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[–] 1 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I never really understood why people brag about their jobs like this, "haha I make $400k a year and work like 3 hours a month I'm an (insert vague sounding tech job here) just learn2code bro". ummm okay even if that's true why would you tell anyone? how about I call your company and promise to do your job for $350k? I wonder what the next one will be? "just learn to process asteroid lithium bro"

[–] 1 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

blaming global warming on space jews, and fear monerging about communists or whatever the CIA happens to hate this week, isn't going to help, if it's poor people or leftists its communist jews, if it's rich people its banker jews, so no matter what the conspiracy is real or not they will just say its the jews. Area 51 is run by the jews, the mafia is controlled by the jews, eventually you get to a point where all the worlds scientists and politicians are jews, or in league with the jews, and things like flat earth theory, or global warming being a hoax, become realistic, eventually every single news story is actually a distraction or false flag of somekind just a part of the jews plan, every war, every economic crisis, every cultural trend all the work of the space jews.... until finally you to start wondering, hey maybe Hitler wasn't such a bad guy

[–] 1 points 2 years ago (2 children)

I see, and what is your final solution to this problem?

[–] 1 points 2 years ago (4 children)

a small economic elite rules

you mean the space jews?

[–] 1 points 2 years ago (6 children)

so both sides same, but the left is always worse? is that the motto of the Julian Assange fan club? You wouldn't care about censorship in qatar, or el slavador because you're not really worried about them taking over the world and putting all the white christian men in cages or whatever like you think china and russia will. Even if I could show you that the US and EU had censorship ten times worse than China it wouldn't convince you the story is overblown exaggerated propaganda it would just convince you censorship is actually a good thing. So you're not even worried about censorship coming to america or the EU you're only using these stories to further a McCarthyistic cold war scare. It only exists to serve your propaganda, if I disprove it you'll just run off in search of something else. So its kind of pointless to discuss these things, and unfortunately I can't just demand that you explain your theories on why the reptilian space jews want to give us all windmill cancer and turn the frogs gay directly because you'll just pretend you have no clue what I'm talking about pretend to be insulted even though you know exactly what I'm talking about and aren't insulted at all.

[–] 1 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (8 children)

radiofreeasia lol.... okay that was single instance by a single local official, its easy to delete an app on your phone, and if you think a $3 a month VPN turns you into James Bond...

[–] 1 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (13 children)

i wonder if when the EU bans twitter will we see people call it a "great firewall" or will we be instructed to cheer? as we are now safe from russian, chinese, muslim, etc propaganda

The entire article is about the growing nickel industry in Indonesia but reading it you would think Indonesia is a small rural city in China. A better headline should be "China bad, electric cars bad, everywhere outside Europe should be jungle". Indonesia has the largest unexploited nickel reserves, and Russia is one of the top 5 producers of nickel. So I guess now we will be treated to all sorts of propaganda about how Indonesia's nickel industry is evil because China gave them a loan or something. And we'll all just pretend that there is no other nickel industry anywhere else, especially in countries like the USA who just awarded millions in loans for nickel processing plants in the US to encourage "domestic battery production" but I have a feeling there will be no lengthy 10 page rambling articles on environmental hazards and labor laws there or photos of the slums of north dakota, interjected with random stereotypes about how Americans hate the planet and anything the color green

its alright dont worry about it... but look at this shit does this sound like a suicide case to you?

“He was brilliant and funny,” Lessig wrote in a blog post Saturday. “A kid genius. A soul, a conscience, the source of a question I have asked myself a million times: What would Aaron think?”

[–] 1 points 2 years ago (2 children)

so you genuinely mistook that for some "don't do the crime if you can't do the time" conservative mumbo jumbo about laws being important? you're not just fucking with me?

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