no, they already know that. they can learn from anyone around them. they go to auschwitz to learn the proudest traditions of their people, and why they can never be allowed to fail (at exterminating the brutes) again.
"linked critics to jeffery epstein". from a normal shitty guy that would just mean he was saying 'everyone talking shit about me is also shit'. but he's not a normal shitty guy. he's a delusional solipsistic narcissist who cannot imagine anything but himself and has a larger share of society by percentage from a larger more materially and population abundant/surplus society than has ever existed before in the history of life on earth. so when he accuses someone, ANYONE of something, ANYTHING; he is admitting that he can at least imagine himself doing it.
which means he has imagined himself doing it. and if he had unlimited money and zero consequences and zero conscience, and was into that, why not make his most fucked up fantasies a reality? and he wouldn't have remembered the guy existed if it wasn't important. so he clearly enjoyed himself. and went back. a lot.
so yes. I can't prove it in court, because the stardards of courts are classist and bullshit and also I'm very high right now, but elon musk definitely fucked a buncha kids. also he totally looks like a pedo. i'd bet a kidney on that, if there were anywhere i trusted for that kind of thing.
zionists do not regret being nazis. they just do more nazi shit.