The saddest thing is that I'm not even surprised anymore.
Assuming the troops are willing to return. "Welcome back, you're fired!"
Alternative you could go by boat, but I'd advice is to travel by land because I expect Poland will join you. (or it's just I'm hoping they will)
well, not for all of you, but there are a couple of loony's out there (if you need proof of that: i'm here)
Never started buying from amazon. The stories on Reddit where enough to turn way. I admit having searched the site now and then, but you get the same prices elsewhere, Especially in Europe there is no need for them.
I'm sorry for the Caribbean, but if I'm totally honest, the news made me smile.
Probably not here, probably none at all. They blindly follow Trump. And proud to be blinded too I might add: Before I left reddit I wanted to ask a similar question in the republican subreddit. However, they where so loud and proud they found liberals on the subreddit and banned them for life I never bothered to put out any questions there.
Good position for negotiations (not that an agreement under Trump -not even written down and signed- is worth shit)
go big or go home : 100%
Sun Tzu I should read/listen to him much much more ....
INTRUDER ALERT !!! (don't worry, we don't care ) 😆
My suggestion, try variouse live distro's from an USB. Alternatively install debian from it's ISO and select ALL desktop environments. Then on login you can select which on to use for the current session. Once you made your choice you can do use tasksel to remove the others (although I'd do a re-install with just the one I want)