
joined 5 months ago
[–] oleorun@real.lemmy.fan 5 points 14 hours ago

That's the advice that I was looking for! Buying now.

[–] oleorun@real.lemmy.fan 5 points 14 hours ago (2 children)

Baldurs Gate III is mighty tempting....

[–] oleorun@real.lemmy.fan 49 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Before you throw me at a wall, may I talk you into throwing cheap condiments instead?

[–] oleorun@real.lemmy.fan 7 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

It's confirmed here on Firefox on instance daring.lemmy.fan. You should file a bug on the lemmy-ui GitHub.

Edit: If you don't want to or whatever let me know and I will be happy to do so.

[–] oleorun@real.lemmy.fan 16 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Gonna do some research/reading about this and I'm being objective.

Thanks for sharing and replying so quickly.

[–] oleorun@real.lemmy.fan 25 points 3 weeks ago (8 children)

Would you mind posting a link where I can read more about this?

[–] oleorun@real.lemmy.fan 15 points 1 month ago (2 children)

We need a larger sample size. For Science. /s

[–] oleorun@real.lemmy.fan 3 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)
[–] oleorun@real.lemmy.fan 5 points 1 month ago


[–] oleorun@real.lemmy.fan 8 points 2 months ago

spawn(newTimer, 1000)

[–] oleorun@real.lemmy.fan 122 points 2 months ago (16 children)

Why do they censor 'aubsive'?

[–] oleorun@real.lemmy.fan 2 points 3 months ago (4 children)

You can host overseas and use a proxy for hosting. I mostly don't worry about it though because I don't do anything illegal.


I inherited an absolute POS postage meter from a predecessor at work. She signed the agreement for a 5-year lease on the damned thing, then fucked off and retired, leaving me to deal with the devil machine.

Why is IT supporting the postage meter? Oh, you sweet summer child. If it blinks or uses electrons in any capacity, it falls to IT or maintenance, and 'Dougie ain't doing shit with the stamp machine' (his words).

This thing is called an iX-3 made by Quadient. I want to enumerate the ways this thing sucks so maybe you can avoid the absolute hell that this machine hath wrought:

-The rubber, remote control-like buttons get stuck under the bezel consistently. It's one giant rubber pad and it's poorly designed.

-The back button doesn't actually go back, and the home button does not go home. They simply exist, existentially unaware of their useless nature.

-The menu will simply up and fuck off to whichever option it wants to go to at any given time. On the 5th minute of entering package measurements and after finding a finger joint that hasn't been utterly decimated by the 25 psi buttons the machine will simply revert back to the ZIP code. Or the weight. Or just lock up entirely.

-The repair technician often says "Hmm" and "That's strange" when servicing the unit. Just today he told me a story of a similar iX-3 at another company that was possessed. The staff had him over all the time because the machine would up and start motoring for no reason at all. Turns out a ribbon cable fried, shorted, and caused enough arcing to let the damn thing almost start on fire. I fear our machine was listening, and I fear the reprisal I am about to face.

-Wake up the machine and then weigh your item. If you reverse that procedure the machine will refuse to wake up until completely power-cycled. "Hmm, that's strange." says the technician. "Hmm."

-I tried to feed it a manufacturer-produced adhesive label for an oversize envelope. You know how a masseuse pushes and squeezes and grinds on your muscles? Now picture that, except with a label and rollers that don't give a fuck. Half a bottle of goo-gone leaves us with an oily sheen, a slight orange odor, and a defiant-looking meter.

-Unplugged the network cable to move it. It woke up instantly, demanding its outside connection. I acquiesced, cowing to its desire. In turn, it locked up and required a power-cycle.

Please, for the love of all that's good, do not ~~buy~~ lease/rent this machine. You have been warned....


Something something good intentions hell....

People can be miserable fucks.


cross-posted from: https://real.lemmy.fan/post/745625

You guys got a 30x12 place I can borrow? (Article says lean-to but I've never seen a 360 sq ft lean-to before.)


Is 9 months long-lost? Is this fake? What do you think?


You guys got a 30x12 place I can borrow? (Article says lean-to but I've never seen a 360 sq ft lean-to before.)



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