
joined 9 months ago
[–] 7 points 10 hours ago (1 children)

if it comes to that, we'll just switch back to ifconfig etc

[–] 21 points 22 hours ago (3 children)

If I were a politician and found out a malicious actor like russia or china supports me, I would re-evaluate my whole campaign, plans and program. It's an indicator there's something in it that will harm my country.

[–] 9 points 1 day ago

--exclude works reliable for me. can you give us an example of an --exclude and the file name that tar outputs when adding it?

[–] 3 points 2 days ago

he died for our sins

[–] 3 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Windows, macOS and a ton of other Linux distros do that as well.

First of all, windows and macOS are not for free. They cost extra money, sometimes hidden in the PC cost when pre-installed. When they do a major update, like Win10 to 11, you are at their mercy, if your license can be used to upgrade. Often it can, but sometimes your PC is not "Windows 11 ready" or so and then you get updates for your old system for a few more years until they drop you like a hot potato and throw you to the malware wolves.

Additionally, in Windows the automatic updates are just for the OS itself and some apps from its store. A few apps like Chrome and FF install their own extra update service on top. A lot of other programs check for updates individually or some not at all and often you have to download and run their installer for every update. Idk how it is in macOS tho. Haven't used it in years.

Yes, a ton of other Linux distros also have background unattended-upgrade or similar. However, the people who choose Ubuntu over those are usually looking for a quick solution that almost always just installs without problems. They usyally don't have time or patience for any complications, however small. So they choose the fire-and-forget Linux and additionally have greater chances to find a fix or help in the super rare case it doesn't work, because the bigger user base increases the likelyhood someone else is familiar or has infos regarding that exotic issue.

[–] 19 points 3 days ago (12 children)

it's kinda the fire-and-forget of OSes. you just press the update/upgrade button when the unattended-upgrade didn't catch all and it just works for free and forever.

[–] 13 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (3 children)

right after a sattelite broke into space debris and the ISS crew had to go into their ships for safety? a lot going on up there

Slashdot: ISS Astronauts Take Shelter In Boeing Starliner After Satellite Breakup

[–] 10 points 3 days ago

he's using the measuring tape to check how many centimeters of war crimes landed in that home

[–] 20 points 3 days ago

brought to you by the department of redundancy department

[–] 1 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

maybe koreader has an error and that causes the autologin session to end and you go to login.

another problem could be another login thingy started first and greetd can't use the tty. check inittab

[–] 3 points 3 days ago (1 children)

I agree, but agile and scrum are not meant to be followed to the letter no matter what. So people are doing it right if they notice some part of the process should be changed to make it work for them.


The area of the cooling towers of decomissioned nuclear plant Biblis has been hit by a flood, but there seems to be no threat of contamination as the area containing waste material is on slightly higher ground.


Information zum Eintreten von Trümmerteilen in die Erdatmosphäre - Deutschland

Im Zeitraum zwischen dem Mittag des 08. März und dem Mittag des 09. März wird der Wiedereintritt eines größeren Weltraumobjektes in die Erdatmosphäre erwartet, das möglicherweise zersplittern wird. Bei dem Objekt handelt es sich um Batteriepakete der Internationalen Raumstation ISS. Leuchterscheinungen oder die Wahrnehmung eines Überschallknalls sind möglich. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit des Auftreffens von Trümmerteilen in Deutschland, ist nach jetzigen Informationen als sehr gering einzuschätzen. Sollte sich das Risiko erhöhen, erhalten Sie eine neue Information. Eine Übersicht über die zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt wahrscheinliche Überflugbahn finden Sie hier:


The tracking says it's in a town right next to me since 24h. What are they doing! 😨


I saw this funny code block I linked, but it's missing a dollar sign when viewed in Sync.

I don't even know where to report bugs and if its github I won't because github is becoming cancer and i deleted my account.


If you make a movie and it starts with a scene that would chronologically happen after the next part of the movie, you're an asshole.

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