I understand this is (hopefully) not how you meant it, but opposing “foreign wife” to “normal woman” is a rather unfortunate choice of words.
Another explanation for why the JWST may have seen an overrepresentation of galaxies rotating in one direction is that the Milky Way's own rotation could have caused it.
Corrected !
I only read 1984 once in French 11 years ago, so it’s a little fuzzy 😆
The main reason I don’t follow much left-leaning content online is because a lot of it is utterly depressing.
I’m sure there is a way to change the presentation of things to stop fueling doomerism without needing to outright sweep bad things under the rug.
Put more focus on the solutions than the issues, for a start. When covering the opposition, always do so by rightfully making fun of them as the clowns they indeed are. Picturing them as competent in any way indirectly gives them more power.
I personally don’t want another source of sadness and anger in my life, but I do want to be connected to other leftists and leftist ideas.
Literally 1984.
This is a textbook example of newspeak / doublethink, exactly how they use the word “corruption” to mean different things based on who it’s being applied to.
Football (soccer) pitches are also all different sizes, so it’s not even a consistent measurement unit ! (Which is also true of elephants)
Seems like not heating at all may have been even more lucrative, though. Would the temperatures have dropped intolerably low if you did so ?
I’m sure there’s something to be done about the naming scheme even for Dell, though, so it’s a little easier to distinguish the products.
Admittedly I like that there is less variation. I don’t know how it is for other people, but choosing between 25 different monitors with partially overlapping feature sets is daunting, which is partially why I’m still using a 2011 TV as my only screen 😅
Probably not going with Apple when I do switch though. None of their offering has >60Hz refresh rate or HDMI 2.1 support, and I’ve never even seen any stats on their latency.
This product range is pretty bad. The USB-C is the worst one, it doesn’t have pressure sensitivity ! But you can’t really tell from the names alone.
Should’ve been Apple Pencil Pro > Apple Pencil 2 > Apple Pencil > Apple Pencil Light
They need to find a better name for their “lower end” products, because “SE” isn’t cutting it, and “iPhone 16e” just looks like a typo.
This is what differentiates old money from nouveau-riche. They’re both evil, but the first have a sense of dignity about it.