
joined 1 month ago
[–] ragebutt@lemmy.dbzer0.com 8 points 1 week ago (4 children)

I love this game. It has several drawbacks, some of the physics make things feel like you’re underwater the whole time, the wanted system can be extremely irritating at the worst moments, and for a game with a world that is extremely alive the missions are extremely on rails where often even doing something slightly off the developers intended path will fail you

But despite that I still love it. The game is gorgeous years later. They put so much effort into the world. It’s not just the graphics, it’s every detail that just makes it feel so alive. Walking around the town the npcs are so thought out, have so much dialogue. The animals too. I remember playing other open world games after and just noticing more so how lifeless they felt in comparison; that npcs would repeat dialogue after 2 or 3 lines, animals would run in circles, etc. and the story is great.

I hope that once gta6 is done they turn to rdr3. Its overall a much better series with a stronger narrative, better characters, etc. with red dead they seem to not be as overly concerned with shitting it up with online bullshit and microtransactions though so the series might be done for

[–] ragebutt@lemmy.dbzer0.com 12 points 1 week ago

And further he remained unrepentant for his role in murdering 83 Samoan children (most of which were babies). Instead deflecting blame onto the people of Samoa, saying it was because they were malnourished, or possibly because they had the audacity to get vaccinated during an epidemic that he had a direct role in causing (and thus the vaccines killed the unvaccinated children who died of measles, somehow)

[–] ragebutt@lemmy.dbzer0.com 1 points 1 week ago

My basic math skills have been terrible lately. I made a basic math error in a post the other day too. I was a strong student in math too

Is this cognitive decline? I’m not even 40

[–] ragebutt@lemmy.dbzer0.com 8 points 1 week ago (4 children)

Tech was ruined in the 90s when capitalistic influences (microsoft being the dominant force but far from the only one) propagandized the industry and eventually populace at large with the idea that competition in the industry is what drives innovation.

Granted, much of their work was already done for them thanks to western influence perpetuating this ideal for ages. But when the frameworks for open standards, interoperability, and collaborative development were being proposed and put into place they were shot down and/or actively sabotaged

As a result 40 years later we have this mess. A landscape filled with nightmare tech. Fragmentation everywhere, design heavily influenced by a small handful of sociopaths with no empathy and active disdain for users, the idea of open standards is something that requires government intervention (and still rarely occurs), interoperability is something that has to be hacked around and frequently breaks as a means to encourage purchasing a competing product.

What could have been. Tech designed for people’s needs rather than tech designed to extract income

[–] ragebutt@lemmy.dbzer0.com 16 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Then you won’t browse about 20% of the Internet, which doesn’t sound like a lot but it’s disproportionately impacting sites you would generally want to browse

I posted to this effect in a Firefox alternatives thread: if you use an alternative low adoption rate FOSS browser you trade increased privacy via less/no data harvesting for decreased privacy via much higher susceptibility to browser fingerprinting by google/meta/etc. doesn’t matter if you resize your windows if your browser reports its one that only 5,000 people use. And something tells me the tech giants have a way around user agent spoofing

And now even if you don’t care about that? Fuck you. Cloudflare locks you out of the modern internet because of course anyone not using chrome or safari is a bot

I have pretty draconian privacy protections on my devices and home network. It makes the internet hostile. Captchas regularly fail and I have to try them many times. Embedded youtube videos always think I am a bot and refuse to play unless I sign in, I get weird interstitial pages with captchas on google search, yandex, etc (kagi and searx don’t so I use searx), etc.

Advertisers have pushed companies to make the internet openly hostile to anyone who wants to maintain privacy. And to be clear google and meta are advertisers first and foremost. Fuck them

[–] ragebutt@lemmy.dbzer0.com 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (4 children)

So many


Buy broken electronics, repair, resell (so like microsoldering, diagnosing, etc)

Woodworking but I’m bad at it


Music but I’m bad at it

3d printing/cad but I’m bad at cad

Language study 日本語

Pcb design and some coding related to this but I’m bad at it

It’s why I get the anti work people. If I could change careers every few years I would. I love learning about new stuff. I post a lot but most of the time I do that is either when I have idle time at work, before or right after work (although sometimes it leaks into weekends). I hate the phrase jack of all trades master of none, it’s cool to know about a lot of things (as long as you recognize the limitations of your knowledge)

[–] ragebutt@lemmy.dbzer0.com 1 points 1 week ago

because you don’t own your device

[–] ragebutt@lemmy.dbzer0.com 0 points 1 week ago (3 children)


Anna’s archive, as mentioned

Libgen has academic papers, which is really important. I’m not aware of any torrents that back up scihub, this is the closest thing

Stuff like kiwix gives you offline backups of Wikipedia

[–] ragebutt@lemmy.dbzer0.com 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I would argue that psychiatry and psychology does not make this claim. if anything modern psychiatry and psychology along with autism foundations led the push to educate early childhood development associated caretakers, eg pediatricians, elementary and preschool teachers, etc for signs to look for and led to development and revision of specific screening tools throughout the 1990s that started to greatly increase the number of cases that diagnosed early on when they would’ve otherwise would’ve been considered “socially awkward” and ostracized for much of their lives without any support offered at all

Granted there are certainly professionals that reject this now. The field is diverse and you certainly have varying opinions on things. And one weird phenomenon no one saw coming is that in this day and age staunchly conservative viewpoints would be disproportionately platformed. So sometimes those dumb shitheads get a huge platform because when they soapbox on social media saying “too many kids are getting diagnosed with autism” there are forces behind that realize they can be a useful idiot to legitimize awful views, like limiting health care spending (more people diagnosed with autism means insurance companies spend more) or anti vaccination nonsense (autism always attracts the loonies). And a bit of fame will often easily go to their heads, especially if it means they can now make a decent clip of money from speaking engagements and selling books.

But remember those people don’t define the field. They are a sore on the field. The Jordan Petersons and Lisa Littmans are scum that are propped up by a propaganda network and powerful forces. They are outnumbered. That’s why their research keeps getting retracted (or in petersons case why he simply sticks to podcasts and hasn’t authored a paper since 2007), because there are more people with ethics and integrity that will call them out. At least for now, until our institutions surrounding social science are fully dismantled

[–] ragebutt@lemmy.dbzer0.com 1 points 1 week ago

I always wanted a copy of this but every time it showed up it was out of stock too quick and resale prices were too high. I stopped buying vinyl a few years back because it just got to be too much but I definitely wish I had picked this one up, great album

[–] ragebutt@lemmy.dbzer0.com 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

Depends on how anal you are about file sorting. My nas is almost fully automated and for the most part I don’t really rename files except for music. That’s not renamed but it is fingerprinted and auto tagged because Jellyfin displays music based on tags and if the tags aren’t consistent and clean your library will be a goddamn mess. as a result seeding music can be a nightmare bc unlike changing filenames modifying tags changes the files hash so then you absolutely cannot seed it anymore and music trackers are generally the most anal about seeding.

Just make sure once you get a setup that works well for you that you back it up. If you’re grabbing all your media from torrents you generally can grab it again (though not always, torrents die and niche media can be impossible to find a few years later) but your Jellyfin db and config have to be set up from scratch if shit goes south

Also if you end up going with a Linux distro for Jellyfin (not a bad idea) and you run into problems just remember like 60% of the time it’s because you fucked up file permissions somehow. And if you’re using docker, which isn’t necessary but totally okay (I use it), you probably fucked up remote path mappings if things aren’t working right

[–] ragebutt@lemmy.dbzer0.com 8 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)


This doesn’t cover Jellyfin but the rest of the stack the gets files into it. And frankly I disagree with a number of the ways that they do things but if you want a guide that gives you a setup that works with a community that is helpful (they have a well populated discord) this is a good starting point

Jellyfin is basically install it, create a library within the app, point said library at a folder on a drive somewhere with media on it.

You generally want to follow reasonable naming conventions, eg showname.s01e01.mkv but these have gotten fairly flexible over the years. You don’t need to worry about the extra stuff like webdl.1080p.flux.proper etc, that is typically ignored, though there are always edge cases. The bigger headache is making sure your files match thetvdb or themoviedb as this is primarily what Jellyfin will use for scraping. If you use sonarr/radarr you can ensure the files are properly ordered and even rename them to scrape perfectly but this can be a headache for seeding if you torrent as renaming the files will break shit. This gets you into needing to hardlink if you want to keep things automated unless you want to manually go in and rename the files in your torrent client which is a chore, the trash guides describe how to set this up

Anime can be a chore, especially older releases, because lots of good shows were released by random people and not groups. As a result they decided to just release things with sequential numbered episodes (eg instead of s01e01,02, etc it’s just a folder with 1.mkv, 2.mkv, etc). Or they released them with episode numbering that differs from what tvdb has because they insist that some other source like anidb is gospel. Certain western shows can be a nightmare because of stuff like this too (American dad is the worst)

From there it depends on how you want to customize your Jellyfin install. I use a kodi as a front end so the only plugin I bother with is Jellyfin for kodi. But before that when I used native clients I used jelly scrub, introskipper, etc. but a lot of those plugins are redundant now because they’ve been built into native Jellyfin.

You also may need to set up transcoding. This depends on your setup. My setup direct plays everything (ugoos streaming box with Coreelec/kodi). This is really only necessary if you have a setup that benefits from the direct formats, eg a surround sound setup, oled screen that can play dolby vision or a led that can do hdr10+, etc. or if your server is really garbage and can’t handle transcoding. But really it has to truly be awful; intel quicksync going back years can handle most modern files pretty effortlessly (unless you start messing with stuff like av1 or vp9), nvidia transcoding also works fine even with relatively old cards (though using much more power by nature of needing a gpu installed). If you have an amd cpu video core next works too although quicksync is objectively superior, though not necessarily enough to justify buying a whole new setup and creating a bunch of waste when your amd rig will work well enough.

As you can see transcoding is in and of itself a diverse topic and how you set that up depends on your setup and needs: what’s your hardware, do you need tonemapping, how many concurrent streams do you anticipate having, etc.

It sounds like a lot but if you play with it for like a weekend you’ll be fine and then you’ll be free of streaming bullshit and the associated data collection

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