
joined 2 weeks ago
[–] 1 points 5 hours ago

IMO I think most financial institutions can see or acquire a lot of transactional data, so I just pick one bank (who already knows everything I spend) have a credit card with them, and use it. My bank also allows making virtual cards, so I opt for it over

[–] 7 points 17 hours ago (1 children)

Love him. His lego island port has been a pleasure to watch.

[–] 1 points 17 hours ago

I use borg the same way you describe. Part of my nixos config builds a systemd unit that starts a backup on various directories on my machine at midnight every day. I have 2 repos: one to store locally and on a cloud backup provider (borgbase) and another thats just stored locally. That is, another computer in my house. That local only is for all my home media. I havent yet put the large dataset of photos and videos on the cloud or offsite.

[–] 12 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Really looking forward to this:

Making pro-quality text got easier, too. Style your text, apply outlines, shadows, bevels, and more, and you can still edit your text, change font and size, and even tweak the style settings.

[–] 3 points 5 days ago

Dont delete the gmail. As much as I want to move on...i still remember the occassional account tied to my gmail, and Im so, so thankful I can still get whatever notification, reset password, etc. I dont know when I'll feel comfortable deleting it. As long as Im getting emails, I can at least use it to reference what accounts still need to be moved over.

So despite "moving" emails I kind of just added one. But not a big deal, and the safety net is nice.


The gist is you write macros/automations/scripts to play the MMO based on your logic.

I decided to do it in bash/curl/jq to make it extra fun and learn some tools I use occasionally but only withheavy man page referencing. After some playing I might be a bash-scripting pro.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

The double of typst and latex math parsing is great. Im excited for more people to adopt typst.