Pls correct me, but you can challenge a ruling for mistrials, can’t you?
And the higher court decides the legitimacy of the prev ruling, right?
Pls correct me, but you can challenge a ruling for mistrials, can’t you?
And the higher court decides the legitimacy of the prev ruling, right?
I am going to cross fingers for it, but wouldn’t the state just resue in a higher court?
I really don’t think that even a dem controlled supreme court would allow it, but a republican one? We will be lucky if Luigi isn’t yahoo-ed
Oh cum on! Don’t tell me you gonna try for twitter?
Sooo… it appears to be a county of Moldova? Surely one county doesn’t have that jurisdiction? So why didn’t they just say Moldova?
On my way!
I vote for the best chance in opposition (regardless of my commie opinions) and I illegally volunteer for them (I am a soldier)
Oh righties, its that simple! How did we not think of that? Its just a decision to be made!
We would kinda need to have a revolution to remove him, he gerrymandered the country so bad that he got 75% mandate from only 38% of the votes! Which we kinda fantasy about in our wet dreams, but there is just no one to lead it… Viktor pretty much bought everyone!
I too believe in equality! Pit slutty ass armor on them too… Wai wut?
But… aren’t cats incapable of tasting sweet tastes?
Information and/or they wanna fuck with foreign diplomats! Some ppl cannot be disappeared into a pre-revolution basement to violate any and all human rights on them (the cia actually dissapears ppl for torture, google it) so they send a a brick to be build in and by far the easiest and fastest of that is becoming x of y!
The fuck would you even do with a taller screen?