
joined 1 year ago
[–] teuniac_@lemmy.world 9 points 1 week ago (4 children)

It's okay not to know. English is spoken in a lot of different places in different ways. I doubt that in your 40 years you've explored this.

Google Trends shows that it's most popular in Malaysia and the Philippines, relative to its use in other countries.

[–] teuniac_@lemmy.world 1 points 9 months ago (1 children)

No, that's a welfare state

[–] teuniac_@lemmy.world 1 points 10 months ago

Taiwan is a full democracy, not a flawed one. At least according to the widely respected Economist Democracy Index.

Taiwan is more democratic than Canada and Germany. And a lot more than the US, but that's not surprising.

[–] teuniac_@lemmy.world 3 points 10 months ago

I feel the same way. She is also way too well known for any expert to be fooled into thinking it's going to be a serious interview

[–] teuniac_@lemmy.world 5 points 10 months ago

But let's also be reasonable.

Eating cats and dogs is controversial. So is eating sharks or whale. Some diets are unnecessarily harmful. Since we all live on the same planet, that affects others and it makes sense to have an opinion on this.

Outside of the US, it's not controversial to say the average meat intake in the US is too high: for health reasons and for the environment. I think it's okay to judge people when they eat abnormal amounts of meat.

[–] teuniac_@lemmy.world 3 points 10 months ago

I think it's easier to mess up a vegan diet than a keto one.

People often worry more about vegan diets than other diets. But somehow people's concerns aren't proportional to the risk of messing up your nutrition needs.

It's not about health risks; it's more about their personal feelings. Most people don't like that animals are killed for food, but giving up tasty meat and cheese is tough. Instead of supporting vegans, they question them. This might be because admitting they eat meat just for its taste feels wrong. So, they deflect by questioning veganism. It'd be great if there were more understanding and supportive and less defensiveness about food choices.

I'd be nice to occasionally hear "Good for you! I'm happy that you make choices that are in line with your values!" But alas, most responses tend to be "But aren't you barely allowed to eat anything now!?"

So much time and effort online and on TV is expended arguing against eating plant based food. It's hard not to see through this.

[–] teuniac_@lemmy.world 0 points 10 months ago

Shared first 🥇 with real meat products.

Still rocking a higher life expectancy though, vegans got that going for them.

[–] teuniac_@lemmy.world 9 points 10 months ago (3 children)

To be fair, extremism flourishes when conditions are bad. Hamas is potentially a product of these conditions, or at least partially. If both peoples would be afforded better conditions, they might seem less incompatible than the two groups seem at the moment.

About time the Palestian issue is put back on the agenda. Strangely enough, Israel is doing everything they can it seems to make that happen.

[–] teuniac_@lemmy.world 13 points 11 months ago

What do you think raping and massacring people at a music festival is going to do?

Nothing, just cause more suffering. But this isn't a bad guy vs good guy argument. The point that's being made is that extremism tends to be a product of its environment.

Please note that this is not an anti-Israel line of arguing.

Conditions in Gaza are terrible and many people have lost loved ones during their lives there. It creates an environment where extremism can flourish. It's not a certainty, but the probability is just much higher in environments that are severely deprived.

The actions of Hamas are inexcusable, and Israel will surely want to bring them to justice. But after that it's time to acknowledge that if conditions in Gaza are kept as poor as they are, the chances of this type of violence happening again are almost guaranteed. It's also in the interest of Israel to allow and facilitate improved conditions in Gaza.

[–] teuniac_@lemmy.world 8 points 11 months ago

Such an enlightening argument.

I guess then it was an excellent idea to shoot up a music festival.


[–] teuniac_@lemmy.world 25 points 11 months ago (1 children)

I am sorry you lost several loved ones. I can't imagine what that must be like.

Hopefully, while grieving, you won't be stuck in anger for much longer. The people that you have lost wouldn't want children to pay the price for your country's revenge.

Of course you want Hamas to be brought to justice, but there are many people like you and I in Gaza that are just trying to live a life free of violence. Hamas might kill indiscriminately, but they are a terrorist/radical group. A country must not sink to their level, especially a democratic one.

Nothing will make it easier for Hamas to find new recruits than large numbers of people in Gaza who are grieving their lost ones: and so the cycle of violence continues.

[–] teuniac_@lemmy.world 3 points 11 months ago

It's not that far fetched. It works the other way around as well.

Israel has much more freedom to do what it pleases in terms of its illegal settlements if the other side appears violent and unreasonable. Occupying Gaza creates a breeding ground for extremists, but could be considered an acceptable status quo for Israel as it's impossible to find broad support for Palestine if it's associated with extremists.

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