
joined 1 year ago
[–] 30 points 1 week ago (3 children)

I'm sure this fat greedy fuck would be edible if we slow roasted him, basted with a nice strong chili sauce

[–] 27 points 2 weeks ago (8 children)

Being bad or evil is literally bad for your health.

The better you act, the better your health - great teeth, good muscle, low fat, high fitness, good looks, and longevity (to a point), no addiction or mental health issues, selfless with no crazy ego. Ie Mother Teresa looks like a supermodel!

Health can fluctuate based on behavior but it always drops 3x faster than it improves. So if you fuck around on your wife, your teeth go bad, or you start balding etc. cheat on your taxes, or lie maliciously (excl. good lies like Santa) you start to get fat n ugly.

If you're a miserable prick who fires staff, scams people, bribes, hires children for sweatshops or harms people just to increase profit or boost share price you get cancer. But if you help those people then you may be cured provided you handle it really well and undo all the damage.

You attack someone, pedal harmful drugs or hoard unnecessary wealth, you go blind/deaf until you earn it back, more than once and it becomes permanent, each time after that you lose a limb for good.

You intentionally harm or kill someone via murder, drink driving, rape etc then it's game over via a slow, long, painful debilitating disease that's contagious to anyone you like or care about, ensuring you die alone.

To help identify the good/bad, your gut instincts are 10,000x more powerful and obvious to warn you of the dangers or benefits of each choice.

[–] 2 points 3 weeks ago

Serious Sam - almost any version!

[–] 3 points 1 month ago

Little red hatchback: Elmo Blue SUV with a big, ugly nose: Gonzo

[–] 3 points 1 month ago

Did VD Jance get his junk caught in the laziboy recline mechanism?

[–] 7 points 1 month ago

Mate, ease up!

Add some lube and loosen your death grip and you'll have a more pleasant experience

[–] 6 points 1 month ago

Bro, just add it to the pile of rubbish over there next to the 3D movies and curved TVs

[–] 7 points 2 months ago (2 children)

At this point, what benefit is there of doing nothing and "following the rules"?

If Biden wins, then what? It doesn't fix any of the BS the supreme Court has created it just buys a couple more years until Trump tries again or the next Rep maga agent comes along. Looking at the state of the Republican party, this would be almost any of them at this point then the US is in the exact same position.

They can't hold off the Republicans forever.

Of course if he does reset the court, jails or executes Trump then that plays directly into the hands of the crazies too "SEE! We told you he's trying to take over democracy!!"

[–] 5 points 2 months ago (1 children)


Once we're warriors

Excellent movies - but terrible reality of what is like living poor in New Zealand in the 1980's and 1990's

[–] 74 points 2 months ago (7 children)

Phase one: force everyone's data into their OneDrive account. OneDrive now at capacity, you must upgrade to ensure all your data is backed up and retained.

Phase two: MS secretly (or not so secretly) use all this data to train copilot.

Human generated content to feed into ai systems is the new good rush

[–] 0 points 2 months ago (6 children)

In not familiar with exactly what happened that night but just an uneducated guess:

All of the threats that Kyle encountered was in response to the fact that he was playing Timmy Toughguy and actively strolling around with a gun...

If he was just wandering around being an unarmed cunt then the chance of being swung at is still not zero but pretty damn close to it.

If at any point he ran - and kept running, or dropped the gun and ran, fully retreating from the crowd I doubt he would have been chased too far and the need to shoot would have been eliminated

In the same way he (correctly) saw others as a threat, the primary reason he was being threatened was because everyone else saw a random civilian with an assault rifle that was a 50x larger threat well before they threatened him. Even if he intended to do nothing with it, he knew he was sending a threatening message just being there with it and he then seemed shocked when people started responding to that threat - of course they would try and disarm him at a bare minimum.

The threat to Kyle at this point was genuinely high because most adults in the US - or anywhere - instantly recognise what a random civilian in public with an assault rifle means - mass shooting. This is exactly the message Kyle intended to send in order to scare rioters off. If he wasn't there just to scare people off then he was there to actively murder people. At this point I could put it down to a dumb kid making a really stupid mistake. Maybe worth a few years in jail for gun charges or inciting violence?

But he didn't retreat as he was being threatened - a fraction of what he was threatening others. He chose to attack instead and it's at this point he deserves to spend the rest of his days rotting in jail. He tried to send a message, that message wasn't received so he murdered those who were fearing for, and attempting to protect their own lives.

Kyle choose to be the aggressor - and much greater threat to anyone there - from the start. He wasn't protecting his own family, house or neighbourhood, he crossed state lines to be an aggressor. Kyle continued to act as the aggressor at every stage of the encounter.

Fuck Kyle.

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