
joined 4 years ago
[–] 2 points 3 hours ago* (last edited 3 hours ago)

That's what they say, but here in Sweden the the rest of the right wing parties flipped and joined with the far right post election, the only ones surprised were the voters on that block. fucking idiots. But as a consequence, for the first time in history, the capital's traditionally dominant local bourgeois voters has now finally flipped left - unfortunately the rest of the south are leaning in harder on the far right (as could be expected).

[–] -1 points 5 hours ago (1 children)

are you 12? it seems you have no experience or memory of a world before 2012. everything which is currently being controlled by a handful of companies like Meta or Google today existed in huge volumes before these snakes paid their way into global dominance. i.e. there were hundreds of big community websites long before facebook. there were several great search engines before google. there were several streaming sites before youtube. there were tons of chat applications before Messenger/WhatsApp. there were thousands of email services before gmail, hotmail, and yahoo created their "whitelist", etc etc. Heck, Messenger (and google talk, etc) - all used XMPP originally, but isolated their network when it grew big enough to kill competition and force users onto their platform. we all USED to be able to use whatever client we wanted and still keep in touch with family and friends. we all USED to be able to run our own mail servers. we all USED to...

fuck it. why am I putting effort into this lol.

[–] 0 points 5 hours ago

these techs existed long before web based ad companies. but, ad companies exist, so obviously they will contribute to the technologies they need to continue to exist. to do otherwise would be corporate suicide and it's a stupid argument to pretend like we wouldn't be fine without them just because they are putting their fingers in the cake. nothing was wrong with the older browsers; modern browsers are essentially just a war of proprietary rendering to try and kill competition bringing us back to the era of fucking internet explorer; which no one sane would want.

heck, firefox came to exist from netscape, so its basically ancient history at this point, and chromium (blink) is a fork off webkit which in turn is a fork of khtml from KDE (linux) konqueror browser - and as a matter of fact, khtml was discontinued just last year. i don't see the relevance of ad companies when things have been fine and still are; without them.

but as we continue to abandon the practice of IT and todays kids grow up thinking google created the internet and all they know is how to touch the rainbow icon on their screens, the future is fucked.

[–] 0 points 6 hours ago (1 children)

there were tons of video streaming sites around before youtube came around. i even ran one at the time.

[–] 4 points 20 hours ago (9 children)

the internet doesn't run on ads. we were all fine before the megacorporations came in and started pushing ads down our throats for delivering the exact same services that already existed for free. it just so happens ads are more profitable, and with more profit, you have more ways to achieve exposure, which gives you more profit, ad infinitum.

point is, we'd be fine without ads.

[–] 4 points 1 day ago

steam on linux was officially launched because gaben said windows trying to build a walled garden can go fuck right off. and he was right on the mark; as microsoft keeps buying big studios and locking down their ecosystem more and more. steam going linux and the steam deck are direct responses to wrangle control out of microsofts hands - and with all rights, considering the debacle of directx when that launched and pushing gaming to make hardware development a priority which in turn made microsoft licenses sell for new computers.

[–] 3 points 2 days ago (1 children)

well this sucks. i'm on my 4th LG TV because I can't stand the quality from other brands; but when the choice is ads vs picture quality, i'll take the inferior quality every single time. fuck ads.

[–] 1 points 4 days ago (1 children)

modern as in stable, good UX, plug-and-play, and supporting features a modern chat client is expected to have with zero hassle.

the stuff needed to convince your mom to install it.

[–] 8 points 5 days ago

i seem to remember something similar. and blocking advertisers seems like it should be common law but i guess chrome killing adblockers takes predesence.

[–] 6 points 5 days ago (1 children)

In July 2019 Wire raised $8.2m investment from Morpheus Ventures and others. On July 18 of the same month, 100% of the company's shares have been taken over by Wire Holdings Inc., Delaware, USA.

Should be noted that their canary was removed at the same time.

[–] 1 points 5 days ago (3 children)

XMPP would be viable in theory but for whatever reason no one wants to build a modern client out of it.

[–] 2 points 5 days ago

there's deltachat for gpg - i love the concept, since your friends don't even need to have it installed in order for you to chat with them.

but i am forever stuck with telegram because i refuse to install software running on set-my-computer-on-fire-pls-Electron (which every single MODERN chat application does today, bar Telegram).


i've got an RPi4 not doing much legwork atm. is there an easy way to install and host lemmy on it? if not, maybe a mastodon instance?

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