
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 1 day ago (1 children)

So let me see if I get this straight, We don't get RSS feeds for our saved posts because the developer of a federated service that was created in response to increased centralization and lockdown of user's content in other platforms doesn't see the need for it?

[–] 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Ope, didn't mean to comment on this one, sorry.

EDIT: Alright WTH, Sync is playing silly buggers with my comment display.

[–] 1 points 4 days ago

I can too, which is what gets me. Honestly after I think it might boil down to how far removed your provider is from directly getting the number from the FCC(or how trigger happy the entity they're getting the number from). Also possibly if it's considered a landline or mobile number, it looks like those are distributed differently.

[–] 5 points 4 days ago (2 children)

Sort of? It looks like this is unique to SMS over VOIP. Which don't get me wrong, it's still fucking stupid. But maybe, just maybe there's a middle ground between getting inundated in robocallers trying to reach us about our cars extended warranty and not being able to send the word Scunthorpe over SMS.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

Yes and all that technical debt, complexity and loss in decentralization could be avoided by simply increasing the block size. BCH for example has zero-conf transactions and the average fee is also <$0.01.

But that would mean that you'd be able to use it as an actual means of exchange instead of this crippled "Internet gold" bastardization that BTC has become.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Yeah the fact that all the tipping is done off-chain via the lightning network is even more of a turn off. Did anyone else follow all that drama back on reddit?

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Is abliteration based off the research by the Anthropic team? When they got Claude to say it was the golden gate bridge?

[–] 9 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Let's not forget that one of the of the core developers is a fascist and Jack gave them 14BTC:

That anonymous Brazilian is Giovanni Torres Parra, a developer who has also built at least two webpages devoted to disseminating the work of the far-right conspiracy theorist Olavo de Carvalho. Before he died in 2022 after contracting COVID-19, de Carvalho — known as Olavo — praised Brazil's military dictatorship, claimed that Pepsi-Cola was flavored with stem cells of aborted fetuses, preached that tolerance for homosexuality was "incompatible" with democracy, and had an office in Virginia decorated with portraits of Confederate generals.

[–] 6 points 2 weeks ago

That was meeeeeee


Hey all! I've been chewing on this problem for a bit and I've hit a wall, I'm hoping someone here can point me in the right direction.

I have an auto entities card populating a series of mushroom chips on the top of my dashboard for stuff like lights on, available updates, and open doors.

The thing is, some of the doors that have sensors on them are open by default, and as a result the chips are there all the time.

Ideally I'd like to have seperate auto entities entries for each group, default open and default closed, but I'd like to keep them in the same card as everything else(they're sorted by time triggered); and I can't for the life of me figure out how to filter out specific entities from a single entry in the include filter. I can exclude something from the whole card, but I haven't found anything that would allow me to just show certain closed doors or certain open ones.

Hopefully this made sense! I appreciate any ideas you have.

EDIT: So I finally got it figured out without futzing with my setup too much, sorry @borebore, I didn't end up going with the template sensor. I ended up finding a python script that allows you to inject custom attributes, so I made an automation that anytime the "normally closed" doors updated their status it'd give them an "is_normally_open: true" attribute and filtered the auto entities chips off of that attribute.

Thanks everyone!


My first time encountering it, just scrolled to it like three times to check, anyone else having this issue?

Edit: ope, looks like I can't edit the title lol.

Anyone tried zenroad? (
submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by to c/

Hey all! I was looking for an Android Auto replacement app recently and came across Zenroad there's also an android build but it's not compatible with my device unfortunately. Has anyone had any experience with this app?

Edit: ope, just saw the sidebar. Apologies!


Hey all, I just finished a run of Popandsicle's excellent vase mode ornaments and I noticed these weird bulges happening all over the prints. The last run in a different color was flawless so I'm not sure where to start. I couldn't find much on the issue with a bit of googling so I thought I'd check with you folks and see if you all had any insight.

I've calibrated my esteps and adjusted the resolution to be a bit easier on my printer (modified CR-10v2), and unfortunately my mainboard isn't capable of linear advance.

Filament is overture royal gold, layer width is 0.6, height is 0.2.

I appreciate the help!


To be clear I know it's not well lol. I just wanted the community's thoughts on what I'm doing wrong. I'm using Overture Royal Gold on a modified CR-10v2 with a real V6. Model was sliced in cura with default low quality settings.

The filament I bought a few months ago but just broke it open yesterday. It's making some small popping noises every now and again but the seal didn't appear to be broken. It seems all right otherwise, if a little sticky on the roll. I had to move it out of my filament dryer to keep it from opening the lid because it was binding so much. That's what happened to the last tower, that failed mid print. Looks nice at least.

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