
joined 1 year ago

Sorry. I meant if you wanted to use only packages from one set of repositories/one distro, for if you were looking for lower level packages like the kernel or desktop environment to be updated., archive

As of 10/1/24 3:52 UTC time, Trixie/Debian testing does not have a fix for the severe cupsd security vulnerability that was recently announced, despite Debian Stable and Unstable having a fix.

Debian Testing is intended for testing, and not really for production usage., archive

So the way Debian Unstable/Testing works is that packages go into unstable/ for a bit, and then are migrated into testing/trixie.

Issues preventing migration: ∙ ∙ Too young, only 3 of 5 days old

Basically, security vulnerabilities are not really a priority in testing, and everything waits for a bit before it updates.

I recently saw some people recommending Trixie for a "debian but not as unstable as sid and newer packages than stable", which is a pretty bad idea. Trixie/testing is not really intended for production use.

If you want newer, but still stable packages from the same repositories, then I recommend (not an exhaustive list, of course).:

  • Opensuse Leap (Tumbleweed works too but secure boot was borked when I used it)
  • Fedora

If you are willing to mix and match sources for packages:

  • Flatpaks
  • distrobox — run other distros in docker/podman containers and use apps through those
  • Nix

Can get you newer packages on a more stable distros safely.

I cannot find anything related to that in their documentation, their about page, or their whitepaper.

They talk a lot about decentralized computing, but any form of secure enclave or code verification isn't mentioned.

Compare that to this project, which is similar, but incomplete. However, quilibrium uses it's own language instead of python or javascript, like golem does. The docs for golem do not explain how I am supposed to verify a remote server is actually running my python/javascript code.

[–] 1 points 4 days ago (1 children)

No, I think if you're using the nextcloud all in one image, then the management image connects to the docker socket and deploys nextcloud using that. The you could be able to update nextcloud via the web ui.

[–] 1 points 4 days ago (2 children)

I read through the docs. I'm not sure how this enables trusted computing.

[–] 1 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (4 children)

There is concern amongst critics that it will not always be possible to examine the hardware components on which Trusted Computing relies, the Trusted Platform Module, which is the ultimate hardware system where the core 'root' of trust in the platform has to reside.[10] If not implemented correctly, it presents a security risk to overall platform integrity and protected data

Literally all TPM's are proprietary. It's basically a permanent, unauditable backdoor, that has had numerous issues, like this one (software), or this one (hardware).

We should move away from them, and other proprietary backdoors that deny users control over there own system, rather than towards them, and instead design apps that don't need to trust the server, like end to end encryption.

Also: if software is APGL then they are legally required to give you the source code, behind the server software. Of course, they could just lie, but the problem of ensuring that a server runs certain software also has a legal solution.

[–] 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

So, officially no. But there are ongoing theories in the r/emulationonandroid subreddit that they are.

I think it could be either way, but it's unlikely that they are the same person. In both cases, harassment caused them to shut there projects down, which could be a reasanobale coincidence, or could be indicative of a larger harassment campaign.

[–] 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Crowdstrike didn't target anyone either. Yet, a mistake in code that privileged, resulted in massive outages. Intel ME runs at even higher privileges, in even more devices.

I am opposed to stuff like kernel level code, exactly for that reason. Mistakes can be just as harmful as malice, but both are parts of human nature. The software we design should protect us from ourselves, not expose us to more risk.

There is no such thing as a back door that "good guys" can access, but the bad guys cannot. Intel ME is exactly that, a permanent back door into basically every system. A hack of ME would take down basically all cyber infrastructure.

Cal state northridge?

[–] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

Why are you talking about Creative Commons?

Because (from the article):

Originally open-source under the General Public License, DuckStation‘s license was changed first to PolyFormStrict License and then to CC-BY-NC-ND. These changes prohibit commercial use and derivatives of the emulator, including packaging it for distribution.

Yeah. It's not supposed to be for code. Didn't stop the Duckstation developer.

There are plenty of options in licenses in the post-open source, copyfair, copyfarleft, & such that work for software that are not considered “free” or “open” (where open is more corporate than free, which free is obviously the better one) but still allow users to modify read & usually modify the source.

I would have to evaluate those licenses on a case by case basis, but I suspect I would find the vast majority of them okay enough. But again, this is moving the goalposts. I was expressing my concerns issues with the CC BY NC ND, but you have changed the discussion to be about other licenses. Although interesting, they are not relevant since the DuckStation license is not those.

I still think government funding for free software is the correct solution, however. I generally find all of the post open and whatnot licenses have restrictions can be problematic, or loopholes that can be abused to get out of the "good" restrictions. I noted a while ago with one of the licenses that demand that corporations making over some amount giving up a percentage of their profits, that Google used to do a scheme where Alphabet (parent company of google) was the actual owner of the google logo, and then they rented it to Google at an absurdly high price, in order to artificially lower Google's profits. I think that it would be too simple for the extremely wealthy companies to do something similar and use post-open licensed software without consequence.

Taxing corporations is hard, but having every individual entity behind a software try to extract resources from a corporation will be harder. "Divide and conquer". My understanding is that license violations are a Civil case, meaning you have to spend money on lawyers and other legal things and... you would be going against some of the richest entities in the world in a court where money is basically a win button.

And of course, allowing society to continue to rely on proper Free Software licenses, ensures software freedom is preserved.

usually modify the source.

No. If I cannot modify the source, then I don't really view a difference between it and proprietary software. Both the OSI and Free Software Foundation at least require the ability to modify the source code, in order for a license to actually count at FOSS under their guidelines — and I agree with them. Code I cannot modify, is a piece of my computer I do not own.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (5 children)

Some of these license are very clear about what is commericial

The license chosen in this article is the Creative Commons license, which is not a code license, but instead one intended for art. On their own page, they acknowledge the difficulty with categorizing commercial vs non-commercial usecases:

In CC’s experience, it is usually relatively easy to determine whether a use is permitted, and known conflicts are relatively few considering the popularity of the NC licenses. However, there will always be uses that are challenging to categorize as commercial or noncommercial. CC cannot advise you on what is and is not commercial use. If you are unsure, you should either contact the rights holder for clarification, or search for works that permit commercial uses.

What’s wild is the banshees here rarely acknowledge how AGPL works similar to these now adding restrictions instead of laying out what you can do, but daddy OSI approved it so it must be good.

  1. "You must share source code of this service with your users" is not really an actual restriction on who can use the software and who can use it.

  2. Fuck the OSI. They've done more harm to free software than any other organization. In the recent controversy with redis and SSPL, they refused to acknowledge the actual problem of the SSPL license, that it was unusable due to requiring all "software used to deploy this software" being open source. Does that mean that people who deploy software on Windows have to cough up the source code for Windows? What about Intel Management Engine, the proprietary bit of code in every single Intel CPU. Redis moved to a dual license with that a proprietary license. An unusable license... and a proprietary license = proprietary software. But instead, the OSI whined that the problems with the SSPL was that it would "restrict usage" because people have to share more source code. The OSI, and open source, have always been corporate entities that unsurp free software. Just look at their sponsors page and see who supports them: Amazon, Google, Intel, Microsoft...

The goal is often to help workers & the commons—say you as an individual are free to use it for, or others for places where folks have equal pay or say, or less than 10 seats. To say that since a software license says Amazon can’t use this but you can means it’s all proprietary means you are either Amazon or a goober to think these are equivalent. Something something baby out with the water fallacy

You are moving the goalposts. I argued against a license that restricts derivatives and commercial use. You are now defending licenses that target specific entities and seek to remain open to workers and the commons. A license that restricts derivatives is not this.

To be blunt, I would be okay with a license that specifically restricts retroarch devs from making derivatives, and I would find it funny af. I think that was what the Duckstation dev was going for with the noncommercial and no derivatives (since retroarch maintains forks of software in order to add it as cores), but I'm frustrated at what is essentially a shift to a proprietary license instead.

Although such a hypothetical license that targets the retroarch developers would not be approved by the OSI or the Free Software institutions, I don't really care. Racists don't get rights.

[–] 4 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (7 children)

No, these licenses are problematic. Fundamentally, it is proprietary software, and restricts me from full ownership and control over my computer.

No derivatives prevents me from modifying the program and maintaining the control I am owed to have over my device. Every bit of proprietary code is a percentage of my computer that is no longer truly mine.

No commercial usage is a continium fallacy. Is my blog commercial, because I advertise my resume on it? Is retroarch* commercial, because they have a patreon and get paid? Are "nonprofits" not commercial, since they claim to not want to make a profit? Or are only registered businesses commercial?

The correct solution to maintain softare freedom is for governments to extract money from the entities that profit the most off of free software, and use those taxes to fund free software. Germany is kind of doing this with their sovreign tech fund.

*Fuck the retroarch devs btw. Did a little digging, they seem to have been very problematic, and ran multiple harassment campaigns.

That pages shows how to use curl to upload to

I've used the pastebinit program listed on that page to upload to, but it supports other sites as well.


cross-posted from:

I couldn't get any of the OS images to load on any of the browsers I tested, but they loaded for other people I tested it with. I think I'm just unlucky. > > Linux emulation isn't too polished.


I couldn't get any of the OS images to load on any of the browsers I tested, but they loaded for other people I tested it with. I think I'm just unlucky.

Linux emulation isn't too polished.


According to the archwiki article on a swapfile on btrfs:

Tip: Consider creating the subvolume directly below the top-level subvolume, e.g. @swap. Then, make sure the subvolume is mounted to /swap (or any other accessible location).

But... why? I've been researching for a bit now, and I still don't understand the benefit of a subvolume directly below the top level subvolume, as opposed to a nested subvolume.

At first I thought this might be because nested subvolumes are included in snapshots, but that doesn't seem to be the case, according to a reddit post... but I can't find anything about this on the arch wiki, gentoo wiki, or the btrfs readthedocs page.

Any ideas? I feel like the tip wouldn't just be there just because.


I've recently done some talks for my schools cybersecurity club, and now I want to edit them.

My actual video editing needs are very simple, I just need to clip parts of the video out, which basically every editor can do, as per my understanding.

However, my videos were recorded from my phone, and I don't have a presentation mic or anything of the sort, meaning background noise, including people talking has slipped in. From my understanding, it's trivial to filter out general noise from audio, as human voices have a specific frequency, even "live", like during recording or during a game, but filtering voices is harder.

However, it seems that AI can do this:

Although, it seems to only work on .wav audio files, meaning I would need to separate out the audio track first, convert it to wav, and then re merge it back in.

Before I go learning how to do this, I'm wondering if there is already an existing FOSS video editor, or plugin to an editor that lets me filter the video itself, or a similar software that works on the audio of videos.


cross-posted from:

I was watching a twitch streamer play the game pogostuck (A game similar in frustration and difficulty to Getting over it with Bennett Foddy — Don't Fall!).

They were also reading chat at the same time (usually out loud, as well). Multitasking.

Lots of sources (here's one) say that true multitasking is impossible. Rather, it's very fast switching, where there is a degradation of performance.

Knowing this, I naturally made it my mission to trip the streamer up with seemingly benign messages.

I was sharing some actual information about another streamer who beat another game, but a made a typo something like:

I remember a streamer beat the game a game ...

And I noticed how much more the streamer struggled to read this compared to previous, accidental typos (missing spaces, extra spaces, etc.). He spent a good 5 seconds on this message, and during the process, he fell really far. 😈

So I decided to do some testing. Inserting words, swapping them around, and whatnot, to see what tripped him up the most. Most typos didn't affect him.

There was one typo that tripped him again, where I said something like:

If it wasn't for a for

So it seems to be repetition? But I couldn't always replicate this with other forms of repetition.

Later on, I copied the two guards riddle, with an alteration:

One of the guards always lies and the other always lies as wekk. You don't know which one is the truth-teller or the liar either. However both guards know each other

Sadly, I didn't cut the part about "don't know which is truth teller or liar" out.

The streamer spent a good 5 minutes interpreting this puzzle, and eventually interpreting it as the original puzzle. Then, he was trying to solve a riddle, game, and read chat all at once.

He was stuck on the bottom until he gave up on the riddle (I revealed that I meant what I said when I said both guards lie). 😈

Anyway, that was a bit off topic but still relevant.

I'm wondering if any studies have been done on this? I know studies have been done on human's ability to read words with the letters partially scrambled, but what about typos?

How can I improve my distraction game (with plausible deniability of course)?


I was watching a twitch streamer play the game pogostuck (A game similar in frustration and difficulty to Getting over it with Bennett Foddy — Don't Fall!).

They were also reading chat at the same time (usually out loud, as well). Multitasking.

Lots of sources (here's one) say that true multitasking is impossible. Rather, it's very fast switching, where there is a degradation of performance.

Knowing this, I naturally made it my mission to trip the streamer up with seemingly benign messages.

I was sharing some actual information about another streamer who beat another game, but a made a typo something like:

I remember a streamer beat the game a game ...

And I noticed how much more the streamer struggled to read this compared to previous, accidental typos (missing spaces, extra spaces, etc.). He spent a good 5 seconds on this message, and during the process, he fell really far. 😈

So I decided to do some testing. Inserting words, swapping them around, and whatnot, to see what tripped him up the most. Most typos didn't affect him.

There was one typo that tripped him again, where I said something like:

If it wasn't for a for

So it seems to be repetition? But I couldn't always replicate this with other forms of repetition.

Later on, I copied the two guards riddle, with an alteration:

One of the guards always lies and the other always lies as wekk. You don't know which one is the truth-teller or the liar either. However both guards know each other

Sadly, I didn't cut the part about "don't know which is truth teller or liar" out.

The streamer spent a good 5 minutes interpreting this puzzle, and eventually interpreting it as the original puzzle. Then, he was trying to solve a riddle, game, and read chat all at once.

He was stuck on the bottom until he gave up on the riddle (I revealed that I meant what I said when I said both guards lie). 😈

Anyway, that was a bit off topic but still relevant.

I'm wondering if any studies have been done on this? I know studies have been done on human's ability to read words with the letters partially scrambled, but what about typos?

How can I improve my distraction game (with plausible deniability of course)?


cross-posted from:

docker-tcp-switchboard is pretty good, but it has two problems for me:

  • Doesn't support non-ssh connections
  • Containers, not virtual machines

I am setting up a simple CTF for my college's cybersecurity club, and I want each competitor to be isolated to their own virtual machine. Normally I'd use containers, but they don't really work for this, because it's a container escape ctf...

My idea is to deploy linuxserver/webtop, as the entry point for the CTF, (with the insecure option enabled, if you know what I mean), but but it only supports one user at a time, if multiple users attempt to connect, they all see the same X session.

I don't have too much time, so I don't want to write a custom solution. If worst comes to worst, then I will just put a virtual machine on each of the desktops in the shared lab.

Any ideas?


docker-tcp-switchboard is pretty good, but it has two problems for me:

  • Doesn't support non-ssh connections
  • Containers, not virtual machines

I am setting up a simple CTF for my college's cybersecurity club, and I want each competitor to be isolated to their own virtual machine. Normally I'd use containers, but they don't really work for this, because it's a container escape ctf...

My idea is to deploy linuxserver/webtop, as the entry point for the CTF, (with the insecure option enabled, if you know what I mean), but but it only supports one user at a time, if multiple users attempt to connect, they all see the same X session.

I don't have too much time, so I don't want to write a custom solution. If worst comes to worst, then I will just put a virtual machine on each of the desktops in the shared lab.

Any ideas?


So basically, my setup has everything encrypted except /boot/efi. This means that /boot/grub is encrypted, along with my kernels.

I am now attempting to get secure boot setup, to lock some stuff, down, but I encountered this issue:

Now I could sign the font files... but I don't want to. Font files and grub config are located under /boot/grub, and therefore encrypted. An attacker doing something like removing my hard drive would not be able to modify them.

I don't want to go through the effort of encrypting font files, does anyone know if there is a version of grub that doesn't do this?

Actually, preferably, I would like a version of grub that doesn't verify ANYTHING. Since everything but grub's efi file is encrypted, it would be so much simpler to only do secure boot for that.

And yes, I do understand there are security benefits to being able to prevent an attacker that has gained some level of running access to do something like replacing your kernel. But I'm less concerned about that vector of attack, I would simply like to make it so that my laptops aren't affected by evil maid attacks, without losing benefits from timeshift or whatnot.

I found the specific commit where grub enforces verification of font files:

But I don't really feel interested in creating and maintaining my own fork of grub, and I am wondering if someone has already done that.


I'm having trouble with networking on linux. I am renting a vps with only one NIC, one ipv4 address, and a /64 range of ipv6 ones. I want to deploy openstack neutron to this vps, but openstack neutron is designed to be ran on machines with two NIC's, one for normal network access, and entirely dedicated to virtualized networking, like in my case, giving an openstack virtual machine a public ipv6 address. I want to create a virtual NIC, which can get it's own public ipv6 addresses, for the vm's, without losing functionality of the main NIC, and I also want the vm's to have ipv4 connectivity. I know this setup is possible, as the openstack docs say so, but they didnt' cover how to do so.


There is an overview of what you need to do here, but I don't understand how to turn this into a usable setup. In addition to that, it seems you would need to give vm's public ipv4 addresses, in order for them to have internet connectivity. I would need to create a NAT type network that routes through the main working interface, and then put the neutron interface partially behind that, in order for ipv4 connectivity to happen.

I've been searching around for a bit, so I know this exact setup is possible: (last updated in 2016, outdated)

But I haven't found an updated guide on how to do it.

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