
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 1 month ago

I think bigots deserve the same level of disdain as racists and/or antisemites. If racist/racism has become a common and accepted terminology to describe people that hate based on a common trait other than race then I stand corrected. Sorry my attempt to clarify someone elses point has lead you to believe I hold hatred for any group based on their race, religion, or other inherited trait. And sorry if I walked into a talking point from racists, I tend not to interact with them online or offline.

If I hold hatred towards anyone it's bigots and racists. What I'll tell you I've witnessed is the racism against Ethiopian Jews by Israeli Jews when they fled to a country that was supposedly their promise land. So when trying to have an intelligent discussion about this topic I do think it's fair to state bigots in Ethiopia forced people of their own race out of the country only for those that fled to go and face racists in a country that supoosedly shared their religious values. I hope this clarifies why I thought the distinction might be worthwhile. I understand language is ever evolving but I think there is a distinction between the origin of a word that is hundreds of years old verses what is still listed in most dictionaries. Again I'm not rejecting the strong presence of antisemitism throughout the world, I'm saying I see it as a subclass of bigotry the same as racism. Also again, whether I call someone an antisemite or a bigot I'll hold the same level of disdain for them.

I can only out words on the internet and it up to you to believe them but I hope you understand I wasn't coming from a place of any form of bigotry.

[–] 5 points 1 month ago (3 children)

There is a word for that though, bigot. Racism is effectively a subclass of bigotry that is more specific. If we have a word for it already we should use that instead.

[–] 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

There has to be some factor other than sheer population driving NY's total cc debt. 63 Billion is an insane number.

[–] 11 points 4 months ago (9 children)

I think you need valuable feedback even without doxxing yourself. I would remove that. Your hourly rate should not be based on the complexity of task. The total hours you quote them and the basis of the contract will be what is affected. A good starting place is at least 2x the rate you were getting paid before being laid off. You want to incorporate at least a little bit of the overhead costs that your previous employer was covering for which you are now responsible. This is coming from an engineer but contract work is more or less the same. Obviously if you really need the money you can let them negotiate you down to 1.5x. Keep in mind they will most likely be getting the best deal by going to a personal contractor like yourather than some firm or contracting agency. Agency or companies would build in the overhead cost most likely higher than your 2x rate. So really your "competition" is other in a similar position as yourself.

As an engineer with a firm I can tell you our lowest customer facing rate is 1.8x my actual hourly rate. Most of the time is 2.5x or higher.

[–] 70 points 7 months ago (10 children)

Damn a 75% conversion rate to permanent housing within 1 years is pretty amazing. This shows that most homeless people just need a little help, especially those that we're stable before medical issues or accidents. Next step is to fix our socio-economic system so one or two bad events don't put people out on the streets.

[–] 42 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (2 children)

It's a terrible headline that completely downplays a successful mission. Instead of focusing on the fact that they achieved a landing accuracy of 55m where previous missions measured in kilometres they went for a cheap joke. This is in spite of having a thruster fail that resulted in the lander tipping over but still able to deploy is rover. The same article from a better website would have probably faired better.

[–] 8 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Important distinction

Most Nones believe in God or another higher power, but very few attend any kind of religious service.

[–] 6 points 8 months ago

Another option is rocket language. It seems to be a lot focused on developing conversational skills. It's is paid but not subscription which I'm a fan of. You just buy the language you want. The first few lessons of a language are free if you want to try it. I'm test running it right now to start my switch away from Duolingo

[–] 9 points 9 months ago

Buying a resistance band can be great to fill in the gaps between hotel gyms. Doesn't need to be anything fancy. Something portable that you can travel with to add resistance to bodyweight exercises. Only other tip is to superset your workout, mainly for the time benefit. I travel a good bit for work and it's amazing how I lose track of time and skip workouts due to time limitation.

[–] 4 points 9 months ago

Not exactly sure what it is but I'm just not big on Anya. I wish they had chosen someone else.

[–] 16 points 11 months ago (2 children)

It's always been lowest common denominator content that's made the most money. I always ask people about movie preferences and an ever increasing common theme "Life is already tough, I don't want a serious movie, I just want mindless entertainment." Sequels provide that, you know the characters, you know the stakes, sprinkle in jokes and you have a mindless money maker.

[–] 5 points 11 months ago (1 children) is also a pretty good resource.

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