
joined 1 year ago
[–] 9 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

you get +19.99 rep from the community

[–] 2 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

seems like top manners to me👍

[–] 20 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

thank you for petting Melon❤️

[–] 5 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

Looking online it looks like everyone's dunking on this half-assed attempt of..something🤔

[–] 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (3 children)

This might be a dumb question but is Winamp still FOSS?

As far as I know the WCL isn't known as being an OSI approved license

[–] 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

for me I thought it was a smaller cat lying on a bigger cat (with somehow the same color and coat style😂)

looking again 90° counter clockwise it could also look like she's flexing on everyone💪😸

ahhhh thank you😂🤗

the attempted wafting 😂
and Moxxi is very cute🤗❤️

[–] 107 points 1 week ago (6 children)

Capitalism: steal first, apologize with no real repurcussions later

that's pretty fucked if true

[–] 85 points 1 week ago (5 children)

Nintendo's stagnated and has become a patent troll

as someone that used to be a fan I'm sad as it's hard to be hyped for any of their games when they're widely known for pulling these kinds of scummy tactics time and time again

indies be dammed, it's too much of a risk to make Nintendo-inspired games let alone direct fan-games


$240 USD for an expensive piece of junk

no worries and best of luck!


English Alt Post Title and Description

[CBC News] Why this federal byelection is unlike any other — and why Montrealers in the riding should vote

Montrealers have a chance/byelection to vote for their desired candidate (on Monday Sept 16, 2024) to represent them in the House of Commons as MP

Les Montréalais ont la possibilité de voter pour le candidat de leur choix (le Lundi Septembre 16, 2024) pour les représenter à la Chambre des communes en tant que député


seeing the consequences of our actions can change a person for better or for worse


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Link to sign EU initiative:

Guides on how to sign EU initiative:


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For context:
I've encrypted the swap partition with:

cryptsetup -v luksFormat /dev/${DEVICE}
cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/${DEVICE} swap

And what I want is for the user to be able to enter their password only once to decrypt their root partition which would contain a keyfile to then decrypt their swap partition.

Does anyone know if this is possible?
Just thought I'd ask to see if anyone's done this already



For context:
I've encrypted the swap partition with:

cryptsetup -v luksFormat /dev/${DEVICE}
cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/${DEVICE} swap

And what I want is for the user to be able to enter their password only once to decrypt their root partition which would contain a keyfile to then decrypt their swap partition.

Does anyone know if this is possible?
Just thought I'd ask to see if anyone's done this already



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Archived version

Naomi Wu has disappeared. Perhaps she has been disappeared. That’s not rare in China.


The proximate cause of her apparent disappearance, as Jackie Singh explains in detail here, was a discovery that Naomi Wu, an experienced coder, had made. It seemed that the cute little cellphone keyboard applications developed by the Chinese company Tencent, and used by just about everyone, were spyware. They could log keystrokes, and did it outside of even very secure applications such as Signal, so things that were sent securely could be “phoned home” by the keyboard app itself.

It seems, though the evidence is coincidental, that this was one too many cats let out of the bag, and the Chinese communist government of Winnie Xi Pooh acted quickly, with the results (probably understated) in the Tweet quoted above.


The silence has been deafening. People on the internet, especially young, enthusiastic websters, have long been thought unbelievably shallow, in it for whatever they could get out of it, and unwilling to take a stand on something important unless there was profit in it for them. We needn’t think that anymore — now we know it’s true.

What can be done? [...] Our government won’t lift a finger even for American citizens or very well known Chinese figures trapped under the thumb of the Disney-character’s evil lookalike, or the Uyghurs, unless there’s some political gain to be had, such as with the tattooed LGBT WNBA player who couldn’t be bothered to leave her dope at home during a visit to Russia.


China was afraid that silencing Naomi Wu would make the government there look bad. Let’s prove them right.


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holy shit

if this is true AMD gamers just got a huge free boost in gaming performance

Windows was very unoptimized for Ryzen

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