and impose dominance at the expense of the U.S. citizen and their livelihood, and from their pocket, exacerbates relations with the peoples of the region and places the U.S. as an outcast and hated by the peoples of the world.

The Front concluded its statement by affirming that the slogan “Palestine Will Be Free from its River to its Sea” will remain the realistic discourse that echoes in the squares of the world, for Palestine and its people are a bright reality, and “israel” is the fabricated entity with no future or existence at all.


On Dec. 18, 2022, it was announced that he was suffering from a rare bone marrow cancer, as a result of which his health condition deteriorated, and he was transferred to the hospital. In June 2023, his request for release was rejected, and the Central Court also rejected the appeal he submitted against the committee’s decision. He died April 7, 2024, as a result of a policy of medical negligence, after a serious deterioration in his health.

As the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine bids farewell to its comrade, the leader, thinker, writer, inspiration and great theoretician, it pledges to him to be loyal to his national, intellectual and Front legacy, through which he made Palestine and the cause of its liberation his compass. Until his departure, he remained inhabited by Palestine, all of Palestine from its river to its sea.

Glory to the great martyr of Palestine and humanity. We will certainly be victorious.


We, in Hamas, on the anniversary of Palestinian Prisoners’ Day, pray for the souls of the martyred prisoners and ask Allah for a swift recovery for the sick among them, and send a salute of pride and honor to our heroic prisoners and noble female prisoners in the prisons of the Zionist enemy. We affirm the following:

Firstly: The goal of liberating our heroic prisoners from the Zionist enemy’s prisons has been at the heart of the ongoing Al-Aqsa Flood battle and will remain our top priority. The movement will spare no effort to achieve a deal of loyalty for them, where they will breathe freedom on the homeland’s soil, by Allah’s will and power.

Secondly: The escalation of the occupation’s crimes and violations against our prisoners and female prisoners in its prisons — from solitary confinement, deliberate medical neglect, inspections and humiliation, psychological and physical torture, and deprivation of the most basic human rights — are crimes that will not succeed in breaking their will, and at the same time, the perpetrators will not escape punishment, and these crimes will not be subject to a statute of limitations no matter how much time passes.

Thirdly: The systematic and horrific violations and brutal torture practices committed against prisoners and abductees from the Gaza Strip constitute a war crime added to the series of sadistic crimes perpetrated by the Nazi occupation army against civilians from our people.

Fourthly: We hold the occupation fully responsible for the life and safety of thousands of kidnapped detainees in the West Bank since last October 7, who are subjected to the most atrocious forms of torture and vindictive mistreatment, and we condemn the international silence in the face of ongoing execution and killing under torture they face in detention places, and call for intervention to save them and for their immediate release.

Fifthly: We call on our people’s masses, living forces, and national factions in all areas of the homeland and abroad to unite efforts, mobilize energies, and escalate activities to support the prisoners, and support them by all means, and we call on our Arab and Islamic nation and the free people all over the world to initiate a global movement that triumphs for the cause of Palestinian prisoners in the occupation’s prisons.

Sixthly: We call on the global human rights and humanitarian institutions to expose the crimes of the occupation against the prisoners and detainees from our people in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, Al-Quds, and the occupied interior, and to take effective action by all means to press to stop the Zionist enemy’s crimes against them, and to work on prosecuting the perpetrators in international courts and trying them as war criminals.

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