
joined 1 year ago
[–] 27 points 1 week ago (5 children)

Man if she has the proof, she should show it then ask him to prove he had bone spurs.

[–] 38 points 1 week ago (9 children)

I just don't know who this movie is for. Slapping a plot on a sandbox game aimed at a wide audience is weird. Leaning heavily into the Legends content is reducing the appeal. The IRL people in weird outfits make it feel like they slapped a Jumanji template on the Minecraft IP, which is a bad sign. I don't see the appeal of this other than "I like Minecraft, therefore I will spend money on anything Minecraft related." I don't see an indication of a plot, the characters don't seem special (Jack Black is Jack Black, Jason Momoa is Jason Momoa). I just don't it.

[–] 8 points 1 month ago

It's a different device. Already, the existing google tv workflow is different than the chromecast, which was phone control first. Now, it brings up an app which favors navigation with the remote. If I want a set top box, I'll put a kodi box in...I wanted a dumb dongle which could be controlled from a phone. It's fundamentally a different product.

My hope is that casting decouples as a concept from being a google protocol. Even though Amazon is backing it now, I hope MatterCast can become an open casting standard. My vision is having MatterCast be an installable add-on to Kodi, and then an ultra-light image can be made for super low-end devices supporting audio and video (or both).

[–] 31 points 1 month ago (34 children)

But the alternative is a gamble on fascism, in a 2 party system you have to pick the establishment you dislike least.

[–] 32 points 1 month ago (37 children)

If it wasn't clear I don't want it to happen...but over the years I have felt pretty disenfranchised by the actions of the party vs the will of the voters, and I am still going to vote for them.

[–] 30 points 1 month ago (43 children)

It would be the most Democratic Party move ever to push Joe out and announce Hillary again.

[–] 2 points 2 months ago (2 children)

I've seen so much "that's not what a sith would do" and "that's nothing like a true Jedi" complaining

[–] 9 points 2 months ago (6 children)

I did not dislike the show, but I'm confused who it was for. My wife is not as deep into Star wars as I am and thought it was boring and could not connect with the sisters at all. I thought a lot of the lore stuff was interesting, but everything I'm seeing online and on YouTube is complaining that the lore does not match their expectations from Legends. I mean Legends doesn't count, but you can't pitch a show for people who are super into deep Star wars lore and not figure that you have to be consistent with legends or else you're going to make them mad. I guess I'm just not sure who this show was for?

[–] 72 points 2 months ago (3 children)

I mean this is the world he wants, you can't dog whistle people to take up arms against tyranny without a comfortable acceptance of the irony pool you are filling. Everyone will try to spin this to their political advantage but the truth is this is the level of political discourse the right has been driving towards.

[–] 182 points 2 months ago (5 children)

His denial of climate change evidenced by his holding of a snowball on the congressional floor in winter was the moment I realized that memes are now more important than facts.

[–] 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

My mom had Crohn's so she was on the toilet a lot, and my dad got her a toto washlet, the fanciest one possible. It uses the seat as a warm water reservoir (never a cold toilet seat), has a light, and has a heated air dryer. When I grew up and we redid a bathroom, that was my single ask...and outlet next to the toilet and that device. It's absolutely key, we put an unpowered bidet in the other bathroom and no one will use it.


Additional info, I checked via the web in the instance doesn't appear to have any problems showing the upvote down vote counts, it is just in the main screen on jeroba. If I click a post, I can see the current score in the upper right.


Story time! We recently bought a rural property with a burnt down house on it and are going up every few weekends to clean it up. I'm up there this morning picking up random sheet metal and yeeting it into the trash pile. Suddenly I hear frantic squeaks....I look, and I accidentally yeeted the cover of a squirrel nest (I think squirrel)! I got the baby, got it out of the baking sun and made a new nest under another piece of cover. Still, holding a baby squirrel so new it's eyes weren't open was pretty magical! The kids (I have a 7 year old girl and a 9 year old boy) got to each hold it for a second too! Ideally we wouldn't have touched it, but the existing cover was mega-gone and it had to be relocated to safety out of the sun, so we got some brush and put it under a smaller wood plank right near where we found it, hopefully it's mom finds it, no one will be up there for the next few weeks so it won't be disturbed by people again.

[–] 0 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Universities have huge endowments and investment portfolios. These are generally broad and in support of keeping the financial backing of the school stable; this is extremely prevalent in the large older universities like Harvard or Columbia (but almost all universities have one in some form or another). They support both students and ongoing academic research.

While many of these portfolios consist of wider funds, many have specific investments in specific companies and industries. That means that the university is invested in, and taking benefit from, areas of industry. The main request is to divest the investment portfolios from companies owned by or supporting entities connected with Israel's war on Gaza. In some cases this may be possible (move a ton of stock from a defense contractor making weapons sold to Israel to an energy company) and in some cases it may not (they're invested in a wide market fund that itself invests in specific funds, but you can't easily cherry-pick which stocks are actually in it). It's also possible that there are research grants funded through companies who the students want to apply negative pressure to; cancelling a grant sends a message to the company, but also leaves entire teams and time-dependent science without funding, potentially ending it outright unless alternate funding can be found. There also may be contracts involved for specific research and engagements, and breaking a contract is more complicated than just ripping it up (especially if there are early termination policies outlined).

Realistically, the best students can hope for is a commitment to investigate and divest where possible, which is frustrating but also makes sense. I've worked in higher education for 20 years and have seen this on a smaller scale around defense contractors during the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. The endowment is a slow moving leviathan, but I think it's a good place for the students to apply pressure.


Hey there, I've been on a networking journey that has, over a few years, taken me from simple unmanaged networking, to managed networking, to advanced VLAN management. It's all been self taught, but mostly successful. However, I've gotten myself into a bit of a pickle and I'm hitting a wall in troubleshooting. Apologies for the length of the post, however I want to provide as much detail as possible.

High level, I have several /16 vlans for things. VLAN 99 is networking, 2, is servers, 4 is clients, 6 is wireguard clients, and there are some others. They're all with a gateway at, etc.

I have had a very old Netgear Layer3 switch for some time. I've replaced it with a Brocade ICX6610, mostly so I can move my storage infrastructure to 10G fiber (I have a small hypervisor cluster). I had done a ton of preparatory work to configure the new L3 switch so that it could just be dropped in place of the old one; this was MOSTLY successful...

...However, in doing that I broke the connection to my opnsense firewall and sort of had to redo that piece from scratch. During my planning, I didn't realize some of the config changes I'd made would require changes on the firewall, and after the cut over I was locked out of the firewall. This is all my fault; that's the piece of this I understand the least, and I had followed dodgy guides when getting it to initially work. I have a backup in xml format, but even having that I'm realizing what I had been doing didn't make sense. Previously, I had a firewall interface on all of my vlans and the trunk going to it was carrying all the VLANS. Now, I set this up with only 2 vlans going to the firewall, the networking vlan and the wireguard vlan, as it seems to make more sense with my understanding of how Layer 3 routing works. All routing should happen on the Brocade L3 switch. The firewall itself has 4 physical ports, 1 going to my comcast gateway, and 2 in an LACP lagg going to my L3 switch. (I have a single interface right now going to the L3 switch separately for troubleshooting, removing the LACP lag as a complexity source).

So, in recovering this, I had to get into the firewall at the console and re-define the interfaces and IP's. I got this to work, but at this point I had tons of connection problems which I didn't understand fully. I have found some of opnsense's configuration to be a bit obfuscating, which I think is making my learning more difficult. The following were put in place:

  • The "LAN" interface was given a static IP, and an upstream gateway was defined at
  • The "WAN" interface was given DHCP, and is up and works

Once I recovered the connection to the web interface I had to make the following changes:

  • Under the "Firewall" sidebar, under "Aliases", I defined each of my VLANS/Subnets with a CIDR notation and a name.
  • Under the "Firewall" sidebar, under "NAT" and then under "Outbound" I switched the mode to "hybrid" and added a rule for each of my vlans on the "LAN" interface, with the "Source" being the aliases defined above, and the target (NAT Address) being the "WAN address"
  • Under the "Firewall" sidebar, under "NAT" and then under "Port Forward" I added some port forward rules.
  • While it's outside the scope of my immediate troubleshooting, I had a working WireGuard setup. I have an interface defined for it on that VLAN, and a second gateway defined at It's all set up according to the opnsense documentation, and I can connect from the WAN and can access any resources on the LAN.

So onto the problem...I can access the internet from almost all of my LAN clients. I can access LAN clients via the port forward rules from the WAN. The firewall itself CANNOT access the WAN; for example, I can't check for updates. I can access the firewall web interface from anywhere on the LAN, I can ssh to the firewall from anywhere on the LAN, but once I'm ssh'd in, I can't ping back to the client I'm connecting from. The firewall CAN ping things like, but as my DNS resolver is on the LAN, DNS queries from the firewall fail. I believe in a related note, my WireGuard clients can access anything on the LAN, but cannot connect to anything on the WAN.

I believe this has to do with outbound routes from the firewall, but any time I mess with it I end up locking myself out and having to reset interfaces from the console. I tried defining some static routes in "System" -> "Routes" -> "Configuration" but that isn't working. I'm kind of stumped and have been looking at it so long that I don't think more reading and configuring is going to help me anymore. I'll post some screenshots of rules and routes as well (you'll be able to see various things enabled/disabled for experimentation), but I'm kind of in over my head and need some help.


I paid for Puzzle Quest 2 on android like a decade+ ago. It is a local single-player game. It has a validation check when you open the app. That check fails because this game is ancient and the servers are offline.

I want to replay the game I paid for. I have the APK from an APK site. It's even been pulled from steam to push their crappy p2w pq3. Anyone have tricks to crank an APK and bypass a server check? I've decompiled the APK but am in a bit over my head.


Question is in the title, I am a fan of a channel and would like to automatically connect to the swarm and support the broadcast even if I am not watching live. I seem to remember a project that ran in docker and kind of acted like a cdn node for a channel, but I can't find it now. Anyone know of such a solution?

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by to c/

I wrote this a Christmas or two ago and thought it would be nice to share to any of us out there dutifully on call.

'Twas the night before Cristmas and all 'cross the web
I was browsing through Discord, installed from a deb
Not a user was working; the servers were quiet
I perused a new webapp, thinking to try it
When just like the spider, my senses did tingle
Somewhere I knew of the plight of Chris Kringle
I jumped out my chair, nearly fell 'ver my pooch
Waded through wires and gave boxes a scooch
I got out the door and eyes raised towards my roof
What I saw was a joke, certainly just a goof
For a fat jolly man sat so pondering prone
With a quizzical look he was locked to his phone
Not certain my role here not wanting to bother
But asserting my role in this house as the father
I shouted up top "Hey there Santa, what's cookin?
Do you need some help? There's concern how you're lookin?"
He called down to me "Oh shucks there dear boy
I hate this here phone, this ridiculous toy
The elves say to use it to guide my big flight
But I can't seem see it cuz the screen's not too bright.
It's always rerouting, about traffic it's warning,
At this rate I'll still have the toys by the morning!
My route's in the air not on parkways below,
And I'll not be deterred by rain sleet or snow."
"Well Santa," I said only wanting to help
"The reviews for sleigh flight are quite poor here on Yelp.
What you need it to switch your nav mode to airborne,
Not walking or driving, so don't be forlorn.
Just unlock the screen and hand it to me,
I'll get you fixed up and erase your worry."
He handed it to me and to my surprise
Not an android or iphone sat front of my eyes
But a candy cane brick whose innards were magic
I worried for now of an outcome most tragic
But just then I spied it way up at the top
The icon whose presence made mystery stop
"Santa look up here this tiny white car,
'Tis the icon that's stopping you from getting far.
You're mapping as if you're a car on the ground
Which is not too correct for you getting around.
We can change it to sleigh flight by tapping right here,
It'll also find stops where to rest your reindeer!
Let's crank up the brightness by moving this slider
To help your eyes rest and not stay open wider.
Lastly let's stream you some music to play,
Maybe TSO? How 'bout Michael Buble?"
A genuine smile platered St. Nicholas' face
His worries were gone, vanished not with a trace.
"On this night here my friend you feel proud of yourself
The magic you did is like that of an elf!
I'm awed how you fix all this digital stuff,
I used to think reindeer and stockings were tough,
But now I can see that the world is a changing
And the skills that I use need to do some exchanging.
Now that it's working I really must go
To deliver the presents 'fore roosters will crow.
Speaking of morning, why are you awake?
'Tis well after midnight unless I mistake?"
I had but a chuckle, "Oh Santa don't dread,
For I'm an IT guy and hate going to bed!
There's a little more lemmy and masto to browsey
I'll likely spend 3 to 4 hours this drowsy!"
He chuckled, "OK, if that's how it works
You enjoy all your trolling, browsing and lurks!"
He hopped on his ride, took a seat, grabbed a reign
And started to hum with Mariah's refrain.
As he took to the air he gave pause to his song,
"Merry christmas to you, may your uptimes be long!"
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