
joined 1 year ago

aren't perfect either

You misspelled "are fucking morons" :)

When individual copyright violations are considered "theft" by the law (and the RIAA and the MPAA), violating copyrights of billions of private people to generate profit, is absolutely stealing. While the former arguably is arguably often a measure of self defense against extortion by copyright holding for-profit enterprises.


Wow. This is absolutely awesome work. Kudos to The Yes Men. Fuck megacorporations and fuck this dystopian capitalism we live in.

Thank you for this great illustration, and I am all for it (culture jamming) if that's how it's done properly.

[–] raspberriesareyummy@lemmy.world 10 points 4 days ago (2 children)

You mean you did nazi that coming?

[–] raspberriesareyummy@lemmy.world 1 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Big red button might help, but when I'm "in the zone" with coding, normally I forget everything around me :) One moment I'll be browsing the web on my leisure time, and then I have an idea for one of my work projects, switch to that and "wake up" 8 hours later with lots of stuff done and no idea when I "clocked in" - that's usually when I do "ls -lR" on my project folders and check file timestamps :D

[–] raspberriesareyummy@lemmy.world 1 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Thank you - but I am somewhat oblivious how the poster that mentioned this term thought that this would "get your account banned" fast.

[–] raspberriesareyummy@lemmy.world 5 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (5 children)

just quote one here, or make one up. I also am curious to know what "culture jamming" even means.

[–] raspberriesareyummy@lemmy.world 3 points 6 days ago (3 children)

The problem is working on different computers & sometimes switching back and forth between private time and work time. That'd require actual button presses or something to "clock" in/out

[–] raspberriesareyummy@lemmy.world 9 points 6 days ago (5 children)

As someone who works atrocius times of their own volition & has to create a clean timesheet every end of the month, this is a great idea -buyt there are too many special rules to consider imo - also I never properly track time (keep forgetting) but reconstruct work times from emails, chats & calendar entries :)

Isle of Man would like a word...

However, he noticed the number one on his sign had been crossed out and somebody had put two.

That is both genius and a total Bond villain origin story.

[–] raspberriesareyummy@lemmy.world 8 points 1 week ago (3 children)

The only people who should suffer the death penalty are those who advocate for it.

The actual capital punishment for human beings should be a lifelong attempt to teach them empathy and make them truly regret what they did. There are two extremes: people with a lot of empathy, and psychopaths. Every living being is on a spectrum between the two. If the spectrum is swinging too far to being a psychopath, keep them locked up forever - not as a punishment, but to protect society. If they are capable of learning empathy, make them truly regret their deeds and that will be punishment enough.

People who advocate for the death penalty are typically very far removed from empathetic human beings, toward the psychopath end of the scale.


I am on a binge, listening to tons of Nigerian, Ugandan and Kenian music, and I am absolutely loving it. Why is this not playing on our (Western European) radio stations regularly?

Instead I have to regularly change stations because someone is trying to torture my ears with Ed Sheeran or similar BS. :(


Hadn't seen this before - I wonder if that was once on the potato outside and then grew closed?

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by raspberriesareyummy@lemmy.world to c/deutschland@feddit.de

Ich bin nicht mit Allem einverstanden, was mein 18-jähriges Ich verbrochen hat, aber für diese Gewissenserklärung werde ich mich niemals schämen.

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