So Soviet Russia wasn’t so bad when compared to this
It never was 😹😹😹😹😹
The village would be birth control, abortions and sterilizations being available to anyone who needs them so that 17 year old children aren’t having children in the first place
Why is a 17 year old having kids?
Oh I’m so sad for him I’m even shed a tear 😹😹😹
Nah this is satire! This has to be satire!!!! Please someone tell me this is satire!!!!!!!!
Oh ok, that’s sad, let me shed a few tears here before I go back to be exploited by the rich 😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹
Who the fuck named him the boss of anything? And Europe doenst need defense we are perfectly capable of defending ourselves thank you very much
People who drive teslas can even drive manual cars?
Bold of you to assume humans will still exist
Australia and new zeland also I want to see trump cry