Okay, what bothers me about this - they're so damn two faced.
- 3rd party apps are a huge chunk of the userbase and just hemoraghing money because of all the API usage they drive (which from all usage charts seems unlikely)
- They are not a huge chunk of the userbase and they could mostly go on not being charged
But their wording just says both and it bugs the hell out of me. "Not many users use these, but they're so much of our API that we're just dying under the pressure"
On top of that, they blame AI training. Well, if that were true why not.... classify the users of their API and make tiers of pricing, where 3rd party apps (who serve content directly to users) get to continue using for free/cheap, and users who train AI are charged. There, I solved the problem where everyone is happy, you can make the check out directly to me instead of paying your lawyers.