
joined 1 year ago
[–] 6 points 4 months ago (2 children)

I would love something that you could spraypaint on a wall within seconds, like the anarchy-A

[–] 2 points 5 months ago

sim, infelizmente. acho motivo suficiente para evitar a Meta. só que os EUA não è Israel. È uma grande acusação dizer que eles estão passando esses dados para o IDF. Não digo que é impossivel, mas até agora não tem provas firmes para isso.

[–] 3 points 5 months ago (2 children)

do outro thread no

They really don’t provide enough to back up the insane claims they’re making. I would take all this with a massive grain of salt as it’s most likely bullshit wartime propaganda designed to stir people up.

O artigo é mais especulação e não fornece provas. O whatsapp tem muito dados sobre os usuários, mas é pouco provável que eles compartilham esses dados com outro governo. No Caso, Meta não teria absolutamente nada a ganhar com isso.

[–] 7 points 5 months ago

Vielen dank fürs nachschauen! das hat mich auch interessiert.

[–] 32 points 5 months ago (5 children)

ich finde Plattenbauten eigentlich überhaupt nicht schlecht. Sie könnten eine ziemlich Gute Lebensqualität bieten wären sie nicht so verwahrlost/gesellschaftlich abgelehnt.

Das Meme wäre denke ich genauer, wenn es Gefängnisse zeigen würde

[–] 1 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

sollen die Dinos in dem Fall auf Mastodon sein oder auf Bluesky?

edit: Also wäre es ein Fehler von Bluesky mit dem Fediverse zu föderieren oder andersrum?

[–] 1 points 6 months ago

meine Vermutung ist dass Mastodon eben halt Niche bleibt. Es ist echt erstaunlich wie wenigen Menschen es etwas wert ist, auf einer werbefreien, nicht profitinteressierten Plattform zu sein. Aber ich weiß tatsächlich nicht wie die Leute da von Bluesky denken. Deren Ansatz ist ja auch dezentral, nur haben sie ein anderes Protokoll, was nicht ohne weiteres mit dem Activitypub funktioniert.

[–] 2 points 6 months ago

ja, sorry, aber dieser Umganston ist nun wirklich besser in Echokammern aufgehoben. Leute haben ja nicht nur inhaltlich Probleme mit diesen Instanzen, sie sind einfach auch extrem unfreundlich/toxisch

[–] 1 points 6 months ago

I am aware of that.

[–] 3 points 6 months ago (1 children)

naja der Algogithmus pusht eben das, was aufregt, was durch Empörung für Engagement sorgt, wovon die Plattformen finanziell profitieren. Deswegen sind solche Meinungen und Ansichten eben so salonfähig geworden. Weil sie auf einmal durch Profitinteresse eine völlig überproportionierte Aufmerksamkeit bekommen haben.

Und darum finde ich diesen selbstregulierenden Mechanismus vom Fediverse so interessant. Es ist ja nicht nur dir Abwesenheit von Algorithmen, sondern auch ein Demokratisierung von Moderation.

[–] 2 points 6 months ago (3 children)

Ich glaube die große Tragödie der letzten 10 Jahee ist, dass wir (oder besser gesagt profitorientierte soziale Medien) es zugelassen haben, dass Echkommern extrem groß geworden sind (Brexit, Trump, AfD, Antivaxx etc) Deswegen bin ich auch so vom Fediverse überzeugt. Diese Spaces werden dann eben nicht "zensiert" sondern einfach abgeschottet.


Ich bin mir nicht ganz sicher, wo genau ich am besten diese Diskussion anrege - deswegen frage ich erst einmal hier. Ich bin etwas entsetzt darüber, wie in /c/ modieriert wird. Große Teile der Instanz ist meiner Meinung nach wie lemmygrad oder hexbear auf Tankie-Territorium, sodass ich das schon äußerst grenzwertig finde.

Ich frage mich, wie genau so etwas Konsequenzen haben kann. Feddit hat ja sowohl lemmygrad als auch Hexbear geblockt, nur ist um einiges größer und in vielen Teilen auch nicht problematisch. Würde man diese Instanz also blocken, würden da User*innen keinen Zugang mehr zu vielen Inhalten haben.

Ich frage mich jetzt ganz algemein, wie klärt man sowas im Fediverse, besonders im Bezug auf größere Instanzen? Also würden beispielsweise die Admins auf Feddit die Moderation auf problematisch finden, welche Möglichkeiten hätten sie in dem Fall "Druck" auf die Admins dort aufzubauen, ohne gleich zu deföderieren?


CW: Post discusses ABA and possibly Trauma, internalized ableism

Hello there! I'm currently researching the issue of ABA. I'm reading a lot about the criticisms, but most of the resources I found so far are (likely) made by level 1 autistics. As level 2 and level 3 autistics are not as well represented within autism self-advocacy, I would like to understand their position better on the topic. A usual defense for ABA is that it can help high-support-needs autistics to learn important skills, but I would like to read about that from an autistic perspective.

So if there are resources on the subject you can recommend, I'll be grateful! thank you

edit: I'm updating because users in this thread changed my view on this issue. I've been caught up in functioning label, which at the end of the day "levels" of autism still are. Here is what changed my mind:

Those needs you are looking for in an autistic person are completely and utterly irrelevant to you as a reader of their experience, and as far as you’re concerned any or all of the people who have already written about their experience of ABA fit in to your narrow and ignorant category, they just didn’t mention it because again - it isn’t fucking relevant.

There is no reason for me to specifically look for "level 2 or 3" autistics since their experiences are valid, regardless of them disclosing their support needs. It is ableist to expect them to disclose to me how "disabled" they are in order for me to validate their experience. Thanks and for helping me understand this. So in a way I found the answers I was looking for, and now I have some thinking to do


uma critica sobre o discurso atual sobre Palestina/Israel

Autores: Ben Gidley, Daniel Mang, Daniel Randall

Tradutores: Günter Sarfert, Antônio Xerxenesky, Sonia Hotimsky / Judias e Judeus pela Democracia – São Paulo


written by Ben Gidley, Daniel Mang, Daniel Randall


Hi there. Things have spiraled out of control lately, I don't have a stable job at the moment and when I do, I mostly work from home.

I urgently need to establish some kind of routine and find a way to follow it. Productivity isn't even the priority as I do have a good amount of free time. Problem is that I don't use this boredom effectively at all.

I wanted to know if there are books/guides that could help ADHD people establish routines and how to keep them up. I'm autistic too, which means I greatly benefit from routine.

Thanks for any kind of advice!


I feel a little bad for asking for help again..

So I need to do something. I have no idea what though. So these are things to consider for me:

  • I prefer something regular and scheduled. My Autism needs consistency, but my ADHD makes it really hard to establish and maintain.
  • I need to get out of my home. I am withering here
  • some (predictable) social interaction is okay. If it is too much I probably won't be able to keep up. I'd prefer something with a low upfront social cost (honestly the idea of being introduced to a new group feels overwhelming)
  • I prefer a somewhat sensory friendly environment (for example the music in a gym would be really really stressful)

I would like to know what kinds of things you found in your lives that worked. Thanks!


I've spent some time reflecting yesterday and I realized that. When people want you to be confident they don't want you to be actually confident, they want you to pretend you are. It is idiotic and makes no sense, but it explains a lot of situations in which I behaved the wrong way.

confidence to me means the opposite of that. it means questioning your asssumptions, approaching things from a different angle, reflect, recalculate, asking for a second opinion. Because I'll end up with greater confidence that my assertions are more truthful. But apparently doing all that makes people think I'm insecure. Shit!


I don't know where the purpose of my life is. I looked where I last saw it and it isn't there anymore. It's like losing your keychain. All I can do is hope I forgot it somewhere at home because I sure can't go outside without it. I wanna find joy in things again, and it is so difficult to get you shit together when everything feels so meaningless.

The more I look for the keys the more I fear I lost them for good. Which makes me not wanna search for them at all and just distract myself with random stuff. I think that describes my situation quite well.

Anyway I'm sad. But I hope you all are doing okay!


I have been planning for ages to clean up my room and remove the spider but since I've been depressed and my executive dysfunction has been at work, I didn't do anything about it.

Guess what happened today - the spider caught a fly and is happily feasting right now. So turns out I haven't been all alone lately - both the spider and I have been in some kind of hibernation for some time. The spider also doesn't initiate smalltalk so I think it is fair to assume it is autistic too.

Anyway I've posted here lately as I haven't been well, so I'll just let you know that I feel a bit more positive about getting shit done and change things for the better. hugs (for anyone who wants one)!


I honestly feel bad posting here again, I feel like a burden. It's just me struggling.. so feel free to skip this post and look at more interesting things

the past two months have been much tougher for me than usual, and when I am not doing well, my capacity to interact with other people is pretty close to zero. I feel a very strong desire to be alone. Having other people notice that I am not well is pretty much the worst thing - I can't talk about what's wrong, and every time I tried my best expressing myself it didn't help. All I really get is advice that does not work for me. So I usually try to pretend I am okay, but at a certain point I can't even really do that anymore.

problem is I'm not living alone. I've skipped quite a number of meals in the past week because I don't want to get into conversations that I don't want to have. I feel like it would be disastrous unmasked, that's why I go this far just to avoid interaction. both of my roommates judge me for spending so much time in my room and I think they tell me to get out every time they see me. I never know how to react to that. Being open about my mental health isn't a good idea - it will end up in them giving me advice that might work for neurotypical, and then they'd blame me if I don't follow their advice. They already kind of do that. I've told one of them about my diagnosis but I don't really think that has no meaning for him.

I feel pathetic skipping dinner anything because I want to avoid social interactions. But in all honesty, I still think it is not worth the stress.


There is an idea I've had yesterday. I think it is quite compelling so I felt like sharing it. Rewards have been a really engaging mechanic on reddit and it's a pretty smart way for them to generate revenue. The big and obvious downside of these awards is that the money you pay for it ends up in the hand's of a tech corporation. Lemmy reinvented that entire reddit thing it its decentral and open source spirit, so I tried to come up with some kind of reddit-like award system that follows the same virtues as Lemmy does:

  • So I imagine specialized Lemmy instances that doesn't have any actual users, it just pretty much deliveres awards.

  • This server's host coordinates their own sets of awards. People can buy them on their site. Something like Liberapay seems to have the necessary infrastructure in place already.

  • Awards are basically donations. Lemmy-Gold? that money goes to the Lemmy-Devs. "World award" - buying that award contrubutes to the instance. "Tree award" - raising money for reforestation projects. "Rainbow award" - that could go to a charity doing LGBTQIA+ outreach. You get the point

  • Once the award is payed, the awarding server will send it as a comment to whatever is supposed to be awarded. The Lemmy frontends and apps could interpret them in a way that these aren't shown as comments and instead as awards, similar to reddit. btw that whole idea wouldn't even be limited to just lemmy, could work for the whole fediverse

  • The award server has some questionable awards? they operate on a profit? - easy, admins can always defederate. If users don't want to see them, they can block those instances too.

I think that lines it out. I think it could be a useful tool for servers to sustain themselves, and it might help raise some funds for organizations for charities who need them. Beyond that, it could help out some creators (comic artists, musicians, video creators etc) who decide to post on Lemmy.

There are some concerns with introducing things that cost money to a network that is meant to be entirely free though. In this case I think it is worth it as long as the awards are donations to good causes, and I believe the decentral nature of the fediverse would keep that in check. Awards should be strictly aesthetic, they shouldn't place any contribution higher up just because someone paid for it.

But I haven't thought everything through yet. There might be some implications about this idea that I haven't thought about yet - so I figured I post here to expore this better. thnanks for reading!

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