
joined 11 months ago
[–] 3 points 8 hours ago (1 children)

Sometimes they just get dirty, we learned that after our ac only spat out hot air, we rinsed it off and it was good as new ready to die for us again

[–] 5 points 1 day ago

I don't know, we put in a lot of effort to make our living room clear for our robot vac. We lifted the sofa we got shelves with a space at the bottom but roomboi still just gets stuck on it's own in the middle of a hardwood floor

[–] 11 points 1 day ago

Truancy is a serious crime

[–] 2 points 1 day ago

My boss doesn't approve of pron

[–] 70 points 3 days ago (1 children)

It's not that I have something to hide, it's that I don't trust your judgment

[–] 8 points 5 days ago

Because the diamond guy wants to advertise to people like you, Google just gives them a check list of who they want to target and Google listens, if big diamond wants nerds to see diamond ads Google will take their money

[–] 6 points 5 days ago (3 children)

If I'm planning g to upgrade gpu is it better to go with amd vs nvidia?

[–] 14 points 5 days ago

Haha my coworker told me the same thing, that when her baby came out and she saw her for the first time she couldn't believe how such a beautiful creature could exist, then a few days later she saw the picture and was like that's what she actually looked like?

[–] 20 points 5 days ago

The trick is you hire a runner who comes over when you ring a bell and he unplugs your computer and plugs in the one you need and then takes the other computer to someone else that needs it, I think they call him a vm short for vamoose machine

[–] 7 points 5 days ago (1 children)

I just had a baby and I'm already planning how to get her to help me run my home lab as a way to get her to figure all this stuff out, maybe run some game servers or do a little local blog. Then I think about how I can teach her to solder a hand wired keyboard or maybe build a little fpv drone with me and then I start to remember that kids sometimes just don't like what you do so you never know what you could get them interested in or not or if you will each have the time when they're older

[–] 26 points 5 days ago

There are laws that prevent the theft of someone's catalytic converter as well


Saw this comment on a local news post about the mayor's state of the city address and the mayor mentioned some of the new public transportation initiatives including adding another line to the train, I was under the impression that Amtrak was a success until the rails became denationalized and corporate greed limited the railways and pushed passenger trains to the sides

Dear Friends, Thanks for reporting about transportation, a favorite of mine. So, as with previous editions at the mayor’s spot, what is the cost of a bus ride? train ride? Bullet Train ride? and how much of the cost will the passenger pay, and how much of it will the taxpayers pay? Dejavu all over again, Yogi. When is socialism a better transportation solution than the private sector? Why don’t our leaders follow their own experts’ advice about transport funding? They concluded “user fees” is best; but we reject that advice, and add a 1/4 cent here, and a 1/2 cent there, here, there, and everywhere, and what do we get in the end? Lousy public sector transit, where only the public sector union employees win, while the rest of us pay higher, higher, and higher gas taxes, and other taxes. Why don’t we cut spending instead of raising taxes, fees, fines, assessments, mandates, etc.? Why did we denationalize the railroads after they were nationalized during the Wilson Administration? Why did Lincoln say “no” to Gen. Granville Dodge, at the White House in 1864, when Dodge, who was later UPRR top civil engineer, told the President that the transcontinental railroad should be owned by the government. Dodge recites his interview with Lincoln in his seminal “How We Built the Transcontinental Railroad.” During the debate in 1970 on creation of the National Railroad Passenger Act (a/k/a Amtrak), advocates promised that it would be “self-sufficient in three years.” How’d that work out? By 9/11/01, taxpayers’ subsidies to Amtrak, in hundred dollar bill stacked together, reached higher than the World Trade Centers had stood. We had Amtrak, but our airport security didn’t serve us well. In 2009 Mark Derry published a letter in which I predicted that the price of a gallon of gas would rise to $10.00 to fund the bankrupt-from-conception Bullet Train. Looks like I was too optimistic. Today, I’d venture to say it will be closer to $20/gallon. History teaches us that public sector “services” come with a fatal price tag. Today’s leaders have us on the Road to Serfdom, same route taken by the USSR.


Pretty cool idea by using open street maps you can download the location you want and play the game there, defend your neighborhood or loot your house.

The reviews seem decent but mention it needs a lot of tweaking as it just released on early access, like water not affecting where zombies can walk or elevation not being a thing.

Maybe this can get some more people interested in mapping


Sure it's taking up space but maybe I'll get back to it someday, plus who will buy it?


After the latest dev update on Android, while scrolling down my feed I get stuck over a post and then I'm unable to scroll up or down or select a post. The only way to get out of it is to change the feed filter like from top six hour to top hour then that will get stuck so I have to switch back


Hello I am using crunchbang plus plus on a dell/wyse 5470 thin client and I want to add a OpenBox menu item to turn on and off my wireguard vpn with the sudo wg-quick up wg0 and sudo wg-quick down wg0 commands

currently I have

<menu id="menu-1473049" label="Wireguard">
      <item label="VPN On">
        <action name="Execute">
          <command>wg-quick up wg0</command>
      <item label="VPN Off">
        <action name="Execute">
          <command>wg-quick down wg0</command>

but nothing happens when I click them, also I tried with sudo in the command name and it didnt work either and Im not sure how it would ask for my password from a menu command? is this even possible?

Street bag (
Beta Update 1.8.83 (
submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by to c/

Too bad the fire trucks were gone, but you can see them on google maps if you set the date to 2008


Just curious of how many players here have gone through the main story already to gauge how bad spoilers are at this point

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