
joined 1 year ago
[–] 6 points 5 months ago

Stochastischer Terrorismus dies das.

Dazu kommen dann allerdings auch eine SPD und FDP, die in ihren Koalitionen auf Landesebene oder auf Bundesebene die SPD im Innenministerium weiter vor einer neuen RAF warnen statt den braunen Sumpf in und außerhalb des Staatsapparates trockenzulegen.

[–] 1 points 5 months ago (1 children)

Könnte es etwas damit zu tun haben, dass in den 90er "Linke" auch häufig von Armut und Arbeitslosigkeit betroffen waren, gerade im Osten?

Ich bin erst später und in der Stadt aufgewachsen, deswegen frage ich.

[–] 18 points 6 months ago

Doch es soll privates Kapital genutzt werden. Nur das sich dann völlig überraschend das Wunder des privaten Kapitals in öffentlichen Monopolpositionen nicht zu besseren Dienstleistungen für weniger Geld entwickelt, sondern so schlechteren Dienstleistungen für deutlich mehr Geld. Fast so als ob Monopole oder Quasimonopole nicht durch private Profitmaximierer besetzt werden sollten.

[–] 6 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Well the thing is, this isn't just a thing in Spain, or just a thing in Germany, or just a thing in France, or just a thin in Italy, or Croatio, or Hungary, or Austria, the Netherlands, or Belgium or Poland...

It is a specifically european problem in the context of the EU, as opposed to just a problem in a single member state.

That doesn't deny that it is also a problem on other continents.

[–] 2 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Ich habe an einem Montag geheiratet.

[–] 1 points 6 months ago

Im Interview bei Jung & Naiv hat die Vorsitzende des Bund der deutschen Landjugend davor gewarnt, dass ohne Subventionen die Hänge an der Mosel bald ganz anders aussehen könnten.

Zur Herstellung von Industriealkohol Wein zu nutzen und das dann auch noch staatlich zu subventionieren, anstatt auf effizientere Zuckerpflanzen wie Rüben zurückzugreifen ist volkswirtschaftlich und ökologisch jedenfalls völliger Wahnsinn.

[–] 11 points 6 months ago (6 children)

Wenn wir annehmen, dass es in jedem Leben einen besten Moment gibt, dann kann man das über jeden Moment sagen.

Und nach drei Tagen zugekokstem und weggesoffenem Festivalbesuch eine Woche Krankenhausaufenthalt zu haben, und ne Woche später festzustellen, dass man sich Genitalherpes eingefangen hat, ist vielleicht auch nicht so der Lebenshöhepunkt, dem man alle anderen unterordnen möchte. Auch dann nicht, wenn während der drei Tage der Dopaminspiegel am höchsten jemals war.

[–] 11 points 6 months ago

I recommend everyone to read up a bit on the Algerian war for independence

In total the estimates for Algerians killed, mostly murdered by the French opression range from 400.000-1.500.000.

The French massacred Civilians, used torture and rape, unlawful detentions, food deprivation and other inhumane tactics to supress and murder the people struggling to live in self determination on their own land.

Meanwhile of course the independance fighters were branded as terrorists and barbarians to delegitimise their political goals and in complete denial about the terror imposed by the French police and army.

Finally the French lost as their population stopped supporting the murder, torture and rape. It also lead to the collapse of the fourth republic, after which the war was lost soon after.

The military tried to coup twice. First to bring de Gaulle into power and maintain the brutal opression of Algeria and a second time to coup de Gaulle out, as he was realising the war to be lost and seeking a political resolution.

For decades after there was no recognition of the French, that a war took place. They refered to it as a police operation and the topic was banned from schools.

In the muslim and arab world what happens in Gaza and the Westbank is often seen in parallel to the Algerian war of independence. In Europe many countries gloss over or just dont teach about the Algerian war for independence or other independance movements in the former colonies at all.

[–] 2 points 6 months ago

The polarisation created by the agreement thus has the potential to seep into wider society. Indeed, 2023 was also a year of increased riots and protests in Mauritania due in large part to the police killing of human rights activist al-Soufi Ould al-Chine in February and a young Afro-Mauritanian man, Oumar Diop, in May.

The latter instance in particular compounded a sense of racialised exclusion felt by many within the Afro-Mauritanian community. Indeed, it is not uncommon for Afro-Mauritanians to be suspected of being “illegal immigrants” by security forces, given the difficulties many face in obtaining civil registry documentation. In such a context, the EU incentivising national security forces to crack down on “irregular migration” carries acute risks for those already on the margins in Mauritania.

The migration deal, therefore, risks inflaming racial tensions and social polarisation in Mauritania while it is also unlikely to achieve its stated aim of preventing “irregular migration”. Such an outcome would foremost be detrimental to the country itself, and it would also undermine the EU’s own framing of Mauritania as a beacon of stability in a troubled region.

[–] 2 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Thats bullshit. It is particularly heinous that in Germany Germans think they get to decide who is a "real jew" and who isnt. Denying jewish ethnic or cultural heritage based on political positions is antisemtic bullshit.

[–] 16 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Gerade reingekommen: Hessen ist im Krieg mit Ozeanien. Hessen war schon immer mit Ostasien verbündet.

[–] 11 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Aber dann kann man "EU-Parlamentskandidat" in seinen Lebenslauf schreiben.


EDIT: The header of the english statement has been updated in the statement on the website of the group. The term confiscation has distinct legal meanings that could be confused and the way the term is often used in common language is inaccurate for the legal meaning. See s comment showing the legal distinction.

~~In 2024, Jewish money is once again being confiscated by a German bank:~~ Berliner Sparkasse freezes Jewish Voice account

On 25 March 2024, our account with the Berliner Sparkasse was frozen with immediate effect. In a letter, the Sparkasse informed us that it had taken this step as a precautionary measure and that we should submit numerous internal documents by 5 April to update our customer data. As a public corporation, the bank is bound by public law and may therefore not arbitrarily freeze accounts without providing an explanation, which it did not. It is also highly unusual that the required documents include a list of our members with their full names and addresses.

Why should this information be important to the Berliner Sparkasse? It sounds more like a question that might be asked by an intelligence service or the police, who have been politically persecuting us as a Jewish organisation for some time. Our previous account with the Bank for Social Economy was closed in 2019 because of our support for BDS. This happened after agitation by Israeli journalist Benjamin Weinthal and pressure from the Central Council of Jews in Germany.

This pressure and political persecution are increasing as Israel and its apartheid policies in the state of Israel and the West Bank, and now its genocidal policies in the Gaza Strip, lose support around the world. Germany is one of Israel"s last loyal allies, and the German state is co-operating with Israel"s apartheid and genocide, even though over 80% of the population does not support the German government"s policy.

The Palestine Congress will take place in Berlin in mid-April and will feature a wide range of international speakers, including the former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis. The closer the congress gets, the more intense the persecution becomes; for weeks, there has been shrill defamation from the tabloid media and local politicians, such as describing it as a "hate summit" for which "thousands of anti-Semites" will be coming to Berlin. Because the journalists can"t write anything factual about it, they try to delegitimise the congress through guilt by association.

However, because the organisers are independent of politics, the usual methods such as cancellation or denial of spaces do not work. The congress is financed by ticket sales and donations; we, the Jewish Voice, have made our account available for this purpose – which is why it has now been blocked. We will not be intimidated by this, even if we lose our account: Our position on genocide is derived from our Jewish values and is not dependent on financial resources. Our membership grows with every day and every act of repression. Anyone who is a member of our organisation knows it themselves. It is none of any bank"s business. We are taking legal action against the arbitrary, politically motivated freezing of our account, which is unacceptable in a democracy.


Avi Shlaim is an eminent historian. He is an Emeritus Professor of International Relations at Oxford University and the author of The Iron Wall: Israel and the Arab World (2014) and Israel and Palestine: Reappraisals, Revisions, Refutations (2009). Professor Shlaim is a dual Israeli British citizen who lived in the country as a child. His family originated from Iraq and migrated to the newly founded state in 1950.


Yesterdays hearing of South Africa


Israel resumed bombing the Gaza Strip, as the truce ended this morning after failed negotiations.

The Health ministry in Gaza reports dozens killed in airstrikes today. The WHO describes the situation in Gaza hospitals as "like a horror movie" and is worried, that the last remaining hospitals in Gaza will have to cease medical care soon.

The US urges Israel to not repeat "massive loss of civilian life" as seen in northern Gaza, but Israels inconsistent warning of civillians as well as bombing of designated safe areas raises questions to Israels intentions of protecting civillians.


An army of antisemitism commissioners was supposed to help Germany atone for its past. Critics say it is evidence of a memory effort gone haywire.

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