
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 1 week ago

I'm personally playing on NA, but thank you for the helpful information!


What do people like for generic current content static recruitment?

I used to primarily go to FFXIV Recruiter, but they ruined it by moving to discord forum style which I find harder to use.

The Balance still has normal channels.

Are there any fediverse options? Or other discord servers people find useful?

[–] 4 points 3 weeks ago

It was smooth on primal, I only saw significant queues the first day or two.

I'm not sure I love the half broken DC travel system, though that is sort of a different issue.

[–] 3 points 3 weeks ago

I quit playing partway in.

Imo writing was a major weakness. They were going for the sardonic Fallout-y tone, but didn't get there. The humor wasn't funny, and the writers didn't appear to really have anything to say about humanity or capitalism - the themes the story was supposedly about.

This was definitely not helped by having every conversation be an extreme super close up with the npcs starting deadeyed straight in to the camera.

Combat was pretty meh. It has the worst weapon upgrade system I have ever seen. The player just pays money to make the number go up. Then in the next planet over, everyone has "pistol II" or "rifle II" which does way more damage anyway. I guess if one was being extremely generous, this could be interpreted as a gaming meta commentary but the game doesn't earn this.

Overall, it just kinda felt like they were operating off of a "fallout in space" checklist, which made everything feel generic and boring.

[–] 2 points 2 months ago

I'm like a third or a little more of the way through so far. I like the new South / Mesoamerican themed areas which look great with the graphics update. The music is excellent as always

The pacing is exactly the same as the previous expansions, so no surprises there.

Part of me still hopes that they will go full voice acting at some point but they haven't actually said that.

Overall I'm finding it pretty good so far and meeting my expectations especially considering the guidance from the devs.

[–] 1 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Thanks for the update, but I'm not seeing the option anywhere? There is thumbnail left or right but I didn't see an option to hide.

[–] 7 points 8 months ago

Good analogy! The cars seem to turn by just rotating around the center axis so it holds there too.

[–] 9 points 9 months ago (3 children)

I tried this for the first time over the past week or so. The driving immediately stuck out as the weakest point, so having more travel options sounds good.

I kinda wish they had just RGGed it and put everything in like a five block radius. I'm extremely early, but the city and environment just feel bad.

[–] 10 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

I have a Zenfone 9, and it's fine basically. The size, 3.5 mm jack, and battery life are all good.

There currently isn't a boot unlocker from Asus though there apparently used to be one. The UI is pretty stock-ish, so it isn't too bad, but I do wonder about updates in the future.

[–] 2 points 11 months ago

Ok, so the report is on the person (CEO in this case). Only directors and certain executive levels are required to report.

Table I shows 'non-derivative securities' (regular stock). The CEO holds in their own name 3 million+ shares. No transaction was reported for those, but they have to be listed.

The CEO's spouse aquired 2000 shares at a cost of $1.425 each. After this transaction, they had 2000 shares total (column 5).

They then sold those shares for $40 each. After, they weren't holding any stock, so column 5 shows 0.

The CEO financially benefits from this, so the transactions are listed on their form, as (I) for indirect. If the spouse also had a position within Unity which required reporting this would be listed on their own SEC form as well.

[–] 1 points 11 months ago (2 children)

It is right in the SEC filling which anyone can look up. The 2000 shares sold were by the CEOs wife, which is why they are marked as indirect.

$80k is rich people walking around money when compared to ~$100 million. It was part of an automated selling plan and not suspicious in any way.

There's an old Peter Lynch quote about many reasons to sell but only one to buy.

[–] 78 points 1 year ago (6 children)

Selling 2000 shares while retaining over 3000000 shares seems to indicate that this is for quarterly tax payments, which are due this week.

I'm not defending any actions of Unity.

The author / headline writer are being disingenuous or just clickbait chasing.


Hi, is there an Android app which allows hiding / not loading thumbnails from the post list? Like the top level would just be a list of titles, and the thumbnail would only load if the post were opened.

I assume Sync allows that setup, since it did for reddit. Are there any others?

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