and he's super high profile, has committed tons of crimes. why hasn't ICE deported his ass?
I mean, I know why, but it would be a fun thing to ask on, like, CNN or something.
and he's super high profile, has committed tons of crimes. why hasn't ICE deported his ass?
I mean, I know why, but it would be a fun thing to ask on, like, CNN or something.
yeah but he's from south africa before his guys lost the war.
which are both woke.
I'd argue you need a little more, but those things are also woke. the only thing that WOULDN'T be woke would be requiring all the internal wiring be done by children, who yearn for the ~~mines~~ server racks
this is why nobody fucking likes liberals; you'd rather shit on the people you say are your allies, whose aid and support of YOUR plans at any cost and never benefit to them is your right bestowed upon you by god and his prophet, ludwig von mises, than raise a god damn finger, even on your keyboard, to stop the literal nazis gutting all your precious institutions.
the election is over. if you genuinely want to make things better; move the fuck on, and join a filthy commie or a damned anarchist in one of our projects. or you can just keep telling us its our fault and the fascists aren't at all to blame.
people chose
technically true; dem elite ghouls are people.
none of what you listed is new
yes that's exactly the point. two of these are from the 90s, one is from like 2001. old enough to have good credit and cheap car insurance. im making fun of the title.
morrowind isn't really that weird
no, but it blew a lot of people's minds so i put it on the list.
continues lots of the same themes
citation needed. not that I dislike it, it just feels like the name is tacked on to an otherwise lovely CRPG.
well, no, again, 'paid' implies money, which can just be declared fake. your accounts, the serial numbers on your bills, the provenance of the art or precious metals shipped to you. if you aren't absolutely in control in that system, you are nothing, and if you outlive your usefulness, why should they let you keep your points and continue extracting treats from their pool of treats?
the only thing to do that would keep any value given to you would be to continue your utility to them, until you fucking die, or be at the top.
okay, yes, their lives really don't matter, it's just good for them too, and if they were rationally self interested they would want it.
I don't even think he'd make it up.
one fun thing we can already see; they're .gov addresses, so it's clearly not OUTSIDE the government. this is officially a government action, if laws still existed, that would have all sorts of interesting implications for everyone involved.
they don't, but, like, if they did.
im kind of shocked a show that was good got a second season on streaming.
read what I said. read what I actually said, please. stop replying to some imagined figure. go back and read what I said.