
joined 1 year ago
[–] 0 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Hast du auch eine konkrete inhaltliche Kritik?

Alles was er in dem Interview sagt ist gut belegt.

[–] 47 points 8 months ago

In der glorreichen Entwicklung deutscher Leitkultur hat man das Fasten in der Fastenzeit einfach wegrationalisiert, gönnt sich aber weiter den Exzess zu Karneval.

Oder wie Volker Pispers über die "katholische" Kultur in Deutschland sagte: "Wenn sie ihre Religion ernst nehmen würden, dann wären sie ja Moslems."

[–] 6 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Your alternative is the Dems continueing to fuck over the poor people in and outside the US and the Republicans to sucessfully blame it on the libs, but doing the same, fueling an ever far right extreme spiral.

In the end i guess voters get what they deserve for never demanding actual positive change from the party that proclaims for itself to be progressive.

[–] 14 points 8 months ago

Um die Zeitverträge im Wissenschaftsbetrieb wird seit Jahren gerungen. Ein früherer Entwurf hatte eine Verkürzung der Höchstbefristungsdauer der Zeitverträge nach der Promotion auf drei Jahre vorgesehen. Das war unter anderem von der Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft kritisiert worden. Nach den Worten der stellvertretenden GEW-Vorsitzenden Keller hätte das dazu geführt, dass Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen promovierte Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler "drei Jahre früher auf die Straße setzen als heute". Ihr fehlten verbindliche Vorgaben für eine Entfristung der Verträge.

Das klingt leider eher nach Kosmetik als nach Ursachenbekämpfung.

[–] 9 points 8 months ago (1 children)


Du kannst Vereine gründen wie du lustig bist. Für einen eigetragenen Verein brauchst du lediglich 7 Anfangsmitglieder, eine demokratische Satzung mit dem Zweck des Vereins und demokratischen Strukturen, nach denen auch der Vereinsvorstand gewählt wurde.

Du kannst aber auch einen Verein gründen, ohne dass dieser eingetragen wird. Dann hast du rechtlich aber eine GbR und die Mitglieder können privat haftbar gemacht werden.

Es gibt meines Wissens auch keine Regelung wonach der Name einer GbR eindeutig sein müsste. Bei eingetragenen Vereinen gibt es einen gewissen Namensschutz Wichtig ist in beiden Fällen, dass du keine Verwechslungsgefahr provozierst, und auf den Logos sind wahrscheinlich auch markenrechtliche Ansprüche drauf.

[–] 4 points 8 months ago

Isn't that true for most workplaces though? You'll end up using some tool that automates much of the heavy lifting and a lot will be meetings and managerial tasks anyways. When you design products you usually have engineers of many different fields that need to work together so lots of it is just talking about how to get it to work together.

For any applied math jobs, which is probably IT related you'll have the same issue.

[–] 5 points 8 months ago (1 children)

As civil engineers we used to joke that architects are mostly artists and wouldn't know what they are doing.

There is some brilliant architects that do know their physics for building design and construction, but they seem to be far and few in between.

[–] 8 points 8 months ago

Anyone who wants to design and publish research has to have a pretty good grasp of a lot of math.

I invite you to have a look at some of the studies, when there is a new "pyschologists found out that your poor sleep comes from your mom having an affair with your goldfish" style headline. Then you find out they asked like 30 people they got from an online survery or so.

[–] 8 points 8 months ago

Bigger cars are mostly just more metal. But you can ask prices abouat proportionally to size. The expensive parts are all about the same, whether it is the engine, gearbox, axis, computer...

So by selling someone a car that is twice as big for twice the money, when it only cost 25% more to produce, profit goes "brrrr"

[–] 1 points 8 months ago

None of these are foregin policy issues and none of these affect people outside the US directly. Which is why it is hard for us to see one candidate as better or worse than the other. It will always end up being the same shit for us anyways.

But maybe ask yourself this: Why did the system produce these two candidates again? Why is this the "best" the US can offer? What did the average Democrat voter do, to get a better candidate than Joe Biden from the Dems? Probably nothing. And why? Not being interested enough? Or feeling powerless anyways, because it is rigged with superpacs and billionaire donors anyways? Or because you have to work a second job, because you need to feed your children and yourself?

I can only point out to you again, that the political and economical system that produced Trump is the same system that produced Biden and everyone who is invested in that system will try to make sure that you keep staying inside the box they want you to stay in.

[–] 1 points 8 months ago (2 children)

My point was that in these regards Trump is not worse than Biden. Voting either party in this system will only reinforce them.

[–] 11 points 8 months ago (5 children)

Not if you vote democrats though. 2016 should have been a wakeup call, but wasn't to the party elites. Then 2020 should have been a wake up call but wasn't. Now it is 2024 and they are still not waking up.

As long as they are not punished vor being neoliberal far right economists with an imperial war hawk approach to foreign policy nothing will change.

Everyone should vote for a third party imo. If the Dems suddenly need to compete with an actually progressive party, they would need to bring actual progressive politics. Right now they are just becoming more and more like what the republicans used to be, just with some LGBT rights, but only like if it isn't inconvenient.

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