
joined 1 week ago
[–] 6 points 19 hours ago

There is an Organic Maps ios app which I use to mostly good effect. Occasionally have to fall back to Google maps and then I make a note to update OSM with the details missing where possible later.

[–] 17 points 1 day ago (3 children)

Thanks so much for sharing this Bookwyrm is on my radar to try (currently use storygraph). I've been looking for ways to contribute to the open source community as a non-coder so def going to check out bookbrainz. Freedom of information is one of my biggest passions and this goes hand in hand with those goals as they form the backbone of meaningful archival efforts.

[–] 5 points 2 days ago

Thanks for saying this - I did click the link but saw it was 45mins and was immediately out until I read the comments.

Incredible video. I love him!

[–] 2 points 2 days ago

Thanks so much for the reply, I'll give it a download to play with it - I certainly am a big fan of simple!

[–] 1 points 3 days ago (2 children)

This looks great. Thanks so much for your work on this and sharing with us.

What in your opinion sets your software apart from the other options you mention?

I have recently setup dockers for plex, immich, nextcloud and paperlessngx but have yet to look at longterm maintenence inc. things like auto updates (I know to avoid on immich).

As someone who prob knows the options inside and out - would you recommend your option to this relative newbie or do you think one of the other options might be a better place to start?

[–] 9 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

The world: How much are your eggs?

Trump: $100

The world: Sure we'll help... that will be $99.

[–] 23 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

Kids are easy to manipulate in general. But kids raised in this environment are a predators dream come true.

They are told they are sinners from birth and therefore unlovable outside of god's infinite generosity of murdering his own kid. They are told whatever happens to them is for a reason and doesn't need to "make sense" as it makes sense to god. They are taught never to speak out against "gods anointed" and see everyone around them they trust speak of this pastor figure like they are a god.

Predators like these pastors know there is a low chance they will ever talk. Beyond that they know they will be "forgiven" if they are caught a lot of the time. Thinking of that viral clip a couple of years ago of a pastor being given a standing ovation for "bravely coming forward and confessing sexual sin" [r*ping a 14yr old]

The whole thing is a god damn mess and the sooner we are done with it the better.

[–] 22 points 1 week ago

Holy shit, after years of trying to convince my wife to join Reddit it turns out you were here on Lemmy all along.

[–] 51 points 1 week ago (9 children)

Literally at this point I assume any headline that mentions a pastor in the first half ends with CSA.

[–] 8 points 1 week ago

Psychotherapist in the UK here. I cannot stress enough that many of these services are quite predatory both on the therapist and clients. Additionally many do not vet their therapists properly.

I don't know where you are in the EU but your country should have regulating bodies. Here in the UK we have BACP, BPS, COSCA etc. All of which have online directories that let you search by speciality, filter for online/in-person etc. In the UK (and I've heard this is true in some other places in Europe but not sure where) you do NOT have to be qualified to call yourself a therapist or counselor so going with someone outside of these regulatory bodies often means you are doing therapy with someone that did a weekend online course. It is also why these online services are full of people you don't want to be working with.

Before COVID, in the UK we were required to have specialist additional training to work via phone/online but since COVID it's a bit of a wild west. It is substantially different working online than in person - that can be a very good thing... But it can also be a very bad thing too.

My advise is find a regulatory body, search their directory and look for people who specialize in exactly what you want to work in. Many will tick a box as one of 100 things they can work with - ignore those and look for people that in the description talk about neurodiversity etc.

Oh and finally, good practice is to offer clients a 15-20 min call so you can explain how you work and help them get an idea of if they'd like to work with you. Take advantage of this and talk to 2-4 people first before picking someone. The number 1 metric for positive outcomes in therapy is how well you connect to your therapist, so don't compromise on that.

If you would like more pointers feel free to ask, I don't want to overshare info that isn't relevant.

[–] 5 points 1 week ago

Capitalism loves to point at mental health - especially after spending decades shaping public views and systemic approaches mental health to be a personal defect and issue.

9x out of 10 psychopathology done thoroughly rather than just ticking off some symptoms in the DSM/ICD identifies above psychological or biological factors the main factor in mental health struggles is sociological.

Simply put: society is depressing people, society is making people anxious... And behind all that it is capitalism that dictates that success and survival is based on ability to produce. And if you fail to produce the whole system is stacked against you to reduce your ability to function mentally.

For folks interested in this I highly recommend checking out Lucy Johnson of the BPS (British Psychological Society)'s Power Threat Meaning Framework for a radical new way to see mental health.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

I had a quick search but couldn't identify anything obvious... Could you clarify what cloudflare did recently/why one might want to avoid them?

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