Den Staat herunterwirtschaften
→ Investitionsstau und Ausfälle führen zu Herabstufung der Kreditwürdigkeit
→ noch weniger Schulden dürfen aufgenommen werden
→ Staats geht bankkrott, egal wie hoch die Schuldenquote tatsächlich ist
→ Alles öffentliche Eigentum wird privatisiert und der Staat wird auf eine reine Eigentums-Schutz-Polizei reduziert
→ Profit für alle Neoliberalen und Neufeudalen bei FDP, AfD, CDU und CSU.
Wir haben den Raubbau in Griechenland gesehen. Wir sehen den Raubbau in Großbritannien. Ich glaube nicht, dass Lindner, Merz, Weidel & co. nicht genau wissen was sie wollen.
I think there should be no limits to immigration, but we also need to avoid deliberately robbing other countries of their skilled work force. Germany for instance has installed programs to get nurses from countries like Romania, which then are lacking there. Meanwhile they are faced with strong racism here, the notion being that they should feel grateful and accept being subjected to shitty (and often illegal) working conditions.
When you look at the people "invited" for working in agriculture or slaughterhouses you often find conditions that fulfill many criteria of forced labor.
And telling people they shouldn't have children is one step towards enforcing them not having children. And this will be done along ethnical lines and it will be genocide. That is why we need to reject this notion, before the idea becomes normalised and then the fascists say "obviously population control is needed for the other people, not us"