
joined 1 year ago
[–] waka@feddit.de 5 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

On e cigarettes specifically, after having watched bigclive dismantle lots of them, showing that they are practically just a few tiny cheap components away from being rechargeable and refillable (and they can indeed almost all be recharged and refilled), I guess manufacturers simply saw a market for it. It's stupid from start to finish, but then again cigarettes as a whole are stupid.

[–] waka@feddit.de 3 points 9 months ago

Actually, some of them aren't remotely placed correctly.

[–] waka@feddit.de 5 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Gentoo... oh my. I vividly remember installing it as Stage 1 on a then-budget Laptop in 2003 or so. Sure, great performance for what that device was capable of. But 24 hours compiling time until I had a desktop... Oh and all the fun of dependency resolving with emerge. @OP, alternative title:


[–] waka@feddit.de 8 points 9 months ago

I wish I could do that. Unfortunately my rented flat requires 23°C of heating to prevent mold thanks to bad windows that cannot be fixed due to the house community not wanting to pay for replacing them. And yes I'm practicing proper venting, supported with several devices for timing. I'm so glad I'll be moving out soon.

[–] waka@feddit.de 2 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Interessante Ansicht. Wenn ich das in Verhältnis setzen würde, sehe ich Lemmy als ein klares "Frage-Antwort" und "Schau mal her! - Nice!" Spiel. RSS-Feeds sind eher vollautomatisierte (mehr oder minder) ungefilterte Infos ohne Limits und Microblogging-Dienste wie Mastodon sind so eine Mischung daraus, wo sich Grüppchen um führende Personen bilden können und man selber Dinge aus dem Hirn loswerden kann.

Kommt das so in etwa hin? Wenn ja, hab ich glaub ich eine Erkenntnis.

[–] waka@feddit.de 10 points 9 months ago (6 children)

Well, he made that dishwasher video a few years ago, sooo...

[–] waka@feddit.de 9 points 9 months ago (1 children)

I got that T-Shirt reference

Also my favorite tidbit from the comments there:

spoilerToei Animation had to warn the Mexican government not to air the last episode of Dragon Ball Super in plazas across Mexico's cities (which was promptly ignored) and was a huge event across the country at the time. Bars had watch parties and there was a flyer that got popular which read "free dances for everyone if Goku wins this epic battle."

Dragon Ball is a second religion.

[–] waka@feddit.de 6 points 10 months ago (3 children)

Was about to ask which extension can spoof Browser Strings for specific sites.

Good ol' uBlock counters yet again. We gotta protect that extension and all the filter list maintainers.

[–] waka@feddit.de 1 points 10 months ago

That's horrible. Moved from vanced to revanced the moment it was properly working with the manager tool. Had the chance to look at the stock app a couple of days ago. It's not even about the ad-blocking anymore. The stock app is borderline unusable.

Also fun fact: Youtube managed to pull off a cobra-effect with their recent fight on adblocking. That was a fun realisation when I heard of that.

[–] waka@feddit.de 4 points 10 months ago

Alles muss man selber machen

[–] waka@feddit.de 19 points 11 months ago (2 children)

Just get into the routine of going to ublock origin addon each morning, clear the caches and loading all filters. Close all youtube tabs and reopen them. Those daredevils are playing anti-anti-adblock with youtube via blocklists daily now.

Ah, if it doesn't work, disable all addons, restart browser, update filters, try. If it works, enable addons one-by-one until the method suddenly fails.

Also pi-hole and similar adblocking solutions can cause this now, so you might need to remove those, add exceptions or stuff. It's tedious, but doable.

Might be time to migrate to indiviuous as my new youtube frontpage (uses youtube as video source, nothing lost) or setup my own instance of it. My TV runs smarttubenext for years now, anyway, which is way better than the original yt app.

[–] waka@feddit.de 1 points 11 months ago (2 children)

Vegetables do provide some nutrients and buffering, yet they're not an absolutely necessary main source IF you have access to good quality meat, eggs, fish, etc. Those things have a very high micronutritiants-content, as long as they are of good quality.

On Rabbit poisoning, looked it up. That is based on an absolutely purely protein-based diet with little to no intake of fat and carbs, as far as I understand that right now. I did not state that eating purely protein is okay, just that the body can make up for deficiencies in fat or carbs as needed. So eating nothing but chicken meat without any fat or carbs would likely cause rabbit poisoning symptoms as well. Which is, again, not what I stated.

mudah.swf (feddit.de)

Ich hoffe das hier ist die richtige Community dafür.

Ich hab auf Basis eines anderen Sieves eines für Lemmy-Instanzen gebastelt. Momentan klappt das zwar, aber ich bin nicht sicher, ob dieses Sieves alle regulären Lemmy-Instanzen abdeckt und ob es nicht womöglich mit anderen Webseiten kollidiert. Könnt ihr mir vielleicht helfen, es weiterzuentwickeln?

Mein jetziger Stand:


Hab ich entwickelt, indem ich die URLs von Vollgröße-Bilder verschiedener Instanzen in regexr.com reingepackt hab und dann angefangen hab Zeugs zu matchen, damit der alles erreicht, aber so spezifisch wie möglich bei den URLs bleibt.

Falls wer Imagus nicht kennt:

Imagus ist ein Addon für Firefox, um durch Maus drüberhalten Bilder auf Vollgröße in Webseiten zu bringen. Vergrößert öfters auch Bilder, die man sonst nicht erreicht und man kann z.B. mit Rechtsklick und Scrollrad mittig das Bild stabilisieren und vergrößern. Ist viel einfacher und weniger störend als mehrere Klicks zum durchbrowsen, wenn man nur die Maus drüberhalten muss - finde ich.

Wo die generischen Filter des Addons nicht greifen, kann man eigene Sieves hinzufügen - so etwas wie eigene Filter. Hatte ich damals für Reddit auch gemacht, da hat man sogar Videos direkt abspielen können.

Zum Import von einem Sieve in die Addon-Einstellungen gehen, oben auf "Sieves" klicken, dann den Pfeil nach unten (Import) anklicken, die Codezeile von oben einfügen und dann "Import Text" anklicken, danach per Drag'n'Drop ans Ende der Liste ziehen und dann den Save-Button anklicken. Wenn man was falsch macht, einfach Seite neuladen ohne Save zu drücken.


Ich habe vorhin dort ein geöffnetes Glas Bockwürste mit MHD 08/2007 und eine abgelaufene Packung Milch mit MHD 2015 entsorgt.


poor alexa

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by waka@feddit.de to c/youtubehaiku@lemmy.world


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