
joined 3 years ago
[–] 8 points 9 months ago (2 children)

For private business the tickets are to fund the business. But for public transport they are never expected to cover the costs of the business.

It is run as a public service, not to make money. The function of tickets is to prevent overcrowding.

That's why in well designed systems, the price is different at rush hour, and for high traffic routes and times.

I don't know anything about montpellier specifically though.

[–] 1 points 9 months ago

Yes that's the value of game theory. It's not really about the silly games. It's a way to understand real life, using silly games as examples. It helps us think of ways to understand our problems and to change the world, that we would not have thought of otherwise.

[–] 0 points 9 months ago

Yes that's it. If we all did it together, we could change the world. But as individuals there is no effective action we can take.

Things like effective democracy, or powerful protest groups, could someday change the rules of the game. They could provide a low effort path for each individual to improve the collective (and his own) outcome.


So there is a name for it. This situation we are in where nearly everyone wants to improve their society and avoid climate crisis etc, but there is no change an individual can make to improve the situation. So everyone keeps doing the same thing, helplessly knowing their strategy contributes to everything being terrible.

[–] 18 points 10 months ago (2 children)

It's an interesting the gradual technical changes, from bullets to gas to bombs to depravation of water. They must measure big improvements in efficiency, measured in number of deaths per dollar and per day. Imagine of a report from a recent study on this got leaked!

[–] 39 points 10 months ago (4 children)

polar bears. it's the only animal that likes to eat people. daily life is just too safe and dull.

[–] 178 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (8 children)

It is useful to have lots of stupid laws. It makes people feel powerless and frustrated. It means the police can always find excuses to persecute you.

The technicalities of the individual laws are not important. It's the psychological effect of the whole body of laws on a people.

[–] 2 points 10 months ago

Yes you couldn't change something so widely used. Look what happened with python 3.

Fortunately there's already a tradition among Git users of building a UI on top of the git UI. My project is just a slightly better version of those. It lays a simple sensible interface on top of the chaotic Git interface.

[–] 18 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (6 children)

Git is a great invention but it has a few design flaws. There are too many ways to confuse it or break it, using commands that look correct, or just forgetting something. I ended up writing simple wrapper script codebase to fix it. Since then no problems.


with artistic training or brain stimulation we could look beneath the intrinsic nature of qualia to see the raw associations that make them up, just as a musician hears the individual components in what, to most fans, is a wall of sound. “It should be possible to experience parts of those underlying structures directly, just as we can learn to experience the individual overtones of a sound,”

The proposition, then, is that redness, pain, and the other qualities of experience are a blurred view of a dense thicket of relations. Red is red not because it just is, but because of a vast number of associations that we have learned or been born with.


Israel has cut off food from a region under its control, and has started bombing its towns. Israel has selected the people of this region for this treatment only because of their race and religion, which they share with Hamas.

Ursula von der Leyen says she fully supports Israel. She explicitly supports genocide.

Somebody like this does not represent the EU, and should not be allowed to hold any of its offices. She represents only the most despicable part of the EU's history.

Is there any mechanism to sack an EU official, given an outstanding demonstration of ineptitude for the job?

If not, several races of people within the EU are in grave danger.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

That seems to be normal over in the USA. The authorities are totally willing to do this whenever it suits them. But fortunately they are aware that more people have cameras these days.

[–] 12 points 1 year ago (5 children)

Just use schwalbe marathon. They are puncture proof and last forever. I once got home and picked a shard of glass as king as my fingernail out of one.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Most people haven't. We all have a filter bubble.

Here is a first draft, my attempt to provide the missing context. Please leave comments on anything bad or missing you notice.


It seems obvious that buying a house is financially better then renting. The monthly cost is usually similar (this is because the market adjusts to keep them similar. If renting were more expensive, everyone renting could afford to buy. They would do that which would push up house prices and push down rents. Buying can theoretically be more expensive than renting (imagine a society made up only of poor workers and rich landlords, where house prices are set by what landlords can afford) but usually housing pressure pushes up rental prices first, to match the most people can afford, then housing prices rise slower, because of the bottleneck of the difficulty in getting mortgages. When rents are much higher than mortgages that means the government and banks are severely hindering people who have the means to get mortgages from getting them, probably to the advantage of investment funds and other cash buyers) and one results in eventually owning an asset while the other does not.

But to verify this, a thought experiment is required.

  1. you are already renting a house
  2. you buy a house
  3. instead of living in the new house, you rent it out to someone else.

So here you have a situation which is financially identical to buying and living in a house, but you are still renting. The rent you receive offsets the rent you pay. (please, all the people who like nitpicking, ignore the different tax implications etc for now.) This house is a financial investment that can be compared against others, like savings accounts and stocks. It's possible to study if the return in investment would have been better had you chosen a different investment.

The capital investment is the deposit. If you invested the deposit amount in whatever, then added to it the mortgage amount every month, you would accumulate some wealth. I'd the wealth you accumulate from the house is greater, accounting for the profit the bank extracts from your investment through interest, then you should buy the house. That is the test.

(of course there are other benefits to owning your own house but they are out of scope. this is a purely financial argument)

The bank takes a huge cut of your profit. You might pay the bank in interest double what you pay the seller. So you pay for the house three times. That is worse than the cut taken by a broker of any other investment.

Cash buyers (investment funds) do not pay 3x the price of the house. So maybe you're better off investing in housing through an investment fund!

I don't actually know if it is usually better to buy than to rent. I have never done this calculation. I only know that most people assume so, without ever doing the calculation.

One possibility is that the market self-adjusts so the buying and renting (taking your deposits for the house and investing it in something else) are equally profitable.

I suspect that the market is set by what investment funds (not people) are willing to pay. So house prices are set so that they are equally profitable for them as other investments. This means houses are less profitable than other investments for non cash buyers. It means most people should continue to rent, instead of buying, and just invest their money better.

This article feels a but unfinished, like there is something missing it overlooked. Maybe someone else can spot it. I think more thought or research, or putting more minds together, is needed.

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