
joined 1 year ago
[–] 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

TLDR you might be interested in the rust-based scheduler one of the Canonical Devs released as a PoC. Seemed to be designed similar to your needs of keeping the system (particularly games) responsive even whilst running heavy tasks like kernel compilations. You can swap out schedulers at run time on Linux iirc?

[–] 3 points 1 week ago

I've seen some impressive traction on newer videos putting Linux on (intel) Apple devices for example. Purely anecdotal but regularly hitting 100k+ views on Linux videos is something that I've only seen in the last year or so and moreso on videos documenting "hardware restoration".

[–] 8 points 2 weeks ago

Tim refuses to stop shooting himself in the foot against Valve. More news at 11

[–] 11 points 3 weeks ago

inb4 the "divided left" this article is referring to is actually a bunch of united socialists being told to suck it up and vote for a deeply unpopular ex-banker who barely scraped ahead of le pen the last time he and his paedophile wife were declared the "last hope" against fascism

[–] 24 points 1 month ago (4 children)

this is probably delightful if you ever get a flu or cold

[–] 7 points 1 month ago (2 children)

no more blocked nose :)

[–] 11 points 1 month ago

that's true but the Jerusalem post isn't a primary source in this case, the direct source would be a Knesset press statement.

I'd say least prefer a rule on serving these sites behind a cache link so the ads and clicks aren't registered!

[–] 31 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Gotta give it up for the UK and US proving how institutionally corrupt their public services are!

[–] 28 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Once again asking that we don't directly link to the fucking Jerusalem Post, which is barely more reputable and progressive than if the daily mail began demanding its editors to browse stormfront forums for 8 hours a day

[–] 7 points 1 month ago

this is why we need ar-15s, for the 30 to 50 feral hog Bluetooth notifications

[–] 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Ah, the docs say AMD isn't officially supported but it does work for some GPUs, but is that just for Windows or does that apply to Linux too?


Sure, I could just google this, and I have! However, the results are a bit confusing:

Plex Documentation

"Only Intel and Nvidia" Sure, cool.

Literally every other forum discussing this stuff

"Oh yeah I used my [Not Intel or Nvidia chip] and it worked out of the box"

So which is it? Because I'm really not interested on supporting Intel, but if getting HW Transcoding Plex requires them then I'll have to consider migrating to Jellyfin.

[–] 39 points 1 month ago (2 children)

These morons are insufferable because they don't believe anything exists outside the frame of the photo. they have worse object permanence to babies


What is it?

You can use Smokeless_UMAF to configure almost all options on AMD systems including UMA Buffer size (For systems like the steamdeck and laptops), RAM overclocking, CPU power states and voltage settings, and much more, even if your system's BIOS doesn't expose the option for you.

Tutorial for increasing your UMA buffer on an AMD Phoenix Laptop

Boot into a FAT32 drive with the downloaded Zip extracted to the root, and then use the "Device Manager" section to locate the UMA buffer size.

The location within the utility is at

Device Manager > AMD CBS > NBIO Common Options.

Once set, back out and apply the changes, rebooting your system. You can then confirm that the option has been applied by checking your system monitor of choice (Windows > Task Manager, Linux > Whatever) and checking to see if your available RAM has decreased (indicating greater allocation of memory to the iGPU).

This may not remain applied through BIOS updates, and may cause hardware damage if misconfigured, and may result in an unbootable system if misused or by chance. You may need to reset your BIOS if that's the case, if possible by your system manufacturer.


Child Polygon2Ds of a nav mesh by default act as obstacles, so the nav mesh avoids them. However, I just want to use the Polygon2D as the source for the nav region and remain its own node so I can do stuff like, modulate it when the player hovers over it with their cursor.


I haven't seen the update come through to my system but since I have a more-than-slightly-borked grub setup, I have a feeling it could be to do with that.

As a side note RE: above -- Are people running a kernel newer than 6.5.0-18-generic ?


A sad day for emulation and open source advocates, and a reminder that Nintendo can and will destroy you if they see fit.

Hopefully their works will live in the saved repos just as ReVanced was able to live on after YouTube shut the original project down.


I have a Lenovo 14aPH8 (Ideapad 5 gen 8?) which has a high DPI Screen with an AMD 7840HS (780m iGPU).

It's giving a bunch of memory corruption when on youtube in fullscreen, or before I reduce the resolution of a fullscreen application (Assetto Corsa Competizione is the only I've tried so far) from the native resolution to 1080p.

I previously RMA'd the Laptop due to similar artifacts on Pop!OS, and they confirmed the entire motherboard was replaced. However, the artifacts didn't go away so I tried KDE Neon which thankfully didn't have the same issues, until I tried gaming and youtube.On X11, the issues are gone, but as a fan of fractional scaling and touchscreen gestures I'm still using Wayland.

While this could be a hardware issue (I can't confirm as the laptop is so new not many people have it, let alone on linux) I'm sure this is software related because it only happens on X11, and I've also seem similar reports by nVidia users on Wayland.

Anyone able to signpost me if this isn't something KDE devs can investigate? I know a lot of them are active within the Wayland space so I thought asking here would be a good idea :)

EDIT: Looks like there's some upstream bug in the DRM with variable refresh rates and/or adaptive sync. Disabling it in KDE's settings seems to sort the problem in Youtube/games. Can't say the same for anyone else tho


I've installed Pop!OS after getting my Lenovo Ideapad Pro 5 back from the warranty repair. Supposedly they changed the motherboard (which I don't doubt, it was waiting a week for new parts apparently), but even after that I'm still getting graphical errors and bugs when moving between desktops and other window animations. I know X11 can be a bit buggy at best, so it could just be that on top of the newer SoC.


TLDR: XFCE and Cinnamon devs are ~~begging~~ beginning to work on Wayland support.


can I get a W in the chat????

EDIT rip inbox lmao

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by to c/

So I've got a couple of services that I access using for example, but since Nextcloud runs its own web server it's hosted on

How do I set up my services so I can access them from a friendly URI like Nextcloud instead of ports?

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