
joined 7 months ago
[–] 2 points 19 hours ago

i consider statistics to be a good tool in general - but of course only if used correctly (as with any tool, like using a hammer when you have to drill a hole might create a hole but more repair work would be needed and the hole would likely neither be of correct shape nor stability then)

so use the median to determine the middle, not the average. (because when A robs B everything he has, the average of what both have does not change a single quantum but poverty was increased, and that happens since invention of colonisation and other crimes a f***ing LOT and it did not stop yet)

so determine the middle class by median of what ppl earn/have over the whole world. if you limit to anything smaller than the world, you're manipulating by maybe favoring robbers, betrayers, murderers and enslavers, so use the whole world median or you end up with lies only.

as i noted colonisation and slavery, the wealth that had build upon such, is in fact just part of (historic) debt.

well lets see, where i am when i guess the worldwide wealth median.

I do not live paycheck-to-paycheck any more for more than a decade, i own a 22year old economic car ( that does not look shiny but the mrchsnic says its secure), but i own no property and pay rent for a 60m2 flat where i live solo. thus i am rich. i neither feel safe financially nor feel rich, nor would i really know how to buy a house or a yacht, but compared to the majority of people on the world, i think i am to be considered rich. I can decide to buy smaller things from my monthly (40h/week) income without the need of thinking, that maybe most of worlds population (the median) would have to save money for in advance or would buy on debt. This alone more than often already is a luxury of the rich: "just buy it (if it does not ruin you)". However, all of my "luxury" would not exist if i wouldn't try to save money or be near to 'nothing' if i had any children to take care for. a generation ago it was possible to build a house, have a car, pay children, pay a bit extra for your non-working wife so she can go shopping AND go to holiday once a year in the expensive season together with the kids by only ONE person doing the same working hours per week as i do today. I do not see this even partly possible today and i do not feel rich enough to be able to finance a child. am i as poor as i am rich just because of how bad the world had beend changed since? maybe. i guess because of the "wealth transfer" to the rich (where i already "profit" a bit from, but also are ripped off by it) all humans on average(!) are more poor than one or two generations ago, while only a very small fraction of the world actually really profits from that transfer.

The more wealth the rich accumulate, the more quickly they spread more poverty day by day, and the more instability in general is created too. This is what i genuinely believe. But where exactly do i stand in this scenario, comparing myself with the median that i only can imagine what it probably is while all measurements for how rich or poor i am i come up with seem really unusable today.

The by far more easy way is to say "i am NOT rich", point with the finger at someone else who is driving in his roaring and shiny luxury car to his private jet that will bring him to wherever his captain has maneuvered his billionaires yacht to just to jump into the water there. thats an easy view: the others are rich, but not me. this would be an easy view, but could it also be true? i guess not.

[–] 1 points 2 days ago

Price rose to 3x initial monthly value.

most people in the world are not paid bi-weekly,

so to put all pieces together:

most people are payed once only after having worked for it three times that value.

[–] 6 points 2 days ago

an experiment with words, first mixed (CAP ist first sentence, lower is second, but try to read all words first) then separated versions:

LET how ME does TRY it TO feel MAKE to YOU you COMPARE reading IT that TO sentence READING and TWO this SENTENCES question WITH in MIXED parallel? WORDS.

let me try to make you compare it to reading two sentences with mixed words.

how does it feel to you reading that sentence and this question in parallel?

actually reading this feels a bit similar to listening to different songs in parallel to me, but when reading these 1:1 alternating words (even with one sentence in CAPS) i do not recognise any meaning while reading, but when explicitly only reading CAP or noncap words. when listening to two songs in parallel this seems far more easy for me and seems to work. am i a musician?

[–] 3 points 2 days ago
[–] 26 points 2 days ago

In the US slavery should be illegal since ages but isn't yet.

[–] 3 points 2 days ago (2 children)

there is in fact only regulation as long as it is legal. how do you regulate if it is illegal? it only gets hidden then. and literally everywhere it went bad when it became illegal. everything you claim to want to achieve (regulation and workplace security) is completely lost and things get worse, more victims, less control, violence cannot be prosecuted cause none would go to police when anything happens, etc etc. , that is until it becomes legal again, but until then making it illegal even short time would cause way more damage than is possible to "fix" in a decade or two. just read about what happened where govs already took that path. if you want it to get out of control and destroy health and lifes, and create ground for forced prostitution (aka slavery), then yes, making it illegal is the way you get exactly that result.

and for the relationship thing... as far as i know (which is not much) the mayority of such customers already are in a relationship (mostly the one called marriage) while singles way less do such.

[–] 1 points 3 days ago

good to know.

well, for me already using the fdroid app obviously that issue still beeing open is not a big concern.

however they could build the app with little extra code so that it would output that information for every app and push it to their website in a readable format, but pls don't comment on why exactly thats a bad idea *hehe

[–] 1 points 4 days ago

is normal for kidneys…

its quite normal to read such stuff in propaganda times, without them needing to happen at all. and it has always been like this.

[–] 1 points 4 days ago (2 children)

What are you using to actually get the detail?

i am using the F-Droid "app" (currently 1.20.0), not a browser now. But i asumed css or such could be a cause as sometimes nonvisible content is behind some bad (ad?) layer. i thought i had seen such infos also on their website, but that is then too long ago and i might just be wrong with that.

maybe you can only get that info from the app which would feel a bit like an anti feature *haha

[–] 2 points 4 days ago

yes it protected - by accident - the servers from booting into malware 😁

[–] 1 points 4 days ago

well maybe letting them pay compensation to all(!) victims (not just their customers) for all losses including lost time already would solve that problem.

that would leave the decades-long unsolved problem of microsoft not beeing held liable for their buggy products (which is the reason for all security-products-as-a-workaround-to-compensate-that-crappy-os companies existance) open.

why not in general hold companies liable for the damage they cause so they CAN develop beeing more cautious with what they do? i mean not ONLY cs should be sued to hell, but ALL of them should be sued until they are reasonable cautious with all possible damages they can cause (and already did in the past)


looks like:

  • They claimed to be a trustworthy public CA (that can handle security incidents)
  • They made commitments to be included as trustworthy in common Browsers and OS'es
  • They now willfully break those commitments to rely on 2B2F only...
  • They do not even answer valid questions for month in a process that they should have already completed within 5 days as was defined in the commitments they agreed upon.

Maybe Honest Achmed's Used Cars and Certificates should show up again once more !?

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