
joined 3 months ago
[–] yrmp@lemmy.world 13 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

I'm white and I don't feel comfortable saying it/typing it. It's antiquated and weird.

[–] yrmp@lemmy.world 9 points 2 weeks ago

My posture is shit and I tested the leaning back and breathing thing and it did feel pretty good. But yeah, nothing wrong with drawing some inspiration within reason.

Example being Jordan Peterson. Cleaning your room if you can muster the will isn't a bad thing. That doesn't mean pronouns are a Neomarxist plot to control language or that you should only eat meat and get hooked on benzos.

Don't let their perceived expertise in one subject cloud your judgment over other subjects where they haven't the scantest idea what they're talking about. That said, it would be nice if everyone was forced to take a media literacy course or three in schools.

[–] yrmp@lemmy.world 29 points 2 weeks ago

He’s literally calling the prime minister and asking him not to do it with of course the perceived benefit of kickbacks from Trump if he were to win.

Do you have Trump cum in your brain from sucking him off so hard? Is that where your critical faculties went?

[–] yrmp@lemmy.world 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

There is a vast frontier of knowledge and value to be gained in renewable energy, fusion technologies, CRISPR/medical science, systems integrations and automation, environmental cleanup, food science, etc.

These all take hard work and knowledge and aren’t quick fixes, so of course it seems like all the low hanging fruit is gone.

There are a ton of problems that need solving. It’s not the dog eat dog universe you say it is.

I used to be nihilistic and cynical for a time as well. Then I went through a divorce, went deeply into debt, became an alcoholic, lived in my car for a while and got sober and got my shit together. Not to say I recommend it, but the survival instinct is strong, and a wife and kids are a wonderful thing to wake up to every day.

I hope you can get some distance from the drugs and you might also get some perspective.

Your story is at least interesting, and if true, it sounds like you at least have the resources to improve your mindset and lot in life.

[–] yrmp@lemmy.world 6 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Well naturally, but I was and still am a dumb hick from Appalachia, so I didn’t understand that at the time. I’m a senior engineer now who does system integrations. I was speaking of the cliché advice given to people without marketable skills in a bit of a tongue-in-cheek way.

[–] yrmp@lemmy.world 9 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (18 children)

Is it not work to make connections? Is there no value in learning to learn? I think this is a pretty short sighted way to go about life.

You seem like you’re younger than me and also not from the USA, so I can’t understand the exact realities of your situation without more info.

I got straight A’s in school (1992-2005) and found later in life that I was learning what other kids already inherently knew or learned way earlier. My “AP Calculus” was algebra I for the kids in the larger/wealthier cities in the state. Once I got to college/university I made up the difference somewhat, but I still felt very out of place.

Grades are not the end all be all, but learning to learn is important and it shouldn’t be reduced to just “testing once or twice”. How will you pass the test if you don’t know how to study or have at least some underlying knowledge of the test subject? Maybe I’m misunderstanding your meaning.

[–] yrmp@lemmy.world 23 points 1 month ago (23 children)

I may regret engaging, but I can say as someone who grew up in Harlan County, KY (one of the poorest places in the USA), hard work and education absolutely do still make a difference. You can get educated in a variety of ways, and you can meet people and lean on those connections even if your family isn’t born with them.

Raging about the world on the internet won’t fix your problems even if it does provide catharsis for a brief time. You’ve got to do some work. Whether that’s learning to grow a garden and giving produce to your neighbors, or learning music to join a band and connecting to others through songs you write. Those things take work. People want to connect with others who have skills, even outside of a capitalist system.

Anecdotally, I “LeArNeD tO cOdE” instead of bitching that all the mines closed, and it’s worked well for me. Wrapping my head around coding concepts when I objectively got one of the worst educations available in this country has been hard work and I’m proud to be where I am. I hope you find something you can work towards.

[–] yrmp@lemmy.world 23 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

Job: Software Dev

Internal stakeholder or C-Suite: presents nebulous idea for workflow/product/feature with no actual end goal

“We have a CRITICAL need for this product. It will REVOLUTIONIZE everything we do here. The stakes could not be higher. THIS MUST BE COMPLETED ASAP”

My boss: Okay. We will move heaven and Earth to get this done for you.

Me: Works 60 hours a week for two months to ensure the new product is successful

Also me: checking usage statistics six months later…last used by me during go live testing

I hate my life.

[–] yrmp@lemmy.world 5 points 1 month ago (3 children)

A former prosecutor selecting AOC also suggests a semblance of growth on the part of the prosecutor.

Yes, she put away a lot of people on drug crimes and I’m sure other BS. The conservatives are already circulating memes with a collage of black faces she put in prison. As if they give a fuck about black people in any capacity outside of when it’s politically expedient. They’ll be in the camps with the rest of us if Trump wins.

Someone like AOC diffuses some of the Israel and ACAB criticism. Or it could be turned to say AOC is a sellout, which I think is a hard argument to make. No one saying that should really be taken seriously given her record.

In this political climate of violence, it’s basically also a giant “fuck you” to the right. You’ll get this centrist woman, or you’ll get this left leaning woman. It hints where a Kamala Harris admin is wanting to take the country in the future and could also serve to finally motivate the youth vote.

AOC seems to understand realpolitik better than the many on the left, and I think she’ll eventually save us all. I know she probably won’t be on the ticket, but manifestation is a thing right?

[–] yrmp@lemmy.world 6 points 1 month ago

We do.

"If something goes down over the weekend, fewer people see it" - my leadership team.

I guess Asia can report the problem on Sunday and I'll get a nastygram and fix it that afternoon.

[–] yrmp@lemmy.world 5 points 1 month ago

I can use a plunger and knock a turd loose in less than 10 seconds. Getting a bucket and filling it with hot water is at least a few minutes of effort.

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