
joined 1 year ago
[–] 9 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

In germany - I think - blood and plasma donations are most commonly done with the DRK (German Red Cross). I might be wrong, but DRK is not a for profit organization, but "gemeinnützig". Organizations with that status get controlled by the government for it, so they are non-profit. I think the 25€ are an incentive to come and donate, just as the chocolate and drinks and the small goodies, that you get there. And you only can get the money, if you go to one of the fixed DRK locations. If the DRK comes to somewhere near you (as they often do with churches, town halls, schools and universities) you don't get any money. I can at least believe, that these two are monetarily similar for the DRK. If you come to them, they don't need to pay for getting the equipment and people to you. And providing incentives for donating blood is in effect a good thing, as they are working, thus we have more blood to save lifes.

Ofcourse actors later in the chain are probably profit oriented. Though there I would see the discussion disconnected from the donation. It is more about if we want profit oriented actors in healthcare.

And - as always - the US healthcare system seems to do the worst thing possible every time. Sorry, americans, don't want to bash you, but capitalism...

[–] 2 points 3 weeks ago

An interesting customer base might be small communal organisations. At our local scouts troop I had a discussion with a friend, who is also in IT. His idea (not fleshed out) was to provide small local organizations with a stack of already configured open source software to support the typical needs of such organizations (like a wordpress website, a nextcloud for file storage and common calender, limesurvey for surveys and event registration, mailman3 for mailing lists,...). Depending on the needs you could sell the initial setup process (your personal work in setting up and skill transfer) or ongoing support. Though such organizations normally don't have much money to give away. So probably its not really worth your time financially (though probably really appreciated in the community).

[–] 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I cannot find callibreoffice. Where can I get it to try? Or do you mean Collabora?

[–] 7 points 1 month ago (4 children)

I really need a libreoffice calc on my android phone. Not just opening (where currently only Microsoft Excel on Android works for me) but also editing and saving to my connected nextcloud (where I have also problems with Excel)

[–] 5 points 1 month ago (1 children)

This seems to me like a categorical error. You speak about proof and facts, which are ultimately connected to the scientific method. Scientists often say "There is no evidence, that this happens/exists" (that phrase is important) and will disregard it, until there is evidence. That doesn't make them close minded. Changes in knowlege are applied when they arrive, not through speculation without evidence beforehand. That way we can approximate the truth in our physical world. There is no scientific evidence of a god existing, so scientists disregard her, until such evidence appears.

Now you could say, that a god would exceed the physical limits of our world/existance. But then the whole scientific method becomes useless (as how would you get scientifical evidence for something outside of the scientific world) and you cannot speak about facts or truth or proof. This is the realm of belief, not science. And it will stay this way until a god would bridge over this devide.

So i would say: When talking about science, proof and facts, you need to stay in the reach of the scientific method. When talking about something outside of its reach (metaphysical), then its belief. Even you talking about the possibility of a god is a question about belief.

[–] 6 points 2 months ago

Eh, Wonderwall sounding right is really not a kid level song. I struggled for some time with it. Lady in Black is the absolute beginner song. Good for practicing a 4/4 strumming pattern and 2 of the easiest chords (Em and D).

[–] 5 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Den Vergleich mit den LINKEN verLINKEN XD

[–] 6 points 4 months ago (2 children)

Other countries also have Call of Duty, but not such a big problem with mass shootings. So I don't think its that easy. I think it is more interesting, what the NRA is doing. Such a big and powerful lobby organization should have way more influence, than a video game series.

[–] 7 points 4 months ago

Sounds as dumb of an idea as the one child policy

[–] 8 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Äh, ate the onion? Was ist denn für ein Verein? Weiß das jemand? Von den Schlagzeilen der Hauptseite hört sich das zwischen Satire und Bullshit an. Sehe erstmal nicht warum ich denen irgendwas glauben sollte. Vlt kann mich ja jemand erhellen.

[–] 19 points 7 months ago (4 children)

Where I live in germany there is a saying: "Anderswo is auch scheiße". Literally translates to "Other places are also shit". So I'm currently not considering moving into another country. Though I often ask myself, what I would do if germany goes the nazi route again. The AfD is real scum.

[–] 2 points 7 months ago

That is an important part of the plot in the german book Qualityland. Really hilarious



I need help with my first homelab hardware. Maybe you experts can help me with that. I looked at this tutorial about building your own Openshift one node cluster using an Intel NUC, though I’m unsure, if I really should buy one of these.

I have set a budget of 1000€ (I’m located in germany). The tutorial suggests the Intel NUC10i7FNK, which I can get for 450€ new here (would buy 64GB RAM and a 2TB M.2 SSD for that). And I would follow the tutorial in getting a dedicated router for my lab environment.

Can I get more for my money (also in terms of upgradability) with some other product? Or should I just get that suggested NUC? I don’t need it to be that small (can be a tower), but I don’t want real server hardware, since the lab will run in my home office.

Thanks in advance for your help. My brain hurts from comparing products, searching for their availability, etc.


I've now decided to buy the NUC10i7FNK. It seems to be a sensible choice and the tutorial says, that it has enough beef for my first goal of building my own Openshift cluster for experimenting.

Thanks to all of you! You helped me to get to a good decision in this wide field of home lab equipment.



I'm rather new to web development. For my local scouts troop I'm currently trying to build a webapp to show a big browsable timeline of the troops chronicles (We have many big folders of paper showing what the scouts did that year). I've already build the ground structure based on Django for the backend and vue for the frontend. And I can display the individual elements of the chronicles (Writings, articles, pictures; videos and audio for newer entries) in a list.

Now I want to create a component, that will display a horizontal timeline with the ability to move and zoom, showing elements depending on the zoom level with different level of detail. I want to make it easy to browse the timeline of over 70 years with entries per year (like 30 elements per year).

I already tried timeline-js, but it doesn't quite behave like I want it to be (zooming, different levels of detail,...). For me it seems, that it cannot really be customized enough to reach my goal (though I might be wrong about that).

Then I thought about building that timeline component myself, though I don't know where to start in building such a component (how to draw the timeline itself with its markings, how to draw the elements at the correct position,...)

Can you give me a hint/direction where I should look for a solution? Maybe you know a tutorial for a similar situation (creating your own complex UI components)?

Thanks in advance for your help! Currently I feel like I don't know enough to ask the correct question to a search engine for a solution.

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