You got a whole menagerie! Sorry about your chicken and goose loss.
😂 very true! But a lot of peanut butter lovers aren't body builders, they're average people who sit at a desk all day and burn 1300 to 2300 cals a day depending on activity level, sex, and size.
I see what you are saying, but maybe you're looking at it from an animal perspective instead of a plant one. They could have consciousness in their own way that's not similar to ours, so we think they are "brainless" or not aware of what's going on. I'm not a scientist but I do wonder about plants. They are living creatures.
Are you doing okay? I feel kind of the same way I think.
I wish you luck trifling toad🤞 Escaping a situation with just people is difficult, with additional animals makes it so much more stressful. Especially cats since they have to be put in a crate and need a litter box etc.
If it's only for a tattoo, maybe post pone it? Are you driving there? Only asking cuz plane ticket cancellation vs driving is different cost wise if you can't get a refund. I guess it wouldn't hurt to call the place and ask them what they think is appropriate.
Peanuts are different than peanut butter though. Unless you are eating the natural type of peanut butter which doesn't have anything in it besides the nuts.
Juicing is strange to me. The pulp is really healthy and should have been eaten or used in a soup or something, it's fibre and has good stuff in it.
Also I may be imagining it but I remember carrot pills being sold at one time to make yourself get a "tan".
2 lbs of peanut butter is roughly 1.7 to 2 cups of peanut butter. That's quite a bit for one week.
How will we ever know for sure if plants have their own form of consciousness that doesn't follow a list of requirements that's based on animals, or can feel pain.
I'm here but I'm a Canuck so I can't do diddly squat, sorry