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[–] 3 points 8 months ago (1 children)

I think there should be no limits to immigration, but we also need to avoid deliberately robbing other countries of their skilled work force. Germany for instance has installed programs to get nurses from countries like Romania, which then are lacking there. Meanwhile they are faced with strong racism here, the notion being that they should feel grateful and accept being subjected to shitty (and often illegal) working conditions.

When you look at the people "invited" for working in agriculture or slaughterhouses you often find conditions that fulfill many criteria of forced labor.

And telling people they shouldn't have children is one step towards enforcing them not having children. And this will be done along ethnical lines and it will be genocide. That is why we need to reject this notion, before the idea becomes normalised and then the fascists say "obviously population control is needed for the other people, not us"

[–] 12 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Den Staat herunterwirtschaften
→ Investitionsstau und Ausfälle führen zu Herabstufung der Kreditwürdigkeit
→ noch weniger Schulden dürfen aufgenommen werden
→ Staats geht bankkrott, egal wie hoch die Schuldenquote tatsächlich ist
→ Alles öffentliche Eigentum wird privatisiert und der Staat wird auf eine reine Eigentums-Schutz-Polizei reduziert

→ Profit für alle Neoliberalen und Neufeudalen bei FDP, AfD, CDU und CSU.

Wir haben den Raubbau in Griechenland gesehen. Wir sehen den Raubbau in Großbritannien. Ich glaube nicht, dass Lindner, Merz, Weidel & co. nicht genau wissen was sie wollen.

[–] -2 points 8 months ago (3 children)

It seems though that our pension system is failing, as you pointed out yourself. So maybe having a stable number of children is the better pension system?

Given the productivity rate that we have in industrialized countries, we don't need 5 children per mother, but 2 seem reasonable. And there isn't "more than enough" people. Any number of "enough" is arbitrary, until the planetary limits are exceeded from the number of people. But we could easily sustain another 2-4 billion more people with a good life, if we would get rid of capitalism.

[–] 5 points 8 months ago

Jein. Hetzen ist deutlich einfacher als eine gut recherchierte und ausgewogene Berichterstattung.

Also sie machen es freiwillig, und schaut man sich die Biografien der "Journalisten" an, sind das häufig Leute aus "gut bürgerlichen" Familien. Aber wo man bei der FAZ außerhalb der Meinungskolummnen auch Nachweise bringen muss, bevor man sein rechtes Weltbild in den Artikel haut, reicht es bei der Bild "plausible deniability" zu haben, und angesichts der Vielzahl von Presserügen, wird auch das mehrfach im Jahr nicht erreicht.

[–] 0 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Von welcher Verfolgung durch die Bundesregierung und welchen Juden auf der Straße in Deutschland redest du?!5992126/!5965154/,-jason-isadore-oberman,-an-die-pr%C3%A4sidentin-der-polizei-in-berlin,-dr.-slowik

Wusste gar nicht, dass die noch lebt und sich zur aktuellen Situation geäußert hatte.!365212/

Es ist bezeichnend, dass du eine Vorstellung von "guten" und "schlechten" Juden hast, und allen Juden, die nicht in dein Weltbild passen die Existenz absprichst oder sie öffentlich denunzierst.

[–] 0 points 8 months ago (2 children)

Jaja, der IGH sind bekanntlich auch alles Israe-Hasser. Alle Juden, die in Deutschland trotz Verfolgung durch die Bundesregierung auf die Straße gehen sind auch alles nur Israel-Hasser. Die Rabbis in New York, die gegen Genozid und Apartheid demonstrieren sind auch eigentlich nur Antisemiten. Holocaustüberlebende wie Hanna Ahrendt sind auch nur Israel-Hasser.

Wahrleich der deutsche Lurch weiß es genau!

[–] 3 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (1 children)

This is wrong. Germany is not calling for a ceasefire since december. Germany is calling for "humanitarian fire pauses". When asked by journalists in the governmental press conference about three times a week the goverment keeps speaking about a "humantarian fire pause" "humanitäre Feuerpause" and is explicitly rejecting the word "ceasefire" "Waffenstillstand". The goal of the German government remains set on Israel being able to continueing attacking Gaza militarily.

Dont let some english analysis tell you otherwise when the primary source, the german government itself is openly rejecting the word ceasefire. Even after the massacre on the 29th February, the German government remains to reject the word ceasefire.

Government Press conference 01.03.24

In the press conference on 12.03.2024 the German government again repeated that they believe Israel to be fully abiding by international law. Only in this press conference they are not talking about a "Feuerpause" but "Waffenpause" which could be understood as a ceasefire, but leaves wiggle room continue fighting after the "pause". This is distinctly different from a "Waffenstillstand", where "stillstand" translates more to a full halt.

[–] 0 points 8 months ago (4 children)

Deutschland konsequent für Genozid. Man kennt es.

[–] 22 points 8 months ago (2 children)

Ich frage mich, wie wohl Archäologen in 5.000 Jahren über diese seltsamen berauschten Tanzrituale diskutieren werden.

[–] 15 points 8 months ago

You'll be shocked to find that electric cars have been invented 50 years before Benz came around with what today is considered the "invention of the automobile" by slapping an internal combustion engine on it.

[–] 11 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Why wouldn't it? Those sails are 37m tall. I found stacked containes to be at max stacked up to 25m.

[–] 6 points 8 months ago (3 children)

As the ICJ accepted the charge and will hold hearings on 8th of april and 9th of april, your notion of "everyone" seems to not include the ICJ, who is the final authority on this case.

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