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[–] 0 points 8 months ago (7 children)

Until there's a liberal space for men, it's going to cause them to flock to lying conservatives. There, they will be indoctrinated by weird, stupid conservative bullshit that has nothing to do with any of this.

[–] 1 points 8 months ago (1 children)

There isn’t? Millions of liberal men can man just fine every day just out in public.

What are you missing?

[–] 0 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (4 children)

So you don’t think there are any issues with how men are treated on the left?

As progressive as the left can be, men have been left behind and are still often expected to ‘just be a man’, while dealing with double standards and sometimes being treated like they’re inherently bad.

Edit: Copying what vzq has said to me for visibility, as this is the exact problem. Do I sound like the angry toddler in this discussion?

“I want to be treated fairly and based on how I act, and yet I don’t get that.” You are being treated based on how act. You act like a spoiled toddler that thinks he’s owed some consideration by strangers.

[–] 1 points 8 months ago

How exactly are men treated by the left? Perhaps you can give some examples so people understand what your problem is.

[–] -1 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (2 children)

No, I honestly do not. I do my level best to treat everyone as a person and when I mess up I apologize and try and do better. That works pretty well.

If you are treated like you are inherently bad, you may be not as good as you think you are.

Edit: nice edit man. Totally not what an angry toddler would do.

[–] 0 points 8 months ago (1 children)

If you are treated like you are inherently bad, you may be not as good as you think you are.

Ah, blame the victim. Men get treated a certain way so it must be their fault...

[–] 1 points 8 months ago (1 children)

There’s no victim here. Just a guy with “feelings”.

[–] -1 points 8 months ago

Ahh, its you. You're the problem.

[–] -1 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Again, just disregarding how men feel, where does that get us?

I absolutely do not act in the way that men are accused of, but blanket statements about “MeN BaD” are so frequent and widely accepted, and it’s just ignored or even praised.

[–] 1 points 8 months ago

Can you give a more precise example? I hope you do not mean individuals who write stuff online. In what way do left oriented organisations treat all men like they are bad?

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[–] 1 points 8 months ago

Counterpoint - men need to be less hung up on gender.

There's plenty of liberal spaces for people even if not exclusively for men.

As a guy, I don't need a sign outside saying "Open for men" to know I can go into a store, just "Open" suffices.

While there are aspects of my life that are informed by my biology and its social construct, it's one of the least defining aspects of who I am as a person. I don't need it specially recognized.

I'd much rather live in a world where there's spaces for "people who like RPGs and fantasy" or "people who like tech" over "people who identify as male." I have a ton in common with the former two, irrespective of gender identities, and very little in common with the latter other than fairly superficial things.

"Hey, pee standing up? Me too! We have so much in common we should be friends. Oh, you want to meet up at the bar to watch the latest hockey game? Yeah, that"

The very idea of a "liberal space for men" is antithetical to my sense of liberalism. We should be liberated from arbitrary notions of identity, not reinforced into them.

[–] 1 points 8 months ago (3 children)

The left is the only place that is safe to open up as a man.

The right is only safe if you fit a very specific definition of manliness, one that is unrealistic. However that illusion sends millions of the gullible and impressionable chasing after an unobtainable standard.

On the far-right you'll get punched if you like making caramel and baking cakes. The close right just calls you a slur instead.

There are few things more alienating to the wide range of male expression than the right wing.

I grew up as a conservative and was never accepted. Opening up, being emotionally vulnerable, expressing "feminine" (ie non traditional) interests: every time it lost me any sort of male friendship. I was excluded, mocked and called homophobic slurs.

I'm a cisgender straight white man but because I was a square peg to their traditional round hole I was an outcast.

The right is the cause of male depression and loneliness. It enforces the gender norms that make men feel they have to be a rock, provide for family, die for their country, shut up about their feelings.

The only safe place for men to open up is on the left.

[–] 1 points 8 months ago

Starting by removing the association between masculinity and being a bigot by changing male social behavior seems to be the logical first step. The change absolutely has to come from within. Starting by not tolerating it when your buddies say bigoted shit seems insignificant but is a huge step in the positive direction, and every small change counts.

[–] -1 points 8 months ago

Gangs are inclusive and welcoming even if they haze you and commit crimes. People who feel left out gravitate toward unconventional solutions to conventional problems.

[–] 0 points 8 months ago (2 children)

What is a liberal space for men? That means nothing.

[–] 0 points 8 months ago (3 children)

Liberal narratives paint men as aggressive rapists at worst, and toxic manipulative sociopath at best. Liberal narratives onstantly evoke "tHe pATriArcHy" and "tOxic mAsCuLinity" hiding misandry behind pseudointellectualism

[–] 1 points 8 months ago (2 children)

Brosif, calling a discussion of the patriarchy misandry makes it clear you don't know what the patriarchy even is. It hurts everyone.

[–] -1 points 8 months ago

This is the pseudointellectualism I'm talking about. "You don't actually understand what it ACTUALLY means" while the meanings are clearly obfuscated for the layperson.

[–] -1 points 8 months ago

Brosef, the term "patriarchy" itself is (and has always been) intentionally misleading and inherently misandrist, and has played a huge role in the modern demonization of men as a result. The "academic definition" of the term is irrelevant, as the (fully intended) real world negative consequences of the term for men in the cultural zeitgeist have been systemic and pervasive, as we can see all over this thread.

[–] 1 points 8 months ago (1 children)

'Toxic masculinity' is referring specifically to masculinity that is toxic. It's not referring to masculinity as a whole as toxic.

[–] -1 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Pushes in glasses "uuum ackshually that's not what it means"

Yeah no shit, tell that to the people on social media where the majority of popular discord takes place. And pretending that the meaning of the two isn't obfuscated is disingenuous. At the end of the day it's all antipositivists theory garbage that reads more like a political treatise than academic study.

[–] -1 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (1 children)

Exactly. Feminist terminology like "toxic masculinity" and "patriarchy" has been very carefully chosen to be misandrist enough to result in the intended widespread popular demonization of men that we've seen over the past few decades, while also giving feminists enough deniability to gaslight with "that's not what the terms ackchually mean though".

The misandry is a feature, not a bug.

[–] 0 points 8 months ago (1 children)

While those are some examples of "liberal narratives", there's also a very real "men are harmed by the patriarchy too" narrative.

I see the problem you see and I agree with you about it, it's just the narratives you've described aren't the only liberal narratives.

[–] -1 points 8 months ago

That whole men are hurt by the patriarcy too is a cop-out when people get called out on their bullshit ideology

[–] -1 points 8 months ago (4 children)

Liberal, as in, believing in liberty. Freedom. How many mens spaces do you know of, where a man is completely free to open up, with full liberty and freedom from immediate consequences, about feelings they may have inside of them?

There's actually not a lot. It's a reflection of masculine indoctrination, where men in many places are made to feel like they almost need to be ready to become a soldier at any moment. Guarded, careful. It's no good, unless your country is actually at war.

[–] 1 points 8 months ago (2 children)

That has nothing to do with spaces. It's toxic masculinity. And you combat that by being the change you want to see.

Even if there was a space like that, toxic masculinity would ruin it if it wasn't addressed. But you might just be looking for group therapy.

[–] 1 points 8 months ago

Men will blame anything else for their problems before ever admitting that toxic masculinity might be the cause of their problems

[–] 1 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

So, spaces that encourage toxic masculinity do exist, and they are fully aware of their ruination. See:

edit: I see some of the confusion here, since 4chan is seemingly liberal, due to having no formal rules. However, that is an illusion. A man is not actually free to say anything they like without consequences there. It's just that the norms will be enforced by the community, instead of any kind of authority. This is not actual liberty and freedom, simply indoctrination cloaked in an illusion of freedom.

Real freedom would allow a man to express something like sympathy, or being against gamergate, and express that opinion in peace. The reality of such spaces does not actually permit this.

It seems liberal and free, but in effect it is not. This is similar to how Trump seems to be strong sometimes, but in reality is weak and cowardly. Toxic masculinity loves its illusions.

[–] 0 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Can you give a few examples of what men can't say or do completely freely in liberal places?

[–] -1 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Sure. Go over into 4chan and try any behavior they would describe as "white knighting" or "simping". You will rapidly experience some social consequences intended to dissuade that behavior.

[–] 1 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (1 children)

Experiencing social consequences for saying something people disagree with is not infringing on your freedom. Unless they band together and try to go further than simply not liking what you have to say, how is that stopping men from saying their opinion on 4chan?

Independently, I wouldn't call 4chan a liberal place. As far as I know, 4chan started and participated in activities in the past that go far beyond simply not liking an opinion. They doxxed, harassed and threatened people, among other things. And with support from many people on that platform.

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[–] 0 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Are you implying liberal spaces deal with more toxic masculinity? Because that's sounds more like conservative spaces to me. In my experience men are much more welcome to be vulnerable and talk about their feelings in liberal spaces. If you can't find liberal spaces "where a man is completely free to open up, with full liberty and freedom from immediate consequences" I can't help but wonder if perhaps you and your options are the intolerant ones. Tolerance can not support intolerance and liberal spaces can and should reject intolerance.

[–] 0 points 8 months ago

No, it is specifically illiberal spaces that encourage more toxic masculinity, in a bit of a cycle. While the space itself may be extremely liberal and rules-free, a local culture can take over and enforce those same toxic norms in place of any set of rules. And frequently does. While the space may be ostensibly liberal, in effect it is not, due to the behavior of its community.

This is the majority of mens spaces, unfortunately. Online anyway.

[–] -1 points 8 months ago (1 children)

The only places I have been close to that are "toxic" male places. All boys clubs, drinking clubs, rugby clubs.

But women see them as toxic and label then like that. But if you talk to them you get more toxic than from these clubs they aren't a part of that tell you how horrible they are.

[–] 1 points 8 months ago

So, I'm not a woman, nor am I overly feminine, and I still call out toxic bullshit when I see it. If you want to say the problem is women/feminists though, fine whatever, if we cleaned up our own shit first, we might be able to make that stick. But when we're bastards and they're bitches, and we complain, we're kinda the fucked up ones, y'know? Since we were supposed to be strong in the first place.

Unless you just think life is shit and everyone should get used to it. Then, just move to Russia or something, for everyone's sake.

[–] 0 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (3 children)

Until there’s a liberal space for men, it’s going to cause them to flock to lying conservatives.

I mean, they/we also could create these spaces for us, much in the same way women did (and many other groups). And of course it's easier to fall for reactionary groups when liberal groups are less visible, but it's still a decision to follow their bullshit.

Shoutout to ! (and similar spaces)

[–] 1 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (1 children)

The issue is that these spaces are often prime trolling grounds, and you end up having the same discussions over and over until the honest posters move on and only trolls are left.

[–] -1 points 8 months ago

Which is why the heavily moderated menslib sub on Reddit was so great, because they didn't put up with that BS.

[–] -1 points 8 months ago

It would be great if there was mens clubs to just hang out, drink, talk, play games things like that. In fact there was and they were HUGE but men aren't allowed them now.

It would be great if boys could have that. Almost like a girls scouts but for boys.

[–] -1 points 8 months ago (1 children)

As soon as men try to organize and speak out we get called sexist. If men wanted to start a men only club like women are allowed they would be forced to let women in. Just look at the boy scouts (ignoring the pedophiles) they were forced to allow girls but the girl scouts don't have to allow boys. Males can't have anything male only.

[–] 1 points 8 months ago (4 children)

As soon as men try to organize and speak out we get called sexist.

That's simply not true. We have at least one counselling centre in our city that is "boys/young men only" and several "men only" self help groups. I've never heard them being called sexist, on the contrary people generally agree that this is a good thing and we need more of this. And they are certainly not forced to include other genders.

There are obviously not enough initiatives like these. But a blanket statement like yours is false and if you make the claim that men are regularly getting called out as sexist for forming liberal safe spaces you should provide some sources (I'm not denying that it happens, it's just not something I've experienced).

Just look at the boy scouts (ignoring the pedophiles)

The goal of boy scouts wasn't to provide a safe space to explore gender identity or emotions or anything like that. There was no reason to exclude other genders.

[–] -1 points 8 months ago

Women get told they need there own spaces for mental health, women's issues, to have women's chat.

Men aren't allowed those things. They are told they never open up, they are toxic they shouldn't be acting x,y,z and they should be more like girls.

What you are saying is when all thr fallout occurs then they get help. You are fixing a problem when their could be a solution before it becomes a problem.

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[–] -1 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Surely this is intersectional though right? Not all men are the same or have the same experience of political issues. I can see how straight white cis men might feel like these spaces aren't for them. But queer men might feel differently about this. Black men also.

Also if you feel like existing spaces aren't for you, then free to create your own spaces. There's nothing holding you back.

[–] 1 points 8 months ago

Nearly all leftist spaces welcome straight white cis men. Anti-feminists are not welcome.

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