
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 1 day ago

It’s a “prize”

[–] 12 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Ummm, “official act” to remove you permanently and anyone else that stands in the way?

[–] 13 points 1 day ago (2 children)

You mean, who bribes SCOTUS decides.

[–] 41 points 3 days ago (6 children)

Maybe it’s the plastics in our blood?

[–] 9 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (3 children)

It has gotten more fun grinding at extreme for samples, and helping out lower level players, since the buffing patch. The endgame is just kind of flat.

(edit): The article doesn’t go into how and why there was a decline, how Sony and Arrowhead kinda shot themselves in the foot with account linking. I think this would still be a fast moving train had they not tried to do that, and had the man power to focus on bugs, balance and battles at the same time.

[–] 45 points 5 days ago

“Rules for thee, not for mee”

[–] 13 points 6 days ago (6 children)

USB Blu-ray is how I got my media library… totally…

[–] 2 points 6 days ago

Thought they were synonymous. Thank you for making the distinction.

[–] 4 points 6 days ago (2 children)

Line interactive basically means the battery will always be feeding the devices on UPS. Make sure you don’t go over the listed wattage. I learned the hard way and bought an under spec Tripplite, the battery kept dying. I now have a UPS specced out for my router and the Verizon box outside, not anything else on my rack. You should be fine, just saying in the future when you add devices, keep that in mind.

[–] 110 points 6 days ago (9 children)

Yea, this is a good comparison. A washed up, talentless, lying, cheating, stealing, has-been hack of a clown, or a pretty cool old guy that’s been around the world, has cool stories to tell, loads of wisdom but falls asleep every now and then… like the clown does at court.

[–] 52 points 1 week ago (4 children)

What’s the escape in watching two people in the exact situation as you eat at McDonald’s and go for a walk in the park over and over again?


I have an 8gb Raspberry Pi 4 that has been a workhorse for years. I keep it for my not intense but essential networking purposes,, Homepage, etc., because I can run it over PoE (edit: Power over Ethernet), so it is always on as long as my network is up.

It is growing long in the tooth, and I find myself wanting to replace it with something a bit more capable. Looking at the 8gb Pi 5 at $80 plus another $30 for a PoE hat, I wonder if there is something out there that would be a better value for running PoE? Can you convert a micro pc over to PoE? Does anyone have any recommendations for computers that run off PoE or can be converted to PoE?


I am trying to set up a repository of knowledge for my job. Was thinking a wiki, but I need something that I can make as simple as possible for the end user, as some of them are not familiar with markdown or html. Is there a self hosted option that is dumb easy simple to navigate and edit for the end user?


I am currently looking into upgrading storage for my homelab. The two routes I am looking at are grabbing a dell r730 or a disk array. They are both about the same price, but my major purchase concern is heat and noise. My office/homelab is in a 10x10 foot room. I have worked hard to get the sound floor at my desk to be around 44dB, and the temps to top off at 79f, 74 on a good day with the door open. Is a disk array going to add more heat and noise to the room than a dell r730 server running proxmox with trunas?


About a year go I bought one of those fanless four port routers. Ordered one with a celeron, they sent me one with an 11th gen i3. Since then, core temps will regularly spike to 100c and it will throttle. Took it apart and found this as a cooling solution, which I’m sure would work fine with a celeron, but they gave me an i3 1115g4, with a base frequency of 3.1ghz, which can’t dump heat into this aluminum slug fast enough. The bios does not let me lower the clocks, or save power anywhere else. My only solution to make this work is to improve the cooling solution.

Would love to do a tower cooler, but can’t find any place that produces one that will fit my mounting holes. Been looking at laptop solutions as well, but again I am running into bracket and mounting problems. Nothing shows dimensions so I don’t waste time and money on solutions that don’t fit.

I have found copper shims, ranging from .3mm to 1.5mm thickness in a 20mmx20mm form. The aluminum slug they used is 45x25x2.73. If I stack these shims with thermal compound in between, would I get better thermal conductivity than just the aluminum slug? Are there any better ideas than what I am coming up with? Would it just be cheaper to buy another router that is cooled correctly?


I have friends and relatives that would like to do some memory and compute intensive tasks, but lack the hardware locally. I have loads of ram doing nothing and a little compute to spare. Is there a way for me to set up some service accessible to them that would allow them to spin up VMs, similar to Linode or DigitalOcean? I know letting outside access to a proxmox server would be disastrous. I guess I could setup a VPN server into a virtualized proxmox server? Would rather find a way to point them to a url with a username and password and have them able to use my server as their vps like AWS or Linode.


first off, thanks for everyone and their suggestions, and apologies for not responding back, was having issues with my personal lemmy instance.

I took everyone's advice and have gone test print crazy. I will attach the pictures to this post. I have tried to understand what I am looking at on my test prints in relation to what is not configured correctly on my printer. it's just not clicking. most of my prints look fine, the surface has good infill and the part looks ok from the outside, like benchie. but underneath, it looks like I am having either adhesion issues, bridging problems and support problems as well. but adjusting setting as suggested in here and here did not really improve anything, and in some cases made the print worse.

I am using the Flashprint slicer that came with the printer. I have tried cura and prusaslice and can't even get a print started on those, even with a raft. I'm sure they are better slicers that what Flashforge makes, but again, something just isn't clicking. any further advice would be greatly appreciated.


I am trying to finally get my homelab organized, and I need assistance visualizing my network. I am just wondering if there are tools out there that assist with this. I have tried the paint and gimp routes, and I find myself spending more time trying to make it look good and organized rather than actually mapping my network. Is there any utility out there that is purpose build just for visualizing network topology? Or am I better off with just graph paper, pencil and a straight edge?


Thinking of lining the inside side panels of my 48u rack with some sort of sound deadening material. Was going to go with rock wool or the cheap self adhesive foam bricks you can buy off amazon. Was thinking of doing the same thing to the ceiling above where my rack sits and the walls behind as well. Mainly trying to cut down on the echo and high frequency whines. Anyone have any advice or suggestions? Maybe talk me out of it, or some other solution?


Not sure if this has come up, but one UI element I liked from Apollo and “the-one-that-shall-not-be-named” was the floating button in a thread that would take you to the next top level comment in that thread. Not sure what this feature is called, but so far can’t find it in any Lenny/Kbin client. Is this something that is in Memmy’s pipeline?


Just picked up an APC 48u server rack. There were no pictures of it in the post and I did not notice until I got it home and set up, that the rack rails have threaded holes instead of square cage nut holes. I can’t seem to determine the thread size and pitch, and have a thread gauge coming. Until then, does anyone know anything about this? The people I grabbed it from had used self tapping machine screws and drove them in with an impact wrench. Is this what APC had intended, or is there some $300 proprietary screw I have to buy from them?


Just picked up an APC 48u rack. The listing had no shots of it, and I didn’t notice till after I got it home and set up, the rack rails do not have square cage nut holes, but what appear to be threaded holes. I can not find a bolt or screw with the right size and thread pitch. It looks like it’s an M5 fine thread, but wanted to see if anyone had any info on this. Am I just supposed to get self tapping machine screws, like the previous owner did? Or is there some APC proprietary bolt that I’m working with here?


Running proxmox 8.0.3, spinning up new VM, noticed my netboot was SSLLOOWW. ran speedtest-cli in the host shell, was getting 4Mbits/s, ran on a VM on that same system, was getting 500-600 Mbits/s. I have NO clue what to make of this. Is this a bridge issue in proxmox? I don't think it's a DNS issue, everything else is working, business as usual, even still serving plex and arr on the same system. Any ideas to get me running in the right direction?

Edit: It's DNS. It's always DNS. Disabled AdGuard Home and magically speeds on the host were back. Confused, but have a direction at least.

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