
joined 1 year ago

I, a fool, sent a pic of my soul.

[–] misterundercoat@lemmy.world 12 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Just like the stimulations

[–] misterundercoat@lemmy.world 13 points 2 months ago

Kevin Conroy the goat

[–] misterundercoat@lemmy.world 2 points 2 months ago

Time to cue the Fleetwood Mac

[–] misterundercoat@lemmy.world 10 points 2 months ago (3 children)

36! But last year I had 37!

[–] misterundercoat@lemmy.world 7 points 3 months ago

It transitions more easily into the ol' seig heil which they’re all just waiting until it's more acceptable to do in public.

[–] misterundercoat@lemmy.world 41 points 3 months ago

It's mind-blowing how bad they fucked up Overwatch. All they had to do was keep the OW1 servers and progression for PvP, and sell PvE expansion packs. Expand the lore through PvE expansion packs and offer exclusive cosmetics that people can show off in PvP, but don't stop releasing cosmetics that can be obtained through PvP gameplay.

Add on a battle pass for more exclusive cosmetics (NOT FUCKING HEROES), and bam you've got a stew going.

That would bring in more than enough revenue to keep the servers running and making a tidy profit for years, like TF2.

[–] misterundercoat@lemmy.world 4 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Is it predatory, though? Or are people just upset because they fell for pre-order hype, despite it being 2024 and they should know better.

Let's not muddy the waters by comparing it to gambling. Pay-to-win (or pay-for-convenience, which, in my opinion, is the same as pay-to-win) is not gambling. It's just shit. You're not paying for a randomized chance at a reward. You know exactly what you're getting.

I don't have first-hand knowledge of the game, but from what I have seen, there are no predatory IU elements to lure vulnerable kids into stealing their mom's credit card.

Don't get me wrong. I think the MTX is shit. I was mildly interested in the game, but now I won't consider it even on 75% Steam sale. Capcom won't be getting my money, that's my choice.

We don't need the government involved in regulating shitty entertainment. It's not water or electricity or healthcare. You can just not buy the thing. If you start calling for regulation of everything you don't like, that's how you get geriatric politicians who never played a game in their life and still call it "the Nintendo" deciding what you can and can't have in your game.

[–] misterundercoat@lemmy.world -4 points 3 months ago (3 children)

If enough people are buying it, they'll keep doing it whether you like it or not. So why waste your energy getting mad about it?

You already lost the fight when you start talking about "bad behavior" and "blame." Just accept the fact that you're not the target audience for shitty modern AAA games, and move on.

It's OK. I'm not the target audience either. I'm not the target audience for Taylor Swift concerts, either. Does that make it "bad behavior" if I don't like her ticket prices?

Stop getting mad about companies making money. That's literally their purpose. There are plenty of other products out there to buy.

[–] misterundercoat@lemmy.world 63 points 3 months ago (7 children)

Stop buying this shit, and they'll stop doing it.

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