How to overcomplicate simple things 101, 2024 Edition
...then you'd need another higher grade more-supreme court... maybe just don't let the members be chosen by obviously biased politicians
Humans psyche is a meaning inference recursive engine, semiotically I mean, following Charles Sanders Peirce's Theory of Signs, it generates meaning and thus needs a story to explain it, or simply to tell itself.
The story doesn't need to hold sound logic or any objectivity true to reality, it only needs to convey the meaning that it generated so that the mind can believe it more than questioning its validity.
Long story short, humans really likes being told and believing stories, and often they are the ones telling the story right to themselves.
A girl I've dated for a while worked as photographer for live events reportage, clocking even thousand shots for event and saving at least a hundred of them for the job, and she told me rather often she was being later contacted by the client, or someone of his entourage, or even some other person from the public, months past the event and asking if she could send them e.g. "that picture where I'm standing with that friend of mine wearing a white shirt...", and all that of course without even being able to tell her the actual date of the event.
First OS was C64's Commodore KERNAL/BASIC 2.0 GEOS, if that even counts as an OS, the next was Amiga 500's AmigaOS
First Linux distro was Fedora
Oh crap! If this is true then avoid spending a ton of money in insulin supplies each year could give an actual reason to politicians for reducing the healthcare state budget, which they normally do at every occasion just without a proper explanation... I don't know if my mind is ready for rationality in politics /s
Yeah nope, Jolla still has some closed source parts, then I'd rather monthly fund a project truly open source, like Mobian or Droidian, and maybe with wider target devices horizons than Sony Experia devices only.
Dissociation is an ugly beast
Discord is trash anyway, move onto Matrix already
12 yrs old? over an iphone?
I get the enshitted society weight in all that, but what the actual fuck her parents raised her to?
I'm so sad for her, and for her cousin too of course, but she's going to die a thousand times in her life trying to cope with what she has done