RCS is kinda problematic since the largest server is google and you need permission to build apps for it.
God ads on lemmy
Try reinstalling the drivers and make sure the open source one is not installed. Also, what distro are you using, what card do you have, and what version of the drivers are you running?
I am using arch with the DKMS drivers
I never supported since it was on device and given this is the US hashes to spot "extremism could be added" given apple doesn't know what the hashes are.
Ugh I would down vote if my instance supported, tired of these trans people are political shit. And KOSA is about tech but trans people are PoLiTiCaL
My main issue with Debian is LTS support, I usually run like Ubtunu LTS and I don't upgrade until it isn't supported. The stability of LTS is great.
I kinda wondered how true this is, I'm gen Z and my friends are and I would say were pretty good at dismissing outragous claims expessly political ones.
Ubuntu in general has been disappointing I still use it for servers though I'm considering moving to something based on RHEL.
I don't really see the problem with this is, let's be honest if you daily drive Linux you likely enjoy opensource software. You likely want other open source apps too and knowing is good. Yes I do run some proptarity apps like Steam and Discord but its neat to have other apps apps open source where I can.
I feel like all them do, have you seen wayze nearly getting black people killed cause it didn't stop for s cop. And it can't recognize construction zones.
I feel like the NTSB need to draft a min spec for self driving cars and a testing course that involves some of the worst circtimstances to get approved. I feel like all self driving cars should have to have lidar, and other sensors. Computer vision really isn't working out.
I drive a car from 2000, it runs great, no spyware, no features in my car that I can't use, all I need to is add Bluetooth to the radio and its perfect. I don't really need a screen in my car to tell me basic information the dash gauges already tell me.